Minutes of the Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) Meeting
ERCOT Austin – 7620 Metro Center Drive – Austin, Texas 78744
Wednesday, December 14, 2016 – 9:30 a.m.
Basaran, Harika / Austin Energy
Kueker, Dan / Brazos
Lookadoo, Heddie / NRG Texas
Lyles, Doug / Bryan Texas Utilities
Pak, Sam / Oncor
Reed, Carolyn / CenterPoint Energy
Schatz, John / TXU Energy
Traffanstedt, Jill / LCRA
Trenary, Michelle / Tenaska
Bevill, Jennifer / CES / Via Teleconference
Boisseau, Heather / LCRA
Brown, Jack / Garland Power and Light / Via Teleconference
Gross, Blake / AEP
Jacobs, Kaci / TXU Energy / Via Teleconference
Kee, David / CPS Energy
Parker, Ryan / Calpine / Via Teleconference
Robinson, Rhonda / Calpine / Via Teleconference
Raj, Priya / ABB / Via Teleconference
Richard, Derek / Calpine / Via Teleconference
Sams, Bryan / Reliant Energy Retail Services
Scott, Kathy / CenterPoint Energy
Thomas, Julie / Vistra Energy / Via Teleconference
Turner, Lucas / STEC / Via Teleconference
Wiegand, Sheri / TXU Energy / Via Teleconference
ERCOT Staff:
Bracy, Phil
Butterfield, Lindsay
Hartmann, Jimmy / Via Teleconference
Holt, Blake / Via Teleconference
Morehead, Juliana / Via Teleconference
Pagliai, Dave
Phillips, Cory / Via Teleconference
Roberts, Randy
Rosel, Austin / Via Teleconference
Ruane, Mark
2016 COPS Chair Michelle Trenary called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Antitrust Admonition
Ms. Trenary directed attention to the ERCOT Antitrust Admonition, which was displayed.
Agenda Review
There were no changes to the agenda.
Approval of COPS Meeting Minutes[1]
November 9, 2016
Carolyn Reed moved to approve the November 9, 2016 COPS meeting minutes as posted. John Schatz seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The Consumer Market Segment was not present for the vote.
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Update (see Key Documents)
Ms. Trenary reviewed highlights of the December 1, 2016 TAC meeting.
ERCOT Updates (see Key Documents)
IT Report
Dave Pagliai presented the IT Report.
Settlement Timelines for 2016 Christmas Holidays
Ohlen Dinopol provided an overview of invoice and settlement timelines over the holiday season.
4-CP Issue – July 2016
Randy Roberts presented information regarding the 4-Coincident Peak (4-CP) interval for July 2016, stating that there was an issue caused by a trip of the east Direct Current Tie (DC Tie) which resulted in deployment of additional generation over a nine minute period, and affected the 4-CP calculation. Market Participants discussed Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Docket No. 46604, Application to Set ERCOT Wholesale Transmission Service Charges for 2017, and possible solutions that could be implemented either through system changes or Protocol revisions.
Change impacting Day-Ahead Make-Whole Guaranteed Cost portion of Day-Ahead Make-Whole Payment Formula
Mark Ruane stated that in November, ERCOT Staff detected an increase in Day-Ahead Market (DAM) Make-Whole Payments following the implementation of Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) 617, Energy Offer Flexibility; and that the increased payments were the result of a data mismatch affecting Three-Part Supply Offers with null values for startup and minimum Energy for the day, which did not meet the criteria to be self-committed by DAM in paragraph (3) of Protocol Section, Three-Part Supply Offers. Mr. Ruane also stated that ERCOT analyzed all impacted Operating Days, and that none met the 2% threshold for resettlement of the DAM, a solution was implemented effective on the November 16, 2016 Operating Day, and ERCOT Staff is assessing ways to more rapidly identify Settlement anomalies going forward.
2% Resettlement Rule Discussion
Market Participants briefly discussed the resettlement threshold percentage. The topic was assigned to the Communications and Settlements Working Group (CSWG) for further consideration.
New PRS Referrals to COPS
There were no items referred to COPS at the December 1, 2016 PRS meeting.
Revision Requests Tabled at PRS, Previously Referred to COPS
NPRR802, Settlements Clean-Up
Market Participants reviewed the 11/16/16 ERCOT comments to NPRR802.
Harika Basaran moved to recommend approval of NPRR802 as amended by the 11/16/16 ERCOT comments. Heddie Lookadoo seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Revision Requests Tabled at COPS
There were no Revision Requests tabled at COPS at the time of this meeting.
Communications and Settlements Working Group (CSWG)
Heather Boisseau reviewed recent CSWG activities.
Market Data Working Group (MDWG) (see Key Documents)
Julie Thomas reviewed recent MDWG activities.
Profiling Working Group (PWG) (see Key Documents)
Sheri Wiegand reviewed recent PWG activities.
Other Business
COPS & Working Group Discussion (see Key Documents)
Ms. Trenary provided an overview of COPS and COPS Working Group responsibilities, and thanked 2016 leadership for their efforts over the past year.
Review of Open Action Items
There were no changes to the Open Action Items list.
Ms. Trenary adjourned the December 14, 2016 COPS meeting at 11:49 a.m.
DRAFT Minutes of the December 14, 2016 COPS Meeting – ERCOT Public
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[1] Key Documents referenced in these minutes may be accessed on the ERCOT website at: