Gray Dawn
How the Coming Age Wave Will Transform America -- and the World

(C) 1999 Peter G. Peterson All rights reserved. ISBN: 0-8129-3195-5

Times Books

There's an iceberg dead ahead. It's called global
aging, and it threatens to bankrupt the great
powers. As the populations of the world's leading
economies age and shrink, we will face
unprecedented political, economic, and moral
challenges. But we are woefully unprepared.
Now is the time to ring the alarm bell ...

Group 1: Gray Dawn

The challenge of global aging, like a massive iceberg, looms ahead in the future of the largest and most affluent economies of the world. Visible above the waterline are the unprecedented growth in the number of elderly and the unprecedented decline in the number of youth over the next several decades. Lurking beneath the waves, and not yet widely understood, are the wrenching economic and social costs that will accompany this demographic transformation--costs that threaten to bankrupt even the greatest of powers, the United States included, unless they take action in time. Those who are most aware of the implications of this extraordinary demographic shift will best be able to prepare themselves for it, and even profit from the many opportunities it will leave in its wake.

The list of great hazards in the next century is long and generally familiar. It includes proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons; high-tech terrorism; deadly superviruses; extreme climate change; the financial, economic, and political aftershocks of globalization; and the ethnic and military explosions waiting to be detonated by today's unsteady new democracies. Yet there is a less-understood challenge--the graying of the developed world's population--that may actually do more to reshape our collective future than any of the above.

This demographic shift cannot be avoided. It is inevitable. The timing and magnitude of the coming transformation is virtually locked in. The elderly of the first half of the next century have already been born and can be counted--and the retirement benefit systems on which they will depend are already in place. The future costs can therefore be projected with a fair degree of certainty. Unlike global warming, for example, there can be little theoretical debate over whether global aging will manifest itself--or when. And unlike other challenges, such as financial support for new democracies, the cost of global aging will be far beyond our means--even the collective means of all the world's wealthy nations. How we confront global aging will have direct economic implications--measurable, over the next century, in the quadrillions of dollars--that will likely dwarf the other challenges. Indeed, it will greatly influence how the other challenges ultimately play out.

Societies in the developed world--by which I mean primarily the countries of North America, Western Europe, Japan, and Australia--are aging for three major reasons:

* Medical advances, along with increased affluence and improvement in public health, nutrition, and safety, are raising average life expectancy dramatically.

* A huge outsized baby boom generation in the United States and several other countries is now making its way through middle age.

* Fertility rates have fallen, and in Japan and a number of European countries are now running far beneath the "replacement rate" necessary to replace today's population. The impact of so few young people entering tomorrow's tax-paying workforce, while so many are entering benefit-receiving elderhood, is of profound consequence.

As a result, I believe that global aging will become the transcendent political and economic issue of the twenty-first century. I will argue that--like it or not, and there's every reason to believe we won't like it--renegotiating the established social contract in response to global aging will soon dominate and daunt the public policy agendas of all the developed countries.

By the 2030s, these countries will be much older than they are today. Some of them may exceed a median age of 55, twenty years older than the oldest median age (35) of any country on earth as recently as 1970. Over half of the adult population of today's developed countries and perhaps two-thirds of their voters will be near or beyond today's eligibility age for publicly financed retirement. So we have to ask: When that time comes, who will be doing the work, paying the taxes, saving for the future, and raising the next generation? Can even the wealthiest of nations afford to pay for such a vast number of senior citizens living a third or more of their adult lives in what are now commonly thought of as the retirement years? Or will many of those future elderly have to do without the retirement benefits they are now promised? And what happens then?

This is not the first time I have spoken out on demographic trends and the clash between popular expectations and fiscal realities. In 1982, I began writing on the long-term challenges facing the U.S. Social Security system--a concern that is now, at last, moving onto the center stage of national discussion where it should have been long ago. After studying the early Reagan budgets, I spoke out against the danger of ballooning federal budget deficits, and began organizing national bipartisan efforts to control and reduce them. In the 1980s, five former Secretaries of Treasury and I founded the Bi-Partisan Budget Appeal, made up of 500 former public officials and business CEOs. In 1992, with Senators Warren Rudman and Paul Tsongas, I cofounded The Concord Coalition. This organization was devoted originally to balancing the budget. With the short-term budget outlook improving, it is now focusing on the long-term impact of ballooning spending on federal entitlement programs, which threatens to unbalance the budget again early in the next century, and on the great advantage of acting to reform them sooner rather than later. (It was in that context that the White House asked The Concord Coalition in 1998 to cohost a series of televised national conferences on the future of Social Security with an unlikely bedfellow, the American Association of Retired Persons.)

In 1996, I presented my views about the aging of America and the impending crisis in U.S. retirement programs in my book, Will America Grow Up Before It Grows Old? So, one might ask, why write another book on what sounds like the same subject? The answer is, it's not the same subject. My last book focused on America's own domestic problem. But while writing that book, I became aware that, imposing as the challenge of an aging society is in the United States, it is even more serious in Japan and much of Europe. In most of the other developed countries, populations are aging faster, birthrates are lower, the influx of younger immigrants from developing countries is smaller, public pension benefits for senior citizens are more generous, and private pension systems are weaker. Most of the other leading economies therefore face far worse fiscal fundamentals than we do. Even some major developing countries--China, for example--face serious aging challenges in the next century.

Given the instant and sometimes painful interactions within global capital markets and the likelihood of varying national responses to the coming fiscal challenge, I can easily envision that sometime in the next decade or two demographic aging will trigger unprecedented financial pressures, both on fragile regional economic arrangements such as the European Economic and Monetary Union and on the world economy as a whole. The economic and political outcome could make today's Asian or Russian crisis look like child's play.

Demographic aging is, at bottom, a global challenge that cries out for a global solution. That is why I have written this book.


The leaders of the developed world all know what is coming. In private discussions I have had in recent years with President Clinton, Prime Minister Hashimoto, Prime Minister Thatcher, and other leaders of major economies, I learned that they were all fully briefed on the stunning demographic trends that lie ahead. But so far, despite the magnitude of the challenge, the political response has been paralysis rather than action, fear not commitment. Hardly any country is doing what it should to prepare. Hardly any country is doing much at all. Yet year after year the crisis approaches with the measurable certainty of an advancing tidal wave.

In 1994 I served on the Kerrey-Danforth Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform, established by President Clinton. After studying demographic projections and their cost implications, we issued a report that was endorsed unanimously by the Commission's 20 Democratic and Republican congressional members and by 30 of its 31 total members. (The sole exception was the President of the United Mine Workers.) The report demonstrated beyond question that if we do not reform tax and spending policies, the benefit outlays for just five programs--Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and federal civilian and military pensions--will exceed total federal revenues by the year 2030. This would leave zero tax revenue for any other purpose--not even for interest payments, nor for national defense, nor for education, nor for child health, nor for the federal payroll. Not a penny available for anything else.

The report was the clearest official description to date of the staggering fiscal challenges posed by America's demographic aging. Both Democrats and Republicans on the Commission, compelled by hard facts, for the first time agreed on the scope of the crisis.

America's political leadership thanked us for the report, shook our hands, and walked away. After that, silence. Soon, after the 1994 congressional elections, the White House and congressional leaders decided that the Commission was politically toxic since its conclusions pointed so inescapably toward Social Security and Medicare reform. In the end the Commission expired without agreeing on a single concrete proposal to reform a system it had in its own report called "unsustainable."

The possibility of reform had run aground on a familiar obstacle: the growing disjuncture between what leaders know must be done and what policy changes they are willing to take to the voters. Something similar happened in 1996. Months after both parties in Congress agreed to appoint a commission to avert Medicare's imminent bankruptcy, the Democratic party ran an aggressive, demagogic, and successful "Mediscare" campaign to vilify any candidate who proposed "cutting" Medicare's rate of cost growth--a rate that everyone agreed would spend the program dry. And it happened again in 1998, when President Clinton in his State of the Union address proposed a commendable "dialogue" on the future of Social Security. The dialogue has begun, but leaders of both parties have thus far carefully avoided endorsing any specific reforms.

Denial is not a peculiarly American response. The flight from reality is re-enacted daily from Rome to Paris to Bonn to Tokyo. Like the United States, the other developed countries acknowledge the problem but refuse to deal with it.

A wise man once said that the real tragedy of life is that everyone has his reasons. Politicians are no exception. All over the world, they fear backing proposals that will cut or change retirement benefits because they think they'll lose their jobs if they do, as others have. In 1995, Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia government was buffeted by a number of political storms, all of which were arguably survivable--except for the gridlock over pension reform, which shattered his coalition. That same year, the Dutch Parliament was forced to repeal a recently enacted cut in retirement benefits after a strong Pension Party, backed by the elderly, emerged from nowhere to punish the reformers. In 1996, the French government's modest proposal to trim pensions triggered strikes and even riots. A year later the Socialists overturned the ruling government at the polls.

Rarely have so many official multilateral bodies--such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)--agreed with such unanimity on the dimensions of a problem. Margaret Thatcher told me that she repeatedly tried to raise this issue at G-7 summit meetings. Yet the answer from her fellow leaders was, in effect, "Of course aging is a profound challenge, but it doesn't hit until early in the next century. That means it won't hit on my watch."


Before they can grapple with the needed reforms, leaders of the developed world will have to speak out about the real truths and face up to the real choices. In particular, they will have to acknowledge that it may be impossible to reconcile rapid demographic aging with today's generous "pay-as-you-go" retirement systems--a misleadingly cheerful phrase that really means "hand-to-mouth" financing, in which a static or shrinking working-age population supports a rapidly growing retired population. Direct cash transfers from the working young to the nonworking old are now the norm throughout the developed world. But how does a politician inform voters that the benefits being paid to today's retirees cannot be sustained for tomorrow's? Telling the public that the unfunded benefits they are counting on may not be forthcoming is like admitting that a bank with everyone's life savings in deposit has just disappeared. The response is almost certain to follow the typical pattern, from disbelief to denial to outrage. No wonder politicians choose not to deliver such awful news.

The politicians are hardly the only culprits in this denial game. The public is often a willing accomplice. Voters have become habituated to a pay-as-you-go system that banks every generation's future retirement on the next generation's resources rather like a giant Ponzi scheme. But try telling people that a system that worked just wonderfully for their parents (who signed up early) won't do nearly so well for their kids (who are signing up late). You might as well tell an addict to end his dependency because the supply of drugs is running low.

Each country's resistance is colored by its political and cultural institutions. In Europe, where the "welfare state" is more expansive, the public can hardly imagine that the promises made by previous generations of politicians can no longer be kept. They therefore support leaders, unions, and party coalitions that make generous unfunded pensions the very cornerstone of social democracy. In the United States, the problem is not so much a habit of welfare-state dependence as the peculiar American notion that every citizen has personally earned and therefore is "entitled" to whatever benefits government happens to have promised. Over the past fifty years, as this notion of "earned benefits" has expanded, America's personal savings rate has fallen from near the top to the very bottom among developed nations. From a society that once felt obliged to endow future generations, we have become a society that feels entitled to support from our children. Unless this mindset changes, Americans may one day find that all they really are "entitled to" is a piece of the national debt.


Let's be frank: One reason many people are reluctant to focus on global aging is that, in the past, demographers have sometimes erred badly in their forecasts. Only yesterday, it seems like they were all talking about worldwide overpopulation. So why trust what demographers are saying now?

Let me explain why. Human fertility, the variable demographers find hardest to predict, doesn't influence the fiscal projections I use in this book at all over the next twenty years (the time span needed for a newborn to grow up to be a taxpayer) and very little over the next thirty years. In the near and medium term, therefore, the aging scenario I describe is virtually locked in. Beyond that, fertility does play a growing role in fiscal projections and, admittedly, demographers have often been wrong on this question. What is less well known is that almost all such errors have been overestimates. Projections of population aging, therefore, have almost always been underestimates. A very long-term trend is at work here. Over the last century and a half, fertility in the world's most affluent nations has been in almost steady decline. This decline has repeatedly surprised experts who assumed it couldn't continue.

The single major exception was the post-World War II baby boom in a number of large developed countries, notably the United States. It was this boom that triggered the "overpopulation" anxieties of the early postwar era and led, by the 1960s, to newspaper headlines about the "population bomb" and anti-birth movements like ZPG (Zero Population Growth). It also spawned an entire industry of birth control experts and advocates who galvanized elite opinion and spurred multilateral agencies to take action. But, as it turned out, this postwar birth boom quickly subsided. By the 1970s, the fertility rate in the developed world was again falling to unprecedented lows. And it has continued to fall ever since, thanks to such long-term drivers of lower fertility as growing affluence, increased female employment, later marriage, and widening access to birth control and abortion. In hindsight, it is clear that the postwar birth boom was a historical anomaly, though one whose full impact has yet to be felt. To date, it has slowed the pace of aging in the United States and a few other countries--but in the future it will accelerate the pace of aging when this huge generation of baby boomers becomes senior boomers.