Friday, March 16, 2007
(Local Session)
FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2007
Indicates Matter Stricken
Indicates New Matter
The Senate assembled at 11:00 A.M., the hour to which it stood adjourned, and was called to order by the ACTING PRESIDENT, Senator SHEHEEN.
Memorandum To:Clerk of the House
Clerk of the Senate
Re:Committee Hearings, February 26, 2007
The Committee to Screen Candidates for Boards of Trustees of State Colleges and Universities finds the following candidates for Boards of Trustees qualified. Background reports from the State Law Enforcement Division show no felony charges against any of the candidates.
The Citadel
One seat,at-largeColonel Harry B. Limehouse, Jr.
Coastal Carolina University
Six congressional districts and two at-large
1st District, Seat 1Mr. Clark B. Parker
2nd District, Seat 3Dr. Oran P. Smith
3rd District, Seat 5Mr. William S. Biggs
4th District, Seat 7Mr. Charles J. Hodge
5th District, Seat 9Dr. Samuel J. Swad
6th District, Seat 11Mr. Gary W. Brown
At-Large, Seat 13Mr. Eugene C. Spivey
Mr. Fred F. DuBard, Jr.
At-Large, Seat 15Mr. Daniel W. R. Moore, Sr.
South Carolina State University
Three congressional districts and two at- large
1st District, Seat 1Mr. Karl V. Green
2nd District, Seat 2Mr. Reggie Gallant -
unable to attend
4th District, Seat 4Dr. John H. Corbitt
At-Large, Seat 8
(expires 09)Mr. Earl A. Johnson, Jr.
Dr. Shirley Portee Martin
At-Large, Seat 12
(expires 08)Ms. Sky Foster
Rev. D. Edward Chaney
Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School
Three seats,at-largeDr. Earle Bennett
Mrs. Sandra Dooley Parker
Ms. Inese P. Williamson
Dr. Howard D. Hill
Respectfully submitted,
Rep. Olin Phillips, Chm.Sen. Thomas Alexander
Rep. Lanny F. LittlejohnSen. Linda Short
Rep. Joan BradySen. Jake Knotts
Rep. Floyd BreelandSen. Harvey S. Peeler, Jr.
Monday, February 26, 2007
11:15 a.m. - 1:13 p.m.
The meeting was conducted on February 26th, 2007 at 403 Blatt Building, Columbia, South Carolina, before Lisa F. Huffman, Court Reporter and Notary Public in and for the State of South Carolina.
Representative Floyd Breeland
Representative Joan Brady
Representative Lanny F. Littlejohn
Senator Thomas Alexander
Senator Linda Short
Also Present:
Sophia Derrick
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: I want to thank each and every one of you for coming today and I want to introduce the members of the Screening Committee. Senator Tom Alexander to my right; myself, Jake Knotts; Representative Joan Brady; Representative Floyd Breeland; and Representative Lanny Littlejohn . If any of y'all would like to have anything to say, that's fine; have at it. And we have walking in now the leader of the pack, Senator Linda Short.
SENATOR SHORT: Good morning.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: We have with us now, of course, our court reporter, Lisa Huffman, she's working to the left here. And we have with us Sophia Derrick, who's our Administrative Assistant for the Committee. Like to say thank you to all for coming, and we're going to try to get through this the best we can. Our Chairman is currently sick and I wish that he were here. But he's here in spirit, and I hope him a quick recovery. The first thing we're going to -- our first order of business this morning is, we want to start the Screening Committee.
MS. DERRICK: You need to swear them in.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Do we swear them in one at a time or all at once?
MS. DERRICK: We can do it all at once, if you'd like.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Yes. If all the committee -- I mean, all the candidates please stand. If you would, raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God, before this Screening Committee today on any questions asked?
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: You may be seated. The first person that we're going to be screening this morning would be Colonel Harry Limehouse, for The Citadel Board. There's one seat, at-large.
COLONEL LIMEHOUSE: Senator, if it had been deer season, I'd know why you were late; so I hope your doctor appointment turned out all right.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Well, if I got to go down there to Charleston to your place to hunt those deer, I wouldn't be hunting out of season. I'd be killing all those things that I could get, but I'm not hunting out of season; I'm just kidding. Mr. Limehouse, state your name for the Committee.
COLONEL LIMEHOUSE: Harry Bancroft Limehouse, Jr.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Are you applying for The Citadel Board.
COLONEL LIMEHOUSE: I am applying for reelection for two reasons. One, I served a partial term and I'd like to have a full term. But primarily because we need some continuity on the Board and we've accomplished a lot in the couple years that I've been on there. But I think I need to stay around a year or two more and see it improve, so. We replaced the President, the Provost, the Commandant of Cadets, the football coach and the basketball coach while I've been on the Board, and we are very happy with everybody we've got. And, of course, like every institution of higher education in this state, we're more and more trending to private finance, as opposed to federal. And so, this has given, you know, a little bit of concern from time-to-time, for example, our stadium was not safe. So we, after I came on the Board, we convinced the then-President of waiting till you had the cash in-hand; we're never going to get there, so we were lucky enough to get it bonded, and we replaced the home side. And we're joint-venturing with the National Guard to put them in a facility that's second-to-none, which will assist in homeland security, and better utilize the place -- a football season that doesn't get that much use of it except for five, six football games. So, we're still raising money for that, and we're renovating our final barracks, and we've got a lot of things going on that I think I need to stick around for, for a few years. And if you-all would be so kind as to approve me, why, I'd like to stand for reelection.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Okay. Let me just ask you four questions. Do you have any health-related problems that the Screening Committee should be made aware of that would prevent you from serving on the Board in a full capacity?
COLONEL LIMEHOUSE: This is physical now, not mental, right? I've got a knee that doesn't work real well and I had a stent put in a couple years ago. So, if that would disqualify me, you know, I do have a couple little ailments, but that probably comes with being 68 years old.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: But you don't think that that would prevent you from serving in a full-time capacity?
COLONEL LIMEHOUSE: I don't think so. I am Chairman of the Building and Grounds, and we meet on a regular basis, and we've done some real good things that I'd be happy to tell you-all about if you were interested. So no, I don't think so.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Considering your present occupation and other activities, would you be able to attend Board meetings on a regular basis?
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Do you have any interests, professionally or personally, that present a conflict of interest because of your service on the Board?
COLONEL LIMEHOUSE: No. I have no financial interests in the institution at all.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Do you now hold any public position of honor or trust that, if elected to the Board, would cause you to violate the dual office holding clause of the constitution?
COLONEL LIMEHOUSE: Not at the present time.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Any members of the committee have any questions? Yes, sir.
REPRESENTATIVE BREELAND: Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Colonel, I just want to ask one question. I know you mentioned the construction to the stands, bleachers, but there's some new construction going on behind the west side stand. I live not too far from the city. And I'd be interested in finding out what is really taking place there.
COLONEL LIMEHOUSE: What we did is we partnered with the National Guard, and we're building National Guard offices. So their office around the corner by the baseball stadium, we built them a secure area for their equipment, so that in the event of a disaster, like a hurricane or, you know, if we were attacked, the Guard would be able to mobilize out of that operation because that's where their offices will be. They were downtown in that building across the street, you remember?
COLONEL LIMEHOUSE: Then they moved and they wanted to get back downtown. So, we leased them the footprint next to the west stands, and they're going to put their offices there. Then when we raise enough money to pay for it, we'll put a club level and some suites and things on top of that.
REPRESENTATIVE BREELAND: Okay. I think that's what I was talking about. Thank you.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Any other member of the committee have any questions?
REPRESENTATIVE SHORT: Move favorable report.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: All right, move for a favorable report, do I hear a second?
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Any discussion? All in favor for a favorable report, raise your right hand.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: It's unanimous. Thank you.
COLONEL LIMEHOUSE: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Next is the Coastal Carolina University, Six Congressional Districts and two at-large. First person to be screened is 1st District, Seat number one, Clark Parker.
MR. PARKER: Good morning.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Good morning, Mr. Parker. State your name for the record, Mr. Parker.
MR. PARKER: Clark B. Parker, from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Let me ask you some questions right quick, and then we'll get into why you want to be on the Board. Do you have any health-related problems that the Screening Committee should be made aware of that would prevent you from serving on the Board in a full capacity?
MR. PARKER: No, sir.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Considering your present occupation and other activities, would you be able to attend Board meetings on a regular basis?
MR. PARKER: Yes, sir.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Do you have any interests, professionally or personally, that present a conflict of interest because of your service on the Board?
MR. PARKER: No, sir.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Do you now hold any public position of honor or trust that, if elected to the Board, would cause you to violate the dual office holding clause of the constitution?
MR. PARKER: No, sir.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Okay, Mr. Parker if you would, tell us why you want to be on the Board.
MR. PARKER: Both my wife and I are graduates of Coastal Carolina, graduated in 1977; my wife was a graduate '78. I have supported the University in various capacities as President of the Alumni Association, Chairman of the Higher Education Commission, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and various other committees that I've served on, on behalf of the Trustees. I feel like that I'm there. I can participate in a lot of activities and events that need attention and attendance. I think I have had the ear of a lot constituents, particularly students that are going there. And I feel like I'm an advocate for the students, more so than other bodies -- other than our customers. I look forward to working with them in the future like I have done in the past.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Thank you Mr. Parker, any questions from the committee? Mr. Parker, are you currently on the Board?
MR. PARKER: Yes, sir.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: I've got one question, if you would. You may be able to answer it or not. I heard some talk down around Coastal of current problems at the University, are those being presently addressed?
MR. PARKER: Chairman of the Audit Committee, we're looking into some issues there, and our Internal Auditor is reviewing some transactions. And we feel like there's no major issues there, but we're looking at them.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: How long do you think that will be before something is -- outcome has been found?
MR. PARKER: Probably by our May meeting. The next Board meeting is May. Sixty days, feel like.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Okay. Any other members? Do I hear a motion?
MR. BREELAND: Move for report, Mr. Chairman.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Move for a favorable report. Second?
MS. BRADY: Second.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Second by Representative Brady. Any discussion? No discussion. All in favor, raise your right hand.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Let it be unanimous. Thank you, Mr. Parker.
MR. PARKER: Thank you, sir.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Next will be Oran Smith of Lexington County. Mr. Smith, let me ask you some questions. Do you have any health-related problems that the Screening Committee should be made aware of that would prevent you from serving on the Board in a full capacity?
DR. SMITH: No, sir.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Considering your present occupation and other activities, would you be able to attend Board meetings on a regular basis?
DR. SMITH: Yes, sir.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Do you have any interests, professionally or personally, that present a conflict of interest because of your service on the Board?
DR. SMITH: No, sir.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Do you now hold any public position of honor or trust that, if elected to the Board, would cause you to violate the dual office holding clause of the constitution?
DR. SMITH: No, sir.
VICE CHAIRMAN KNOTTS: Okay, tell us why you want to be on the Board.
DR. SMITH: Mr. Chairman, my Senator. Mr. Chairman, since my election to the original Board of Coastal 14 years ago, if you can believe I was elected 14 years ago. I think I must have been in high school at the time; I was the youngest Board member. I was the youngest Board member then, and I'm almost still the youngest Board member. But I've been a part of the development of a small regional college, into a major state university. And my service as Chairman of the Academic Affairs Committee and a member and a special advisor of the Presidential Search Committee, has put me in the position to play a role in the academic life and in the future leadership of Coastal. And with your approval, I will look forward to a fifth term as a member of the governing Board of our state's fastest growing institution.
To be very frank, Coastal's a pretty exciting place to be because of all the things that are happening there. And it's been a pleasure to be there, and I would certainly like to be over to continue to work for the strength of the academic program and all the other factors that make Coastal a great University. You can be confident that I will serve with integrity there and will work for the good of the institution and for the people of South Carolina who have entrusted Coastal Carolina University to us. Thank you.
SENATOR ALEXANDER: Mr. Chairman, if I could. I would certainly like to congratulate you on your leadership and involvement there in taking the college to a university. Just briefly, can you tell me kind of y'alls philosophy on your tuition increases or what has transpired over the last five years as y'all have done that? And where you see that going in the future?
DR. SMITH: We have a lot of pressure as a growing institution. When an institution grows, of course, of you have more students and you receive more in tuition. But there's certain factors that cause us, when we grow, to have greater expenses even per student or per FTE. So we've been in the position to keep up the quality where we would like it to be, to be having to raise tuition from time-to-time. And in recent years, we've been a little more aggressive about trying to maintain expenses at a lower level and attempting to prevent those increase from going into the double digits. And in most cases, we've done that.
A part of it has to do with, I know that you in your deliberations and those with the Senate Finance Committee and House Ways and Means Committee, there are a lot of mouths to feed in South Carolina, a lot of agencies, a lot of needs that we have as a state. Our economy's been growing lately. We're doing better, but higher education is not one of the best-funded sectors of our economy and our budget. So, some cases to respond to state funding that is actually decreasing or not increasing, we've been in the position of having to raise tuition, which we don't like to do. However, we're hoping for a greater investment in higher education from the General Assembly because of the role it plays in economic development. So, we don't like to do those tuition increases, working to keep them lower.
Again, we have a Audit Committee that's very active now. And that, working with the Internal Auditor of the University we would like to see if we can find some additional savings.
SENATOR SHORT: How many students do you have now? What level do y'all plan to go to before we stop that growth pattern?