Teacher / School Staff Enterprise and Employability Survey

1. Are you confident you know what enterprise education is? Yes / No / Maybe

* 2. Do you think enterprise education is everyteachers’ responsibility? Yes / No / Maybe

* 3. Please list any enterprise skills that employers are looking for from their employees?

* 4. Do your studentscurrently develop any of the following skills in any of your lessons?

Presentation SkillsTeamwork

Communication BuildingInitiative


ResilienceResearch Skills

Problem solving skillsTime Management

OrganisationalAttention to detail

4b. Could your students articulate the skills above that they may have been using? Yes / No

4c. Could you improve the students’ ability to articulate the skills they have gained in your lessons?Yes / No

5. Employers can add value to some of the units of study that you teach.

An engineer could explain how he uses algebra on a daily basis, a marketing executive could explain what makes a perfect pitch/presentation, a data analyst could explain how they provide summaries of data to suit different audiences.

If access to the employers was easy, would you want to bring some of your lessons to life in this way?

Yes / No / Maybe


* 6. Can you identify areas in your SOW where employers could be used to help deliver topics?


* 7. Is there a particular group of students who you feel would benefit from greater employer engagement? If so, why?


8. Are you confident you understand how careers and job roles in specific industries are changing? Yes / No / Maybe

9. Can you name 4 key growth sectors or industries in your County?Yes / No

10. Having a basic understanding of the labour market and skills in demand from employers would enable you to be more confident in linking your teaching to the skills students will need in the future.

Would you like further training and updates regarding the local economy, skills gaps and needs of employers? Yes / No


11. Do you know what a Higher Apprenticeship is?Yes / No

12. Do you feel confident explaining how apprenticeships work?Yes / No

13. Have you any idea how many apprenticeships are available in the county and at what levels?Yes / No

14. Would you see some apprenticeships as viable alternatives to University?Yes / No

15. Would you like further information / training about the new and developing range of higher apprenticeship and training opportunities for students? Yes / No


16. 50 % of new jobs created last year were in self employment

Do you think we develop the right aspiration and entrepreneurial skills in our students to ensure they are best placed as they enter this fast changing workplace? Yes / No


17. Are you aware of the schools strategy and development plans to improve student’s employability skills and better prepare them for their futures? Yes / No


18. Do you know who to talk with in school to embed these key elements across your curriculum?

Yes / No
