Monday, April 10, 2017


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Mon. 5:15PM Louis Schultz

Tues. 7:00AM Elmer & Mildred Genenbacher

Weds.12:00PM Won Hurh

Thurs. 7:00PM Tom & Lorene Hull

Sat. 8:00PM Mildred Smolik

Sun. 8:00AM People of the Parish

10:30AM Joan Pano

Income needed Fiscal YTD
(7/1/16-4/2/2017) / $258,310.00
Offertory received Fiscal YTD / $273,274.25
Offertory needed each week / $6,923.00
Offertory / $9,812.50
Roof Fund / $54.00
Building Fund / $1,380.00
Cemetery Fund / $191.00
(Includes Online Giving)


Easter Sunday

1st Reading: Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37-43

2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8

Gospel: John 20:1-9

Calendar of Upcoming Events
Sunday / 2PM / Pray the Rosary
Friday / 3PM / Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Friday / 1:30 & 7:00 PM / Stations of the Cross
Saturday / Before Mass / Pray the Rosary
Sundays / 9:15-10:15 AM / Elementary Religious Classes
Saturday / April 15, 2017 / 12:15 Basket Blessing 12:30 Easter Egg Hunt
Fri/Sat / April 21/22, 2017 / Spring Rummage Sale
Wednesday / May 3, 2017 / St. Paul School Music Program
Saturday / June 3, 2017 / St. Paul Gala “St. Paul Prom”
Saturday / July 22, 2017 / “Raising Saints” Block Party

BULLETIN DEADLINE is Monday by 10:00AM

Please note correction to Market Rental website should read

Fr. Stimpson’s email address is

Easter Flower Fund

Remember OR honor a loved one with a donation to the Easter Flower Offering. Names will be attached to plants which may be taken after the Easter Sunday10:30mass. A $10.00 donation per request.

Please make name requests byApril 9th.


The Blessing of the Easter meal will take place at 12:15 pm, Saturday, April 15 in the church. Put your baskets of food on the altar steps.

The Easter Egg Hunt will follow at 12:30 pm on the school playground. In case of rain, the hunt will be in the school gym. ALL children and grandchildren of St. Paul church and School families are invited.


We are always looking for people to assist in the music ministry of our parish. If you are a vocalist or instrumentalist or just like to sing along with the radio, please take a few moments to complete the short questionnaire below and drop in the collection or email to . If you know someone that might be interested, please share this and encourage him or her to respond. See the flyer in the bulletin.

Disciples Needed

During the HolyThursdayMass, we have 12 volunteers come up to the altar, sit on the steps and have one foot washed. This is symbolic of the Last Supper, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. This year, Fr. Stimpson would like to have fathers and their sons be those "disciples." Please call the rectory office at(309) 833-2496if you are willing to be a disciple.

Thank youto all the St. Paul’s Women’s Guild members who gathered for our evening of table fellowship and program with the Clinton Franciscans. A special thank you to Confirmation candidates who helped serve the meal: Lauren Hall, Lucy Gruidl, Mason Wesley, and Carter Benson.

Confirmation Candidates Looking for Service Hours?
3 pmon HolySaturday, April 15, we will be setting up for the rummage sale and moving items from the rectory basement to the gym. With good help, we can be done quickly. Any questions? Call Colleen Carlson,309-333-9794


The 2017 Annual Diocesan Appeal is now underway in our parish. Your support of this year’s Appeal ensures that essential charitable, educational and pastoral ministries of the Diocese of Peoria are continued and carried forward.

Thanks to all who made a pledge to the Annual Diocesan Appeal. No gift is too small, and our parish is trying to reach 100% participation. If you have not yet made a gift to the ADA, we invite you to do so today. There are envelopes in the vestibule. Every dollar raised to make our goal supports important diocesan services and every dollar raised over our goal will be returned to the parish. NOTE: If you signed up for online payments, please use the website.

Workforce for Parish Rummage Sale

We welcome everyone to help with the Rummage Sale.Saturday, April 15, Set-up starting at3 p.m.along with bringing items from the rectory basement to the school gym.

Monday, April 17;Tuesday, April 18; andWednesday, April 19will be the days that we will be sorting the items from8 a.m. to 8 p.m.Just plan to stay a hour or two when you drop off your rummage. You can leave your clothing on wire or plastic hangers because we are hanging all adult clothing.

Thursday, April 20we will price all items starting at8 a.m.Last fall we only had 14 volunteers on this day and we would like a least 20. The Women's Guild will provide pizza at5:30 p.m.on this day for everyone who helps with the sale throughout this week.

Bake Sale: We will be having a bake sale as part of the Rummage Sale on Friday, April 21. We have lots of requests for homemade pies (no cream pies). You can bring the baked goods onThursday, April 20to the school kitchen oron Fridaymorning between8-9 a.m. Please bring in disposable containers.

Clean-up isSaturday, April 22starting atnoon. If we have 18-25 people, we will be finished by1:30 p.m. Our chairpersons are: Barb Connor, Laura Courter and Jackie Sullivan along with committee members: Carla Ainslie, Joanne Arnold, Colleen Carlson, Gloria Hurh, Rosemary Parks, Judy Yeast and Theresa Young.

The Macomb Band Boosters have kicked off their annual “$$Grand$$ Band Sweepstakes”, a raffle with a chance to win $1,000. Sponsors again this year are Citizens Bank, Gelsosomo’s Pizzeria, Robin Briney of Key Realtors, and Terrill Title Co. Proceeds from the raffle will be used to purchase more instruments and equipment for the beginning band program. The beginning band program provides the foundation for students in 6thgrade at Edison and St. Paul’s school and the overall band program.

Raffle tickets are available from any band parent or at Terrill Title Co., 117 South Side Square, weekdays8:00 am- 12:00 pmand 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm throughFriday, April 28. Tickets can also be purchased at the Macomb Senior High School Spring band concert at Fellheimer Auditorium onTuesday, May 2prior to concert time, which is7:30 pm.

Tickets will not be sold to anyone under age 18 and cost $5 each or $20 for 5 tickets. The winner will be announced during the concert onMay 2and need not be present to win. More details on this fundraiser are available on the band website- or contacting Stacy Bierman:309-836-3932or

r Charlotte Clark:


Due to the focus on new insurance agent support we have changed the structure of the agency in your area. We are in search of full time Field Agent Candidates that have interest in being in business for themselves but not by themselves. We offer a complete benefit package. Each Candidate must be eligible for membership in the Knights of Columbus. For more information please contact my office. Leave message for Larry Biever, FICF CFFM 309 807 2035 Ext 301 or email me at .


There is still time to make a donation towards the rectory renovation. Please indicate on the memo line of your check how you wish to assist (ie. appliances, lighting, paint, window treatments), drop it in the collection basket, or give it to Sharon Hoffbeck at the rectory office. Checks should be made out to St. Paul Church.


The planting of three replacement trees is planned along the east side of St. Paul School. The will be the same species and cultivar as the Frontier Hybrid Elm planted last year to honor Barb Shrode’s service to our school. Anyone interested in sponsoring on of the new trees in memory of or to honor someone may contact Tim Howe at (309) 833-5979.

Legacy of St. Francis

Best-selling author and speaker Richard Rohr will present the Legacy of St. Francis in five video segments. In addition, we will explore Christian faith informed by contemplation, mysticism, compassion, justice and history. You will enjoy time for quiet reflection, group discussion of Rohr’s presentations, community prayer and full immersion into Franciscan spirituality. Facilitators: William Maakestad, St. Mary Monastery Oblate, a 2015 graduate of Richard Rohr’s ‘The Living School’ at the Center for Action and Contemplation; Sr. Virginia Heldorfer, OSF who has studied Franciscan Spirituality at Washington Theological Center and has co-facilitated Franciscan Way of Life; and Sr. Pat Doody, OSF, who has studied Practical Theology, focusing on the dynamics of faith formation and Franciscan values as a means of transformation.

WHERE Benet House Retreat Center at St. Mary Monastery

WHEN Thurs. May 4 (Registration: 6-6:45; Opening: 7 pm)-Sun. May 7, 1 pm

FEE Register and pay in full by Apr. 4: $325. Registrations after Apr. 4: $340. Commuter fee: $217, includes meals. TO REGISTER Contact Sr. Jackie Walsh at (309) 283-2108 or . Or register online at

Catholic Women's Symposium: Protecting our Procreative and Gynecological Health

A Day of Reflection and Prayer

sponsored by

Respect Life and Diocesan Healthcare ministries

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Spalding Pastoral Center

419 NE Madison Ave, Peoria, IL

Registration: $20.00 Deadline: Wednesday, April 12

+Screenings of 2 documentaries:

HUSH (abortion and women's health)

NAPRO: A Quiet Revolution*

+Commentary by experts in women's health care

Dr. Jillian Stalling, OB-GYN

Dr. Elizabeth Cox, OB-GYN

Sr. Marie Paul Lockerd, RSM, DO, Family


+Eucharistic Adoration; Consecration to Our Lady


Register online at or by contacting

Suzie Meismer at or (309) 966-0385

* NaPro Technology is an effective method of fertility care that is consistent with church teaching. Issues addressed include: infertility, menstrual cramps, PMS, ovarian cysts, irregular or abnormal bleeding, polycystic ovarian disease, repetitive miscarriage, postpartum depression, prematurity prevention, hormonal abnormalities, and chronic discharges. The documentary, NAPRO: A Quiet Revolution, can also be viewed on YouTube.


On Good Friday, our parish will take up the annual collection for the Holy Land. We ask you to be generous. Your financial contribution will support the works of the Catholic Community in the Middle East and to protect the Holy Places and Christian shrines. Please be generous!


Please convert your CRS Rice Bowl gifts to a check made out to St. Paul Church (be sure to write “CRS Rice Bowl” in the memo line) and drop in the collection basket or to Catholic Relief Services CRS Rice Bowl and mail to P.O. Box 17090 Baltimore, Maryland 21297-0303. You can also donate directly to CRS at or by sending a check to the address above.

Divine Mercy Novena starting on GoodFriday

Jesus asked for Divine MercySundayto be preceded by a novena beginning on Good

Fridaythat would seek the Father’s mercy on a different group of people each day.Day 1 of the Divine Mercy Novena leading up to Divine MercySundaywill be prayed at2:45 pmbefore theApril 14GoodFriday service.If you would like to join with others to start this novena, please come early and bring your rosary.Pamphlets will be available for you to take in the narthex that day.

Do you have a son or daughter; friends or other relatives that do not practice their Catholic faith?Jesus promised St. Faustina great graces would go forth on that feast of His mercy for those who do the novena and take part in the Divine MercySundaycelebration.St. Paul Parish will have a Divine Mercy holy hour with confession available on Divine MercySunday, April 23 at 3:00 pm.

Jesus said to St. Faustina(Diary 699):

“Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy".


Natural Family Planning, a healthy, effective and morally acceptable family planning method will be taught by certified NFP teachers. The three-class series begins in Macomb, 7:00-9:30 P.M. on Wednesdays, April 12, May 17 & June 7.

Classes are open to engaged and married couples. This NFP series fulfills part of the marriage prep for the Diocese. Registration is on-line at If questions call Barb Harzman 309-255-1386 or the Office of Family Life 309-671-1550.