Application for Admission 2018-19


Please visit us at for more information.

This application is valid for the 2018-19school year only.

ALL APPLICANTS must include the following documentation with a completed application:

  • Birth certificate
  • Custody agreement/court order, if parents are separated or divorced
  • Court-ordered guardianship papers if the student resides with someone other than a natural parent
  • Immunization record

ALL STUDENTS IN ASPEN SCHOOL DISTRICT must also provide proof of residency:

  • Submit 2 documents: 1 from EACH category below
  • Documents must be current and contain the physical address in the name of the parents or legal guardians

Category A:

  • Mortgage statement
  • Deed indicating ownership
  • Notarized lease agreement (must be through the entire school year)

Category B:

  • Recent utility bill: electricity, gas, cable or water

While ACS does not charge tuition, there are fees and expenditures associated with attending the school, in some cases including bus transportation. Because the State of Colorado funds only half-day Kindergarten, there is a charge for full-day Kindergarten.

Student Information

Applicant’s Name


Date of BirthAge todayGrade in 2018/19Sex  M  F

Home Address

Street CityStateZip

School District of residenceCounty of residence

Parent/Guardian Information

Father’s Name

Home Address

Street CityStateZip

Mailing Address (if different)

Street or P.O. BoxCityStateZip

Email Address


Company Name and Address

Phones(Home) (Mobile) (Work)

Mother’s Name

Home Address

Street CityStateZip

Mailing Address (if different)

Street or P.O. BoxCityStateZip

Email Address


Company Name and Address

Phones(Home) (Mobile) (Work)

Family Information

Brothers and Sisterscurrently enrolled at the Aspen Community School

NameRelationshipDates of Attendance

Paternal Grandparents –Mailing Address


Maternal Grandparents Mailing Address ______

Education Information

Present / Most Recent School Principal

School Address Present Grade

1. Does your child have any special needs or are they identified with an IEP? Yes No

If so, please explain in detail*

2. Does your child take any medication on a regular basis? Yes No

If so, please explain in detail*

3. Has your child ever received special education services? Yes No

(e.g. resource room, occupational therapy, speech and language, social/emotional, etc.)

If so, please explain in detail*

4. Have any evaluations been made? Yes  No

5. Are the results available to us?Yes No

Date(s) of Evaluation Evaluating Agency(ies)

Evaluations Release

Parent/Guardian SignatureDate


I hereby certify that all of the above statements are true and correct to the best of myknowledge. I understand that a false statement may disqualify my student for the lottery.

Parent/Guardian Name

Parent/Guardian SignatureDate