COPE Course Information and Instructions

WHERE: Camp Seminole. From Starkville, take Highway 82 west. Go past Starkville landmarks of the Dark Horse Tavern and Ricks, then turn right on North Jackson Street (also Hwy 389 North). Stay on North Jackson/Hwy 389 for about 4-5 miles. You will go down a series of long hills then cross a couple of bridges. Look for a sign indicating Camp Seminole. Turn right onto Sun Creek Road. Drive for approximately 1 mile. Look for the wooden Camp Seminole sign on your right. Turn right onto a dirt road into the camp. Follow the road all the way to the Dining Hall (it is at the end of the road!). Be in the dining hall no later than 7:45.

WHAT: An outstanding opportunity to practice and enhance the leadership skills we’ve talked about in class, namely, trust, decision making, problem solving, creativity, teamwork, communication, and FUN.

DRESS: Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty! Make sure you wear close toed shoes. Athletic shoes or hiking boots work well if they are VERY comfortable. Dress appropriately for the weather. We will be outdoors all day. If you have long hair, bring something to pull it back with.

WHAT’S PROVIDED: Breakfast, lunch and snacks and water are provided. Bring your appetite.

CHALLENGE-BY-CHOICE: Remember that YOU are the expert on YOU. If you feel you should not participate in the physical aspects of any activity during the day, SAY SO! Do not try any activity you are not comfortable with. On the other hand, you should be able to participate in the brainstorming, idea creation, portion of every event. Also, all team members need support and encouragement. Help others by giving your encouraging words, regardless of your level of physical participation.

DON’T: Don’t wear jewelry. Don’t participate in any physical activity that you feel you should not do (remember that using good judgment about our abilities and depending on others IS good leadership!)

DO: Bring a good attitude. Be open-minded. If you show up thinking “this is sooo stupid” or “why am I here?”, you will probably get very little from the day. Be prepared to learn, try, and get as much out of the day as you possible can. Encourage others. Cheer your team on. And by all means, HAVE FUN!

WEATHER: We will attend the COPE course rain or shine! Please prepare yourself to be comfortable in whatever weather conditions we face. You may want to consider bringing sunscreen, a cap, insect repellant, etc.

* A $30 check, payable to Boy Scouts of America, is due during class. Also, you will be asked to complete a medical information/consent form.