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April 2006

Module Description: Liturgy and Worship

Aims / The aims for this module are set into the context of the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and they relate to the SEEC descriptors for level 2 study.
This module aims to support students as they explore the nature of worship in a Christian context. The principles of Christian worship will be examined both from a historical perspective and in the light of recent liturgical reforms.
Learning outcome/objectives / By the end of this module participants should have:
  1. a basic knowledge and understanding of the history, nature and principles of Christian worship;
  2. a knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of liturgical reform;
  3. an ability to reflect critically on their experience of worship;
  4. a developing understanding of skills required for preparation and celebration of liturgies or parts of liturgies
  5. the ability to communicate what they have learned from an adult stance.

(for contact time and non-contact time) / The course will include:
  • an introduction to relevant liturgical sources;
  • an exploration of the presence of Christ in all worship, and the link between word and sacrament
  • the rites of the Church; their form and questions of enculturation;
  • principles for preparing and planning liturgies.

Teaching and learning strategies / Contact time:
The module will use a range of approaches, including lectures, seminars, videos, reading and discussion; students will also be asked to prepare and carry out short acts of worship to act
Non-contact time:
This will include guided reading and some observation of liturgy in a contemporary Christian setting.
Learning support / Books:
Chupungo, A J (1989) Liturgies of the Future: the process and methods ofinculturation New York: Paulist Press.
Flannery, A (1987) The Documents of Vatican II Dublin: Costello
Guzie, T (1981) The Book of Sacramental Basics New York: Paulist Press
Guzie, T (1974) Jesus and the Eucharist New York: Paulist Press
Hoffman, L A (1988) The Art of Public Prayer: Not For Clergy Only Washington, DC: Pastoral Press
Assessment task / Either: A written assignment (or equivalent) on a topic agreed with the tutor (Word count: 1,500)
Or: A liturgical presentation lasting no more than 15 minutes
This task will be marked on a pass/fail basis.
Assessment criteria /
  • a knowledge and understanding of the history, nature and principles of Christian worship (LO1);
  • a knowledge and understanding of the phenomena of liturgical reform (LO2);
  • evidenced ability to reflect critically on their experience of worship (LO3 )
  • demonstrated understanding of skills required for preparation and celebration of liturgies or parts of liturgies (LO4)
  • the ability to communicate what they have learned from an adult stance(LO5)