Proposed ME Semester Curriculum – Last Updated October 2009

Arranged by Core Requirements

University Requirements [14-18]

ENG 1510, Writing & Rhetoric I(3)

ENG 30_J?, Junior Composition(3)

Tier II+(2-3)

Tier II+(2-3)

Tier II+(2-3)

Tier II+(2-3)

+: Fulfill University requirements. Need 2CP, 2FA, 2HL, 2SS.

Math and Basic Sciences [33]

MATH2301, Calculus I(4)

MATH 2302, Calculus II(4)

MATH3303, Calculus III(4)

MATH 3400, Differential Equations(3)

MATH 3600, Numerical Methods for Engineers(3)

PHYS 2051, General Physics I (Calc I is co-req)(5) 3L, 2 Lab

CHEM 1510, Fundamentals of Chemistry I(4) 3L + 1 Lab

ISE 3200, Engineering Statistics(3)

Science Elective ^(3)

^ CHEM 1520 (4), PHYS 2502 (5), BIOS 3010 Human Anatomy (3), BIOS 3015 Human Anatomy Lab (1), BIOS 1300 Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4), MATH 4***and others.

General Engineering [23]

ET1100, Engineering Graphics Fundamentals(2)

ET2100, Computer Methods in Engineering (4) 3L, 1 Lab

ET 2200, Statics(3)

ET 2220, Strength of Materials(3)

ET 2240, Dynamics(3)

ET 2300, Materials Science(3)

ET 3132, Electric Circuits for non-EEs(2)

ET 3200, Introduction to Thermodynamics(3)

Mechanical Engineering Core [40]

ME 1010, ME Gateway Course(3)

ME 3011, Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines(3)

ME3012, Linear Systems Analysis and Controls(3)

ME3121, Heat and Fluid Transport I(2)

ME 3122, Heat and Fluid Transport II(3)

ME 3140, Intro to Manufacturing Processes(3)

ME 3510, Computer-Aided Design(3)

ME 3700, Machine Design (3)

ME 4210, Applied Thermodynamics(3)

ME 4550, Mechatronics(3)

ME 4701, ME Capstone Design I(4) 3L + 1 Lab

ME 4702, ME Capstone Design II(4) 3L + 1 Lab

ME 4880, Experimental Design Lab(3)

Mechanical Engineering Colloquia [4]

ME 1800, ME Colloquium A *(1)

ME 2800, ME Colloquium B *(1)

ME3800, ME Colloquium C *(1)

ME4800, ME Colloquium D *(1)

Engineering, Not Mechanical [7]

EE3051, Instrumentation and Electronics(1)

EE 3143, Electronics for non-EEs(3)

IT1170, Manufacturing Design and Lab(3)

Technical Electives: [6]

Technical Elective (3/400 Engineering, MATH 4*** or PHYS 4***)(3)

Technical Elective (ME)(3)


Arranged by Semester


FALL [16-17 hours]

ME 1010, ME Gateway Course(3)

MATH2301, Calculus I(4)

CHEM 1510, Fundamentals of Chemistry I(4) 3L + 1 Lab

ENG 1510, Writing & Rhetoric I(3)

Tier II+(2-3)

SPRING [18-19]

MATH 2302, Calculus II(4)

ET1100, Engineering Graphics Fundamentals(2)

PHYS 2051, General Physics I (Calc I is co-req)(5) 3L, 2 Lab

ET 2100, Computer Methods in Engineering (4) 3L, 1 Lab

Tier II+(2-3)

ME 1800, ME Colloquium A *(1)


FALL [16]

MATH3303, Calculus III(4)

ISE 3200, Engineering Statistics(3)

ET 2300, Materials Science(3)

ET2200, Statics(3)

Science Elective ^(3)

SPRING [15-16]

MATH 3400, Differential Equations(3)

ET 2240, Dynamics(3)

ET3200, Introduction to Thermodynamics(3)

ET3132, Electric Circuits for non-EEs(2)

EE3051, Instrumentation and Electronics(1)

ME2800, ME ColloquiumB *(1)

Tier II+(2-3)


FALL [17]

MATH 3600, Numerical Methods for Engineers(3)

ME 3510, Computer-Aided Design(3)

ET 2220, Strength of Materials(3)

ME 3011, Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines(3)

EE 3143, Electronics for non-EEs(3)

ME3121, Heat and Fluid Transport I(2)


ME3012, Linear Systems Analysis and Controls(3)

ME 3122, Heat and Fluid Transport II(3)

ME 3140, Intro to Manufacturing Processes(3)

ME 3700, Machine Design (3)

IT1170, Manufacturing Lab(3)

ME3800, ME ColloquiumC *(1)


FALL [15-16]

ME 4701, ME Capstone Design I(4) 3L + 1 Lab

ME 4210, Applied Thermodynamics(3)

ENG 30_J?, Junior Composition(3)

Technical Elective (Any 3/400 Engineering, MATH or PHYS)(3)

Tier II+(2-3)


ME 4702, ME Capstone Design II(4) 3L + 1 Lab

ME 4880, Experimental Design Lab(3)

ME 4550, Mechatronics(3)

Technical Elective (ME)(3)

ME4800, ME Colloquium D *(1)

+: Fulfill University requirements. Need 2CP, 2FA, 2HL, 2SS.

*: ME Colloquia A-D are organized such that ‘all’ students are in a colloquium during the same semester, to allow for overlapping scheduling of talks and activities, and collaborations between the different grade levels (for example co-ops can give talks to younger students, SrD teams can present to juniors, …). Colloquia will be a catch-all for a variety of activities (including technical writing, professional skills, career exploration, lab experiences and demonstrations) that students complete (and document in a portfolio). Restricted to Spring (defined as a non-supported co-op semester)

^ Choose from a ‘select from’ list, and each student must have a total of 32 hours to meet ABET requirements.Select from will include: CHEM II, PHYS II, BIOS 3010 Human Anatomy, BIOS 3015 Human Anatomy Lab, BIOS 1300 Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, and others.

Note: Supported co-op semesters may be restricted to Summer and Fall


Total hours (128 based on current): / 127–131 (including colloquia)
Total Courses: (50 + 2 ME colloquia, current) / 41 + 4 ME colloquia
MATH and Basic Sciences hours (32 req’d): / 30 + science elective