GlacierMiddle SchoolStudent Handbook




Class Changes

Computer and Network Use

Emergency Procedures

School Late Start & Closure


Grades, Progress Reports & Report Cards

Communication of Grades

Promotion Policy

Guest Teachers

Guests/ Visitors

Health Room/ Medication




School Hours

Regular Schedule

Late-Start Schedule (Monday)

Arrival & Departure Expectations

School Supplies



Eligibility Requirements for Attending School Sponsored Activities


Athletics/ Clubs

Dances/ Socials

Field Trips

Year-End Events


REACH for the Stars

STAR Awards

Team Recognition



Family Access

Parent Meetings & Support

Special Education/ Resource Room

Student Planners


WEB – “Where Everyone Belongs!”


Attendance & Tardy Policy

Classroom Expectations & Policies

Loss of Privileges

School Rules

Search & Seizure

Student Infractions & Consequences


If a question about:Call 360-829-3395 and ask for:

ASB costsMs. Billingsley

AbuseMs. Connor, Ms. Sinay, or Mr. McGrath

AthleticsMr. Madden and/or Mr. McGrath

AttendanceMs. Arsanto

Bus IssuesTransportation at 360-829-3361

CalendarMr. McGrath

Classroom IssuesClassroom Teacher

CurriculumMs. Sinay, Mr. McGrath

Discipline IssuesMr. Madden, Mr. McGrath, Ms. Sinay

Fines/FeesMs. Billingsley

HomeworkSubject Area Teacher

Health ConcernsMs. Artz-Payne

LunchDiane Froemke 360-829-3877

Music ProgramMs. Lampe

Registration InformationMs. Connor

SchedulingMs. Connor

Team IssuesTeachers, Mr. McGrath, Ms. Sinay

Special EducationTeachers, Ms. Sinay, Mr. McGrath

Student SafetyMs. Connor, Ms. Sinay, Mr. McGrath

Teacher IssuesMr. McGrath, Ms. Sinay

VolunteersMs. Arsanto



Our school calendar is posted on our website at We encourage you to visit it anytime you are curious about upcoming events. Additionally we mail home our calendar of events in a welcome back letter at the beginning of the school year and in newsletters throughout the year. If you are not receiving these, please contact the school.

Class Changes

Class changes will only be made prior to school starting for the year or at the semester (1/2 year) point. Class changes are not done to switch exploratory elective classes. Class changes are also not done because of friendship issues. It is expected that a student who is experiencing a problem in a class will try to resolve the issue with through the teacher, counselor and/or administration.

Computer and Network Use

Students may access the district computer network and internet for the purpose of conducting research, completing written assignments, and preparing presentations. This use is limited to school appropriate educational purposes. Students using school computers are expected to comply with the district’s Network and Computer Use Policy, which is available on the district web site. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action and loss of use privilege. Parents may prohibit their student from accessing the internet from school computers by completing an Internet Opt-Out Form.

Emergency Procedures

Teachers will review with students the procedures for fire drill, earthquake drill, lockdown, and emergency evacuation. During any drill or emergency situation students are to remain with their teachers as they evacuate the building and when they are on the evacuation field. Students may reenter the building only after the reentry bell or direction from staff or administration.

School Late Start & Closure

During weather emergencies, changes may occur in the school schedule. Tune into a local area radio station for the most current information. During any late start, we will always have students report to their first period class when their arrive. The following description on a radio or TV station means the following:

2-Hour Late StartSchool starts two hours later than the usual posted time.

Students will be picked up at bus stops 2 hours later than the usual posted time.

School ClosedNO SCHOOL – Listen to the radio for information for the next day or visit our website at


ASB Card**$15.00($5.00 replacement fee, ID card, discounted school events, required for sports, 1 per year)

Student Planner $5.00($6.00 to replace lost planners)

PE Uniform$15.00($7.50 shorts; $7.50 shirt; required if students has PE)

Annual/ Yearbook$26.00(if purchased before April)

$30.00 (if purchased April or later)

HighSchoolPass$15.00(allows students to attend all HS games free when used with GMS ASB card)

Sports User Fee***$55.00(participation fee for each sport except football; non-refundable after first 3 days of

practice for each sport)

Football User Fee$65.00(due to recent safety laws requiring equipment to be inspected yearly)

Electives Material Fee(based on student project selection; teacher will notify)

* Fees may be paid together in one check made payable to White RiverMiddle School.

** An ASB card is required for all athletes in addition to the Athletic User Fee.

*** Each sport is charged a separate fee.

  1. ASB (Associated Student Body) cards support student activities and allow individuals to participate in activities for a lower cost. ANY student who is in extracurricular sports must purchase an ASB card (one per year) and pay the sport athletic fee (one per sport season).
  2. Student planners are used each day to assist with student organization and parent communication about a child’s school day. These are required and students are expected to carry it with them each day.
  3. Students with PE are required to wear a PE uniform daily during fitness class.
  4. Annuals provide students a snapshot of the school year. We need an accurate count when ordering student annuals so we encourage early purchase by offering them cheaper earlier in the school year. Students actually receive the annuals at the end of the year.
  5. Athletic User Fees for required for each sport. A $55 (per sport, all sports except football) athletic user fee for JV, Varsity and AIMS will be charged to each participant in order to help cover the costs of officials, transportation, equipment, and uniforms. Because of recent changes in safety laws requiring football equipment to be inspected yearly, the football user fee is $65. Please note that user fees are not refundable after the first five days of practice. The $15 ASB card is required for all athletes, regardless of the team.
  6. Elective material fees are assigned in some classes for consumable materials.
  7. Replacement fees are charged to students for lost or damaged books, materials, or equipment issued to a student. This includes texts issued to students to keep at home. Book covers are suggested. It is expected that any materials assigned to students will receive usual and expected wear.

Grades, Progress Reports & Report Cards

The middle school is on a quarter grading system, with nine weeks per quarter. There are four quarters in a school year and a report card will be mailed home for each quarter. Quarterly report card grades are official grades that go in each student’s file and are used to calculate the student’s grade point average (GPA). Each student’scurrent grade is also reflected online.

Communication of Grades

Grades are communicated to families in several ways. We encourage parents to take advantage of these communication tools and contact the school any time there is a question or concern regarding their child’s performance. Family Access makes grades available to parents instantly and provides parents the option of having grades emailed to them. The user name and password are mailed to families upon entering middle school and may be obtained by contacting the school secretary. Progress reports may be sent home with students by teams every couple of weeks. Please see their team letter for a schedule. Official quarterlygrades are mailed home in a report card each quarter. These grades are recorded in the student’s permanent file and are used to calculate the student’s GPA. Additionally, phone calls and conferences between teachers and parents are a frequent and encouraged form of communication.

Promotion Policy

To be promoted to the next grade, a student must pass 80% of their classes. For example, if a student receives a grade for 6 classes each quarter and there are 4 quarters in the school year, then the student must pass 19 of 24 classes (80%) for promotion to the next grade level. Student who do not meet these requirements are eligible for retention in the same grade. Students on an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be promoted based on demonstration of progress on the goals and objectives specific to them as stated in the IEP.

Guest Teachers

Substitute teachers are guest professionals in our building. Student cooperation and good behavior is expected when a guest teacher is in the classroom. Guest teachers will leave a written report for teachers upon their return. Guest teachers may process students or assign a detention for minor misbehavior. Continued disruptive behavior, blatant disrespect, or defiance with a guest teacher will result in In-School Suspension (ISS).


We encourage guests to visit our school. In the interest of student security, we ask that all visitors observe the following:

  1. All visitors on campus must check in through the office and obtain a visitor pass.
  2. Parents who wish to schedule a conference with a teacher or visit a classroom should make an appointment through the teacher or office.
  3. Student visitors are not permitted at any time during school hours or at student activities, dances or field trips.

Health Room/ Medication

For best response to a health or emergency situation, an emergency card must be on file for all students. If a student’s address or telephone number changes, please notify the office. To use the health room, students are asked to observe the following:

  1. Students need teacher permission to come to the health room when they feel ill.
  2. In the case of accidents or emergencies, the teacher and office need to be notified immediately.
  3. Students who are required to take medication during school need to have a doctor’s note on file in the health room, including the completed form Authorization for Administration of Medication at School (available on the district website or at the school). The correct dosage and times mustbe stated on the container.
  4. Students are expected to remain on campus until a parent or an authorized adult arrives to sign them out from the office.



Breakfast and lunch is offered at middle school. Students may pay cash or use their student ID number for pre-paid accounts.


Breakfast is served between 7:45AM and 7:55AM. Students are allowed to enter the cafeteria starting at 7:40AM. Students are expected in their first class before the tardy bell at 8:00AM.


Lunch times at the middle school are assigned based on grade level. Students may bring a lunch or purchase one from our cafeteria. In addition to the daily menu item, students have a choice of four entrée lines. All entrée’s include salad bar, fruit and milk. There is also an a la carte line where students can choose snacks and various drinks.Lunches cost $2.85 (price subject to change). Reduced lunch ($.60) and free lunch are also available for students who qualify. Students may pay with cash or have money applied to their personal lunch account by cash, check or internet payment. Typically, students eat during the first 20 minutes of lunch, clean their table, and have the remaining 10 minutes to socialize or play games during recreation time. Rules for the lunchroom and lunch recreation areas are included under the section of Student Rules, Expectations, and Consequences.

School Hours

Regular Schedule

7:35AMOffice opens

7:40AMCampus opens to students (supervision is not provided until 7:45AM); cafeteria opens for breakfast

7:55AMWarning bell rings

8:00AMSchool begins

2:35PMSchool is dismissed

3:30PMOffice closes

Late-Start Schedule (Monday)

7:35AMOffice opens

8:40AMCampus opens to students (supervision is not provided until 7:45AM); cafeteria opens for breakfast

8:55AMWarning bell rings

9:00AMSchool begins

2:35PMSchool is dismissed

3:30PMOffice closes

Arrival & Departure Expectations

  1. The official school day is 8:00AMto 2:35PM. Buses will unload at school at 7:40AM. Students are not allowed on campus before that time. Students are expected to be in their classrooms at the time the late bell rings (8:00AM) and leave promptly when school ends (2:35PM) unless taking part in a school sponsored activity.

** On Mondays, school will begin one hour late at 9:00am to provide staff opportunity to meet in professional learning communities and analyze student work and plan for improved instruction.**

  1. School rules apply to students from the time they arrive on campus until the time they leave; students on campus afterschool with their parents are released to their parent’s supervision and asked to please honor the school rules.
  2. Students who ride their bike, skateboard, or non-motorized scooter to school will need to register it with the office; to continue this privilege, students must always wear a safety helmet, follow standard traffic safety rules, walk while on campus and lock their bike or scooter in the bike rack or bring their skateboard to the office; in-line skates, heelies and motorized scooters are not allowed at school;students need to obey all traffic rules and be safe at all times on the way to and from school.
  3. Students who ride the bus must obey the bus rules; the bus driver is responsible for student safety; remember riding the bus is a privilege; misbehavior may result in discipline and possible loss of bus privileges; drivers will review bus expectations with students.
  4. Students who are picked up after school may wait in front of the school for their ride.
  5. Students who stay after school must have parent permission, be with a supervising teacher or parent at all times, not stay after for sports practices, and comply with Athletic Event Expectations if staying afterschool for a game, meet or match.

School Supplies

Small backpack or book bag

1ea - 2 inch 3 Ring Binder (for new students)

1ea - 1 ½ inch 3 Ring Binder (trapper keeper discouraged)

9ea - Subject dividers

3ea - Spiral notebooks
1ea - Pocket folder (The old Pee-chee type)

**1ea - Composition book (science)

3ea - 3-prong portfolio covers (science) - 6th Grade only
Lined notebook paper (bring only 30-50 sheets at a time)

Pencil/pen pouch

Ruler w/inch & metric marks

#2 Pencils with erasers

Black or blue ink pens

Red pen or pencil


Dry Erase Marker (used for Math)

Scientific Calculator (inexpensive)

Set of 12 colored pencils with small sharpener

Package of index cards

Clean lace-up tennis shoes (PE)

2GB Flashdrive

2 boxes Kleenex

Remember to replenish supplies regularly throughout the school year

** can purchase in GMS office for $1 - 7th/8th grade only


Bus transportation is provided for students who do not live within walking distance of the school but are within the school’s boundaries. Bus route numbers and pick up/delivery times become available in August through the district newsletter and Courier Herald. If your child will be riding the bus to school, it is highly recommended that s/he be allowed to do so on the first morning they will also be expected to ride the school bus home. If a student is brought to school in the morning without knowingwhich bus to ride home, it can be difficult at the end of the day for them to figure it out.


Middle school offers a wide variety of events and activities during and after the school day. These may include in-school spirit assemblies, athletics, clubs, dances, or socials. Payment dates for some events must occur up to 5 days in advance due to the nature of the activity. Please watch for these.

Students may not leave the school grounds after school and then return to an event. Students attending an after school activity should make arrangements to be picked up immediately afterwards. Any student who is not picked up within 15 minutes of an after school event may lose the privilege of participating in the next after school event.

Participating in activities such as after school sports and events, spirit assemblies, dances, field trips, year-end activities, etc. are earned through good grades and positive behavior choices. Issues resulting from poor student choices may eliminate them from these privileges. Eligibility requirements are listed below.

Eligibility Requirements for AttendingSchool Sponsored Activities

In order to participate in any school activity, students must be currently enrolled at this middle school, meet behavioral and academic standards, and be present during the entire school day of the scheduled event. The following are situations that may cause loss of eligibility to attend an event:

  1. Students receiving a failing grade;
  2. Students demonstrating A PATTERN of disruptive behavior and office referrals (as determined through review and determination by the school’s disciplinary committee);
  3. Students who receive an in-school or out-of-school suspension prior to the event.

Please note: Students serving in-school or out-of-school suspension are NOT permitted to attend or participate in any after school activities during the time of suspension, including athletic practices and events. Students serving PM Detentions or FridaySchools are not permitted to attend events scheduled in the same afternoon. Suspensions, PM Detentions and FridaySchools will not be rescheduled to accommodate events.