Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 21/10/2010

University of Melbourne Student Union

Minutes of the C&S Committee

Meeting 21/10


10 AM at, 21/10/2010

Location: Mary Cooke A, Union House


1.  Procedural Matters

1.1.  Election of Chair

1.2.  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

1.3.  Attendance

1.4.  Apologies (Shaun Khoo, Steph Field)

1.5.  Proxies

1.6.  Membership

1.7.  Adoption of Agenda

2.  Confirmation of Previous Minutes

2.1.  16/9/2010

2.2.  8/10/10

3.  Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1.  Regulation Amendments (Progress through Students’ Council)

3.1.1.  Recommendation for 4.3.2 (IGM Elections)

3.1.2.  Recommendation for 2.2.1.a (Affirmative Action)

3.1.3.  Consumables / Safe Food Handling Qualification Regulation Amendments

3.1.4.  Deletion of 2.2.4 (Conflicts with UMSU Constitution)

3.2.  Pin-board Purchase

4.  Office Bearers’ Report

4.1.  Jonathan Donagan

4.2.  Piper O’Dowd (2 reports)

4.2.1.  Evaluation of OB Goals

5.  Request to be Wound Up

5.1.  Biomedical Engineering Students Association

5.2.  Footbag (Hacky Sack) Club

5.3.  Architecture, Property, Planning, landscape, Environments (APPLe)

6.  Petitions to Discipline

6.1.  Iranian Society

6.1.1.  Iranian Society Correspondence

6.2.  AGMs not Held

6.2.1.  African Club Correspondence

6.2.2.  PIRATES Called AGM

6.2.3.  4WD Club

6.2.4.  Filmmakers Guild

6.2.5.  Crazy 8AM Stretching Club

7.  Training Invoices ($425 from 03 60 605 3161)

8.  Grants

8.1.  Budget Report

8.2.  Standard

8.3.  For Discussion

9.  New Clubs

9.1.  Affiliations

9.1.1.  Indonesian Campus Ministries

9.1.2.  Australia Youth Climate Coalition

9.1.3.  Fresh Life First

9.1.4.  Community Development Club

9.1.5.  Hindu Society

9.2.  Cross Cultural Dialogue Society failed IGM

9.3.  Progress of Batch 3 IGMs

10.  AGM Issues

10.1. Papers insufficient to process

10.2. Inquorate AGMs

10.2.1.  Vietnamese Students Association

10.2.2.  Physiotherapy Students Society

10.2.3.  85 Broads

10.3. Not 2 UMSU on Executive

11.  Membership Reporting Issues

11.1. Korean Christian Group (G4R)

11.2. Chinese Law Society

12.  Late Applications for Payment

12.1. Japanese Club

12.2. WISE (C&S error)

12.3. Student Exchange Society (see correspondence)

13.  Why Can’t My Club Buy My Union Membership? FAQ

14.  Income Tax Issues

15.  Financial Management Guidelines

16.  Other Business

17.  Next Meeting (Thursday November 4, 10 am Training Room 2)

18.  Close

Meeting opened at: 10:25 AM, by Piper O’Dowd

Agenda Item 1; Procedural Matters

1.1  Election of Chair

Motion 1: That Piper O’Dowd be elected chair

Moved: Piper O’Dowd


1.2  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

So acknowledged

1.3  Attendance

C&S Committee: Liam Hedge, Cassie Lutzko, Quinn Oakley, Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope,

C&S Officer: Piper O’Dowd

C&SB Administrator: Fiona Sanders

Hye Jin Kwon (Korean Christian Group)


Jonathan Donagan

1.4  Apologies

Shaun Khoo, Steph Field

1.5  Proxies

Steph Field to Quinn Oakley. Steph is drawn on Quinn’s hand. She’s less angry than Shaun’s proxies.

1.6  Membership

No change

1.7  Adoption of Agenda

Motion 2: That the agenda be adopted with item 11.1 to be moved to after item 2

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Quinn Oakley


Agenda Item 2: Confirmation of Previous Minutes

1.1.  16/9/2010

1.2.  8/10/10

Motion 3: That the previous minutes be accepted en bloc

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


Agenda Item 11: Membership Reporting Issues

11.1 Korean Christian Group (G4R)

Korean Christian Groups membership list was adjusted with 5 non-union members dropping off the list, making it seem like the club was trying to stay in Band A. To compound this, recent Application for Payment has many people saying that they are indeed members of the club.

Committee decides to give the club the benefit of the doubt and put them in the eligible band when they hand in an updated membership list.

Petition: To place the Korean Christian Group on probation for 6 months due to the provision of manifestly false information in order to gain an unfair advantage (C&S Regulation 6.1.c).

Petitioners: Quinn Oakley and Cassie Lutzko

Motion 4: To process the Application for Payment strictly according to the resubmitted membership list and pay 75% of what they are entitled to.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Cassie Lutzko

CARRIED with 1 abstention

Agenda Item 3: Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1  Regulation Amendments (Progress through Students’ Council)

3.1.1  Recommendation for 4.3.2 (IGM Elections)

3.1.2  Recommendation for 2.2.1.a (Affirmative Action)

3.1.3  Consumables / Safe Food Handling Qualification Regulation Amendments

3.1.4  Deletion of 2.2.4 (Conflicts with UMSU Constitution)

There has been no quorate student council meetings yet and there is unlikely to be any again this year.

Motion 5: That all outstanding regulation amendments be recommended to the 2011 C&S Committee.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope


3.2  Pin-board Purchase

Motion 6: That the committee authorise up to $500 from special events (03 60 605 3839) to purchase a pin-board from Melbourne Office Furniture.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope


Agenda Item 4: Office Bearers’ Report

4.1  Jonathan Donagan

Motion 7: That Jonathan Donagan’s office bearers report be accepted

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


4.2  Piper O’Dowd (2 reports)

Motion 8: That Piper O’Dowd’s first office bearers report be accepted

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Quinn Oakley


Motion 9: That Piper O’Dowd’s second office bearers report be accepted

Moved: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope Seconded: Liam Hedge

CARRIED with 1 against

4.2.1  Evaluation of OB Goals

Piper presented an evaluation of the 2010 goals. Many have been partially achieved, although it was noted that goals change throughout the year.

The value of the goals is a debate for next year’s committee.

Recommended: That next year’s committee look at this year’s goal and re-evaluate.

Agenda Item 5: Request to be Wound Up

5.1  Biomedical Engineering Students Association

5.2  Footbag (Hacky Sack) Club

5.3  Architecture, Property, Planning, landscape, Environments (APPLe)

Motion 10: That the Biomedical Engineering Students Association, Footbag (Hacky Sack) Club and Architecture, Property, Planning, landscape, Environments (APPLe) be wound up.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


Agenda Item 6: Petitions to Discipline

6.1  Iranian Society

6.1.1  Iranian Society Correspondence

The petitions are deferred. The C&S committee requests submission of Bank Statements that show that the money was repaid, and a revised treasurer’s report, by 4.30 pm on Friday October 29.

6.2  AGMs not Held

6.2.1  African Club Correspondence

Held AGM

6.2.2  PIRATES Called AGM

Held AGM

6.2.3  4WD Club

6.2.4  Filmmakers Guild

6.2.5  Crazy 8AM Stretching Club

Amended; African Club, Footbag (Hack Sack) Club and PIRATES are removed from the petition.

Motion 11: Petition: To disaffiliate the clubs that failed to call an AGM by the 2010 deadline (September 17) and have not applied for an extension. This is a failure to fulfil their obligations under C&S Regulation 5.3.5 which is grounds for discipline (Regulation 6.1.a). Clubs to which this petition applies are:

·  4P’s Club

·  4WD Club

·  Crazy 8AM Stretching Club

·  Filmmakers’ Guild

·  Friends of the Asian University for Women

·  Macedonian Awareness Society

·  Men’s Union

Moved: Quinn Oakley Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


Agenda Item 7: Training Invoices ($425 from 03 60 605 3161)

Motion 12: That the invoices for training for the year to date be paid: $425 to South West Training Services from 03 60 605 3161.

Moved: Chair


Motion 13: To approve spending of up to $650 for more training resources (Liquor Licensing and SmallPrint books) and $1000 for the NOV/DEC training (South West Training Services) from the Training budget line (03 60 605 3161).

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 8: Grants

8.1  Budget Report

Motion 14: That $1500 from Printing be moved to Grants, and to move the surplus after purchase of the pin-board from Special Projects to Grants.

Moved: Chair


ACTION: Advise clubs of the following:

·  We have no money left

·  Defer non-function spending to next year

·  Grant payments will be processed in the order that they are received

·  Grant approval is no guarantee that a grant will be paid

Shaun Khoo arrives at 11.15 am

8.2  Standard Grants

Motion 15: That all standard grants be approved en bloc except the Engineering Students Club’s T-shirts and the CastOn Charity Group’s sewing machine.

Moved: Chair

CARRIED with 1 abstention

8.3  For Discussion

Performing Arts Student Society- 2 exec have completed online SFH fully, one partial, C&S error in advice

Motion 16: That the grant be approved

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Liam Hedge


Physics Student Society- Public Liability cover confirmed, off campus exemption applied for (see reason)

Motion 17: That the grant be approved

Moved: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope Seconded: Shaun Khoo


Choral Society- Artwork not provided

Motion 18: That the grant be rejected

Moved: Quinn Oakley Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


Club of Kites- What the?

Motion 19: That the grant be rejected

Moved: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope Seconded: Liam Hedge

CARRIED with 1 abstention

Club of Kites and CAKE- No grounds bookings

Motion 20: That the grants be rejected

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Shaun Khoo

CARRIED with 1 abstention

Hong Kong Student Association- MUOSS funding applied for ($400)

Motion 21: That the grant be approved

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope

CARRIED with 1 against and 1 abstention

Islamic Society- Only 2 exec have completed online SFH

Motion 22: That the grant be rejected

Moved: Chair


Islamic Society-Banner artwork required

Motion 23: That the grant be rejected

Moved: Chair


More Beer- No Food Handling certificate

Motion 24: That the grant be rejected

Moved: Chair


PlanetUni- Printed 'planetUNI', no UMSU

Motion 25: That the grant be rejected

Moved: Chair


Secular Society- Banner artwork required

Motion 26: That the grant be rejected

Moved: Chair


Socialist Alternative- Alcohol service or BYO to be confirmed

Motion 27: That the grant be approved

Moved: Chair

CARRIED with 2 against

Student Exchange- Certificate of Currency out of date, new cert6ificate submitted prior to meeting

Motion 28: That the grant be approved

Moved: Chair


WISE- Banner already purchased without approval

Motion 29: That the grant be rejected

Moved: Chair



Motion 30: That the IGM grants be approved pending affiliation and that those grants are paid first.

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 9: New Clubs

9.1  Affiliations

9.1.1  Indonesian Campus Ministries

Non students participated in the elections but are members of the club.

Motion 31: That the Indonesian Campus Ministries be affiliated

Moved: Chair

CARRIED with 1 against, 3 abstention

9.1.2  Australia Youth Climate Coalition

21 people present, 19 members

Motion 32: That the Australia Youth Climate Coalition be affiliated

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Liam Hedge


9.1.3  Fresh Life First

9.1.4  Community Development Club

9.1.5  Hindu Society

Motion 33: That Fresh Life First, Community Development Club and the Hindu Society be affiliated.

Moved: Chair


9.2  Cross Cultural Dialogue Society failed IGM

The Cross Cultural Dialogue Society can still hold an IGM since there is still time in semester.

9.3  Progress of Batch 3 IGMs

Batch 3 IGM’s are processing well.

Agenda Item 10: AGM Issues

10.1 Papers insufficient to process

Petition: To disaffiliate Amnesty International due to the failure to complete reaffiliation by submitting AGM papers; which is a failure to fulfil obligations stipulated in the C&S Regulations (5.3, 6.1.a).

Petitioners: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope and Cassie Lutzko

Mauritian Student Society has indicated they wish to wind up, deferred to seek written confirmation form the society. Deadline for response 25th October

PIRATES (extension to October 15): not yet submitted AGM papers. New deadline set of 25th of October

Biomedicine Students Society did not hand in new executive details. Deadline 25th of October to hand in their new exec details.

10.2 Inquorate AGMs

10.2.1  Vietnamese Students Association

10.2.2  Physiotherapy Students Society

Both re-holding AGM. Vietnamese Students Association and Physiotherapy Students Society are given an extension for submission of papers of 25th of October.

10.2.3  85 Broads

Petition: To disaffiliate 85 Broads due to the failure to complete reaffiliation by holding a valid AGM; which is a failure to fulfil obligations stipulated in the C&S Regulations (5.3, 6.1.a).

Petitioners: Quinn Oakley and Cassie Lutzko

Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope leaves at 11:40am

10.3 Not 2 UMSU on Executive

Petition: To disaffiliate the clubs who do not have 2 Executive Committee members who are also Student Union members; which is a failure to fulfil obligations stipulated in the C&S Regulations (5.6.i, 6.1.a, 6.1.q). These clubs are:

·  Indian Club

·  Land and Food Resources Students Association

·  Sri Lankan Students Association

Petitioners: Liam Hedge and Quinn Oakley

Agenda Item 11: Membership Reporting Issues

11.2 Chinese Law Society

ACTION: To write to the Chinese Law Society and tell them to do better for next time, and refer the matter to the next committee.

Petition: To place the Chinese Law Society on probation for 6 months due to the deliberate contravention of the C&S Regulations; that the club draws at least 66% of its membership from the Melbourne Uni student population, and the membership list contain the requisite information for each member (C&S Regulation 6.1.a, 5.6, 5.6.g).

Petitioners: Liam Hedge and Cassie Lutzko

Agenda Item 12: Late Applications for Payment

12.1 Japanese Club

Motion 34: That the grant be rejected

Moved: Chair


12.2 WISE (C&S error)

Motion 35: That the grant be approved

Moved: Shaun Khoo Seconded: Liam Hedge


12.3 Student Exchange Society (see correspondence)

Grant & Payment Applications submitted after spending, 2 months after Grants Training was attended.

Motion 36: That the grant be rejected

Moved: Chair


ACTION: Tell MUSEX that they have the right to attend the next C&S Committee meeting as planned but the committee wont change its decision.

Agenda Item 13: Why Can’t My Club Buy My Union Membership? FAQ

Motion 37: That the FAQ be adopted and sent to clubs.

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 14: Income Tax Issues


Agenda Item 15: Financial Management Guidelines


Agenda Item 16: Other Business

PlanetUni invites the Committee to their Stress Busting event

Agenda Item 17: Next Meeting (Thursday November 4, 10 am Training Room 2)

Agenda Item 18: Close

Meeting closed at: 11:50 AM

Certified by Chair:

Signed: Dated:

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