Anoka-Hennepin Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy

1. Statement of Principle and Policy regarding academic honesty and integrity: Academic honesty and integrity are essential to excellence in education. Since assignments, exams, and other schoolwork are measures of student performance, honesty is required to ensure accurate measurement of student learning. Each student, parent, and staff member has a responsibility to promote an academic culture that respects and fosters individual achievement.

2. Honor Code:

On all coursework (assignments, exams, projects) undertaken by the students of Anoka-Hennepin, the following commitment is expected:

On my honor, as an Anoka-Hennepin student, I will neither cheat nor plagiarize on any coursework.

This statement means that the student understands and has complied with the expectations of academic integrity and honesty set forth by Anoka-Hennepin.

3. Shared Responsibilities:

Academic integrity and honesty requires that all stakeholders share responsibility in the fulfillment of this policy.

Student responsibility:

·  To not participate, either directly or indirectly, in cheating or plagiarism; to actively discourage cheating or plagiarism by others.

Parent responsibility:

·  To actively support the Anoka-Hennepin honor code; to support his/her child in the understanding and upholding of the Anoka-Hennepin honor code.

Staff responsibility:

·  To promote the Anoka-Hennepin honor code; to establish expectations regarding academic integrity and honesty; and to be prepared to address violations of the honor code if/when it occurs.

4. Definition of Cheating:

Cheating is misleading an instructor in some way so as to receive, or attempt to receive, credit for work not originated by the student or work performed with unauthorized assistance. Cheating includes, but is not limited to:

·  Copying from another student's examination, assignment, or other coursework with or without his/her permission;

· Unauthorized collaboration that violates the teacher's established expectations;

· Allowing another student to copy his/her work;

·  Having another person take an examination, write a paper, or complete an assignment;

· Using unauthorized "cheat sheets," notations on desk, clothing, self, or personal technology devices (such as graphing calculators or data organizers) as "electronic cheat sheets;"

·  Giving or receiving copies of examinations with or without an exchange of money or other forms of reimbursement;

·  Revealing/receiving examination content, questions, answers, or tips from another student or removing such information from the classroom after an examination through the use of notes, scratch paper, technology, verbal communication, etc.;

· Using technology inappropriately to complete coursework or examinations;

·  Resubmitting substantially the same work that was produced for another assignment or course without authorization.

5. Definition of Plagiarism:

Plagiarism is the use of passages, materials, words or ideas that come from someone or something else, without properly naming the source.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

·  Copying someone's assignment;

·  Copying text or other materials from the Internet or other source without citing them;

·  Paraphrasing items from a book or article without citing them;

· Using translation software to translate sentences or passages; or

· Using the same sentence structure, or thesis, as another source without citing it. Basically, if someone or something else has done the work (or a portion of it) for you, and you do not acknowledge it, you are being academically dishonest.

6. If there is evidence of violation of the honor code by a student or students, an investigation will be conducted in a dignified, confidential, and respectful manner.

7. The continuum of problem-solving strategies and/or consequences:

All violations of the honor code should have consequences appropriate to the circumstances. Similar violations will merit similar consequences. Consequences may include, but are not limited to:

a.  Redo the assignment/exam;

b. Reduced grade for the assignment/exam;

c.  Zero for the assignment/exam;

d. Letter of apology

e.  Student explains offense to parent

f.  Teacher contacts parent

g. Referral to administration for detention or suspension

h. Removal from course with an F

i.  Loss of Anoka-Hennepin scholarship opportunities

j.  Loss of National Honor Society(ies) membership

k. Revocation or refusal of teacher college recommendations

or any appropriate combination of a-k above.

How do I, as an Anoka-Hennepin student, avoid cheating?

1.  It is simple: ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS do YOUR OWN work!

2.  NEVER let someone copy any of your work from a test or an assignment.

3.  NEVER share information about a test afterwards no matter how much someone begs you to spill the beans!

4.  Do not collaborate or "work together" on an assignment, project, or exam unless the teacher has given his/her permission for collaboration.

5.  If confronted by a peer to cheat or if tempted on your own to cheat, just remember your responsibility as an Anoka-Hennepin student to uphold the Anoka-Hennepin Code of Honor. Just say: "Remember the code!"

6.  Use the power of technology responsibly.

7.  Listen to your “gut instinct.” If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.

8.  And finally, if you observe some of your peers cheating or you feel undo pressure from your peers to cheat, feel free to share this information, individually, with your teacher

Student Rights

This statement of rights is not expected to cover every situation that may arise. The rights of an individual are preserved only by the protection and preservation of the rights of others. All students attending Anoka-Hennepin schools have the right to:

·  A free and appropriate education as defined by State and Federal statutes

·  Equal educational opportunity and freedom from discrimination

·  Due process as defined by State and Federal statutes and rules

·  Freedom of inquiry and expression

·  Data privacy

·  Be informed of school rules

Student Responsibilities

Rights bring responsibilities and a student is responsible for the manner in which his/her individual rights are exercised. This statement of responsibilities is not expected to cover every situation that may arise. All students attending Anoka-Hennepin schools have the responsibility to:

1.  Pursue and attempt to complete the course of study prescribed by the local school authorities.

2.  Make necessary arrangements to make up school work when missing assignments, tests, etc.

3.  Be aware of all school rules and regulations and conduct themselves in accordance with them.

4.  Assume that until a rule is wavered, altered, or repealed, it is in full effect.

5.  Be aware of, and comply with, State and local law.

6.  Be aware of and comply with State High School League and regulations and School Board policy when participating in extracurricular activities.

7.  Be willing to volunteer information in disciplinary cases and cooperate with school staff should they have important knowledge relating to such cases.

8.  Protect and take care of school property and the property of others.

9.  Avoid inaccuracies in student newspapers or publications and indecent or obscene language, both written and verbal.

10.  Express ideas in a manner that will not demean or slander others.

Computer/Internet Use Agreement
StepAhead Online High School

Access to Internet is provided for StepAhead Online High School students to conduct research and receive school-related communication from others. You are personally responsible for appropriate behavior on the network, just as you would be in a classroom or hallway. Access to network services is given to students who act in a considerate and responsible manner; access is a privilege, not a right. You must comply with District and school standards and, other than clarifying those standards, the District is not responsible for restricting or controlling the communications of individuals using the network.

Network and computer storage systems will be treated like school lockers. Administrators may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that you are using the system responsibly. Materials stored on any computer may not always be private.

Within the school boundaries, freedom of speech and access to information will be honored; however, the school does not have an obligation to provide access for recreational computing activity.

In addition to the policy, you may not do the following:

1.  Send, display, or print messages, pictures, or threats

2.  Use obscene language

3.  Damage computers, systems, network or other technology tools

4.  Violate copyright laws

5.  Use or attempt to acquire another person's password

6.  Trespass in another person's folders, disks, work, or files

7.  Intentionally waste limited resources (e.g. disk space, paper, etc.)

8.  Use the network or computer for commercial or illegal purposes

9.  Access to inappropriate sites

10.  No game playing on the computer whatsoever

Violations may result in loss of access to internet, as well as other disciplinary and/or legal action. For further information please refer to Anoka-Hennepin School District Policy.

I have read and agree to follow the above policy.

Student Signature (typing in your name acts as your signature) Date

Parent Signature (typing in your name acts as your signature) Date

StepAhead Online High School


I make this declaration, that I have received and reviewed the following:

·  StepAhead Online High School Policies

·  Student Rights and Student Responsibilities

·  Computer/Internet Agreement

·  District Policy Handbook

·  High School Discipline Video

Student Signature (typing in your name acts as your signature) Date

Parent Signature (typing in your name acts as your signature) Date