Coventry Personal Education Plan
(Includes application for Pupil Premium Plus)
KS 1 – 4
(From September 2014)

Before the meeting starts, please ensure you have:

  • A copy of theprevious PEPtarget section (section 5)
  • Pre-populated/filled-in this PEP form
  • Current, target and expected levels/grades
  • If SEN with statement:targets/decisions from the latest Annual Review

Key / Complete once then update / Populate by school prior to PEP / Update at PEP / YP to inform prior to PEP
Section 1: Personal Information
(Update at PEP.)
Rodney Taylor / Date of Birth:
21st July 1998
School year:
Current school:
Elm Bank Academy (from 1/09/2012) / Previous school history:
Martineau Secondary School (1/09/2009 – 31/08/2012)
Primrose Primary School (1/09/2005-31/08/2009)
SEN status:
Date of PEP Meeting:8th October 2013
People attending PEP Meeting: / Name / Tick if present
Social Worker: / Ian Mitton / 
Carer: / Debbie West / 
Designated Teacher/school position: / Arthur Morris Assistant Headteacher / 
Young person: / Rodney Taylor / 
LACES: / Margaret McShane / 
Other: / Susan Taylor (Mother) / 
Other significant information (e.g. details of contact arrangements):
Tuesday 3.30 – 4.30 every fortnight
Section 2: My Views
(Complete with or on behalf of young person prior to PEP meeting. Use young person’s own words wherever possible. Sheets are available from CLG to help with this process.)
What I like about school is:
That I have some good friends who I see every day and we get on well. I am getting to learn all I need to go to college, especially maths and English. I respect my teachers in lessons. My Childcare course at college is also going well and I enjoy attending.
I get on well with Miss Smith and I like helping other people out when they have problems.
Some things I do really well at school are:
I am doing well in English and maths; I am now putting a lot more effort into these as I know they are very important. I am going to extra maths at lunchtime with Mr Punton.
I am good at art and enjoy this. In media I am ahead of where I need to be, the same is happening for ICT, so I am really pleased with myself.
I have school worries about:
My main worry is my exams that are approaching. I will ask my teachers for support if I feel I am struggling, but I know they will help me. I know I need to pass them to be able to go to college. I am looking to attend college or get an apprenticeship when I leave Elm Bank Academy.
Section 3 – Plans for the Future
What would the young person like to do in the future? (Include longer term aspirations and steps towards)
Rodney would like to get an apprenticeship and study childcare as he feels this would be the best route for him to get to university to study children’s law. Rodney would also like to go to College maybe in the evenings to get more qualifications to again help him achieve his long term goal of helping other children.
Are there any barriers to the achievement of the young person’s aspirations?
Rodney stays after school for additional support. He receives extra support in his English lessons.
Rodney is not academically a high flyer though he does work very hard. He will need considerable support for him to achieve the grades he required to move into a successful KS5. He will also need to be supported through the transition process, so he is aware and has the intervention he requires when working at Level 3. Rodney is very well motivated to do well and achieve his goals.
What can be put in place to help the young person achieve their aspirations? (In most cases add short and long term goals)
Rodney will need extra support for his Maths and English. LACES have been contacted about extra tuition for him in English. Rodney will be having more support in these subjects in school. He is also attending extra maths revision at lunch times in school.
Rodney has been highlighted as a student needing specific support for his transition from KS4 to KS5 to work with CSWP. He will also have an interview with our school’s career advisor. Arthur Morris (LAC Co-ordinator) will liaise with both careers advisors (CSWP and school) to make sure that Rodney is receiving the correct level of support. The support will specifically look at apprenticeships and potential college courses. Rodney will need specific academic support throughout his KS5 courses so he can achieve his aspirations. Any future apprenticeship or college placement will be notified of his needs.
Short term goals are:
Rodney understands in order to achieve his GCSE’s he will need to work hard. Rodney wants to get an apprenticeship as he hopes to be staying with his carers until 18 or chooses to leave after that time. If he cannot get an apprenticeship place Rodney will look to gain a place at college.
Long term goals are:
Rodney hopes to do a child care apprenticeship or work in a nursery with a view to studying law at University to be a child solicitor. He knows that he will have to study hard for this to happen, but is well motivated to achieve this. Rodney wants to help other children who have had problems with their families.
  1. Academic Progress for KS1/2/3
(Is the young person making good progress in the Core subjects? Take previous attainment
and school targets into account.)
Subject / Achieved at end of previous KS / Current working at level / Target for end of KS
  1. Academic Progress for KS4 (including Yr 9, if applicable)
(Is the young person making good progress?Take previous attainment and school targets into account.)
Subject / Type of qualification (GCSE/BTEC etc.) / Current working at grade / Target for end of KS4
English / GCSE / D/E / D
Maths / GCSE / D/E / D
Science / BTEC Level 2 Certificate / Pass / Pass
RE / GCSE / D / C
Childcare / BTEC Level 2 Certificate / Pass / Pass
Art / GCSE / D / D
Media / GCSE / D / D
ICT / GCSE / D / D
  1. Involvement of other Agencies
(Please indicate current or recent involvement.)
Agency / Reason for referral / Date started / Date ended
Journeys / March 2013 / On-going
  1. Progress
(School completes current situation sections before the PEP meeting. At the meeting, decide which issues will need an action and discuss these first. Record actions in Section 5.)
Key Area / Current Situation (This section to be completed by school before the meeting) / Action Required Yes/No?
(complete this section during the meeting)
Attendance, exclusions, punctuality and issues relating to school place / 96% attendance with no late marks. / No
Transition arrangements (incl.additional support needs. This section must be completed for Y9 pupils also) / Post 16 plans have been already discussed with careers advisers. There will need to be close work with Rodney and carers regarding transition. Rodney needs to apply online for a Childcare apprenticeship and get a work placement. As a plan B, Rodney needs to complete a Childcare College application. / Yes
Behaviour / He has become highly motivated to do well and behaviour is not an issue. / No
Personal, social and emotional issues (note impact on learning rather than personal information) / Rodney more settled now and on track academically. Key worker is noticing a change in Rodney who is now acting age appropriately. Emotionally he is more settled as his carers are now prepared for him to stay up to and beyond 18 if he wishes. / No
Relationships with other young people / Well liked young man with good friendships. / No
Factors impacting on learning (e.g. Health, diet, speech, language, disability, learning difficulties, problems with concentrationetc.) / Rodney is a very healthy young man who is still growing. He seems happy within himself and knows that if he has any issues he knows he can speak to a key adult. He would first speak to his friends who would give him good advice. Though if he needed to speak to an adult he would speak to his carers or his form tutor. / No
Organisation and equipment (age appropriate management of possessions, PE kit, timetable etc.) / Rodney is well organised and brings in any items he needs, though most are provided by school. / No
Homework (including use of planner or organiser where appropriate) / Rodney completes all of his homework. This is generally done by hand as he has limited access to the internet at home. Rodney would benefit from a laptop to help him achieve his academic targets. / Yes
Liaison between school and carers a) What are the arrangements for effective communication?
b) Who attended the most recent parent’s consultation meeting and who will attend in the future? / If there are any problems the communication between home and school are good. It is usually possible to speak to them over the phone, and they attend all meetings arranged. / No


Section 4: Evaluation of targets from previous PEP(Copy from section 5 of previous PEP)
  1. Actions to support academic achievement

What is the issue? (needs and risks) / What do we want to achieve?
(include measurable success criteria) / What actions will we take to achieve it and when? / Adult responsible / How will this be funded?(details of funding including PP+) / Did it work? (Refer to success criteria)
First academic target
Rodney is underachieving in GCSE Maths / Rodney will develop understanding leading to improved GCSE Maths grade from E to D. He will need additional support from the Maths dept. to gain this grade. / Rodney will receive one hour tuition per week working on lesson material and revision skills. Progress will be reviewed by Maths teacher by July. / Mr Punton, Maths teacher / School budget
PP plus / Rodney has made some progress as his summer working at grade showed he is working at D/E grade.
Second academic target
Rodney is struggling with GCSE English / Rodney needs to improve from an E to D grade or above to help him achieve his aspirations. / Rodney will work in smaller English classes
LACES to provide English one-to-one home tuition to help Rodney gain his D grade
Co-ordinator to complete one-to-one tuition form
LACES to process forms to Fleet Tutors / Mr Morris, LAC Co-ordinator
Mr Morris, LAC
LACES / School budget
PP plus
School budget
PP plus / This is improving (D/E grade) but still needs further work.
Rodney has had English home tuition from Fleet Tutors (10 sessions)
Section 5: Targets for this term(Please write SMART targets)
  1. Actions (School should completetwo academic targets in advance of the meeting for confirmation. Other targets during the meeting)

What is the issue? (needs and risks) / What do we want to achieve?
(include measurable success criteria) / What actions will we take to achieve it and when? / Adult responsible / How will this be funded? (details of funding including PP+)
First academic target
Rodney is underachieving in GCSE Maths / Rodney will develop understanding leading to improved GCSE Maths grade to improve from D/E to D. He will need additional support from the Maths dept. to gain this grade. / Rodney will receive one hour tuition per week working on lesson material and revision skills. Progress will be reviewed by Maths teacher by Feb half term. / Mr Punton, Maths teacher / School budget
PP plus
Second academic target
Rodney is struggling with GCSE English / Rodney needs to improve from D/E to D grade or above to help him achieve his aspirations. / Rodney will continue to work in smaller English classes. Rodney will be taken off timetable for intensive lessons closer to exams.
Rodney will be asked to attend English revision classes during October and May half term.
Further application for home tuition to be submitted to LACES. / Mr Morris, LAC Co-ordinator
Mr Morris, LAC Co-ordinator
Mr Morris / School budget
PP plus
School budget
PP plus
Rodney to receive a laptop to help him achieve his targets / Elm Bank Academy to purchase laptop for Rodney / Laptop to be purchased by October half term / Mr Morris. LAC Co-ordinator / PP plus
B. How is the PP being used to benefit this child if not stated above?
Date of next PEP 14th February 2014 / Time 1.30 / Venue: Elm Bank Academy
Pupil Premium Authorisation
PEP must have been judged as good or outstanding overall before submission. / Name / Date
Quality checked by Designated Teacher
PEP quality confirmed by LACES

Please send electronic file to LACES

See over for flow chart of Pupil Premium Plus authorisation process