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April 2006
Module Description: Liturgy and Worship
Aims / The aims for this module are set into the context of the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and they relate to the SEEC descriptors for level 2 study.This module aims to support students as they explore the nature of worship in a Christian context. The principles of Christian worship will be examined both from a historical perspective and in the light of recent liturgical reforms.
Learning outcome/objectives / By the end of this module participants should have:
- a basic knowledge and understanding of the history, nature and principles of Christian worship;
- a knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of liturgical reform;
- an ability to reflect critically on their experience of worship;
- a developing understanding of skills required for preparation and celebration of liturgies or parts of liturgies
- the ability to communicate what they have learned from an adult stance.
(for contact time and non-contact time) / The course will include:
- an introduction to relevant liturgical sources;
- an exploration of the presence of Christ in all worship, and the link between word and sacrament
- the rites of the Church; their form and questions of enculturation;
- principles for preparing and planning liturgies.
Teaching and learning strategies / Contact time:
The module will use a range of approaches, including lectures, seminars, videos, reading and discussion; students will also be asked to prepare and carry out short acts of worship to act
Non-contact time:
This will include guided reading and some observation of liturgy in a contemporary Christian setting.
Learning support / Books:
Chupungo, A J (1989) Liturgies of the Future: the process and methods ofinculturation New York: Paulist Press.
Flannery, A (1987) The Documents of Vatican II Dublin: Costello
Guzie, T (1981) The Book of Sacramental Basics New York: Paulist Press
Guzie, T (1974) Jesus and the Eucharist New York: Paulist Press
Hoffman, L A (1988) The Art of Public Prayer: Not For Clergy Only Washington, DC: Pastoral Press
Assessment task / Either: A written assignment (or equivalent) on a topic agreed with the tutor (Word count: 1,500)
Or: A liturgical presentation lasting no more than 15 minutes
This task will be marked on a pass/fail basis.
Assessment criteria /
- a knowledge and understanding of the history, nature and principles of Christian worship (LO1);
- a knowledge and understanding of the phenomena of liturgical reform (LO2);
- evidenced ability to reflect critically on their experience of worship (LO3 )
- demonstrated understanding of skills required for preparation and celebration of liturgies or parts of liturgies (LO4)
- the ability to communicate what they have learned from an adult stance(LO5)