Assignment 3 - Group Web Design and Lesson Plan
Create a multimedia web-site,
Remember, accommodation of at least 3 of the 9 multiple intelligences must be apparent in the design of the web-based lesson.
Assessment will be based on quality and educational use, not quantity! – If we miss a part, lets not think we have to do everything
Feel free to use audio, video, text, stills, animations, and the like,
Each submitted assignment will include a paper component with:
The URL location for your web-site.
A section explaining your choice of framework, e.g. WebQuest - Paul
A section that explains where you have included some of the constructivist theory and principles in your module or web-site. - Paul
A description of the provision of at least 3 of the 9 multiple intelligences must be discussed in the web-based lesson. - Lisa
A section that details the creativity used in the web-site. Be specific with examples. - Peter
A graphical representation or site map of your module or web-site. This is not as detailed as a storyboard. Include lines that show the links or connections between each card. Your module or web-site should be non-linear in nature. - Lisa
A description of copyright and other issues that arose as you created the module/web-site. - Peter
A detailed Lesson PlanPaul – put together what we have already
- Subject, Learning Level, Author(s)
- Purpose/thesis: This is a summary sentence(s) stating the point of this lesson.
- Credit for lesson idea: List web sites or print materials you obtained lesson ideas.
- Outcomes/Objectives: recommend assessment or evaluation options for all that you list.
- Assessment or Evaluation: How do you plan on assessing the learning? How would you evaluate the effectiveness of the module or web-site?
- Background to lesson: previous work or background teaching needed. Keep this brief.
- Tasks: These are the actual tasks. Keep this brief and to the point.
- Interaction: This describes whether students work individual, in pairs or in groups for each part of all activities. Keep this brief and to the point.
- Student Expectations in point form: What exactly are the students expected to do?
- Tools: List software, basic hardware and any other resources needed.
- Technology Integrated: How is the technology integrated? What limited your choices?