Bulletin Insert #3
Because of the Northern Illinois Synod Mission Fund, our synod is able to partner with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in starting new ministries, redevelop existing ministries, and engage in ministry explorations.Intersections in Genoa, IL. is a brand new ministry exploration in the greater Genoa area.
At its January 2018 meeting, the Northern Illinois Synod Council designatedIntersections as a Synodically Authorized Worshiping Community under the leadership of Deacon Carla Vanatta.Deacon Vanatta shares these words about this new ministry in our Northern Illinois Synod:
“I am excited to partner with the ELCA and the Northern Illinois Synod this spring in developing a mission outreach called Intersections in the Genoa area.To begin, I plan to invite a group of friends and Diakonia graduates to be a core group for prayer and support, asking God to grow a vision and be working in the hearts of people before we even meet them.As I meet with the community and other church leaders, I will be listening for both the strengths of this area and what needs or people are underserved…where might God’s love intersect with their lives?Creating a Facebook, blog, or web presence, inviting prayer requests from the community, visiting neighborhoods, and beginning small group study/fellowship and occasional worship opportunities as a Synodically Authorized Worshiping Community will also be goals of this ministry exploration.Only the Lord knows how Intersections will develop and who we will serve, but graced by your prayers, support from the NIS Mission Fund, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we know our lives will be enriched and souls touched by Jesus.I am grateful for your prayers and support as I step out in faith toexplore this call of the church.”
Gifts for Mission is a synod-wide initiative to grow our Synod Mission Fund so it can remain strong in the ability to provide grant support to new and renewing ministries in our Northern Illinois Synod.Please prayerfully consider how you might share a generous gift to Gifts for Mission on Generosity Sunday, Pentecost, May 20, 2018.All gifts are needed, to help our Synod Mission Fund remain strong that together we can be a vibrant witness to Christ’s love.
Because of the Northern Illinois Synod Mission Fund, our synod is able to partner with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in starting new ministries, redevelop existing ministries, and engage in ministry explorations. Intersections in Genoa, IL. is a brand new ministry exploration in the greater Genoa area.
At its January 2018 meeting, the Northern Illinois Synod Council designatedIntersections as a Synodically Authorized Worshiping Community under the leadership of Deacon Carla Vanatta. Deacon Vanatta shares these words about this new ministry in our Northern Illinois Synod:
“I am excited to partner with the ELCA and the Northern Illinois Synod this spring in developing a mission outreach called Intersections in the Genoa area. To begin, I plan to invite a group of friends and Diakonia graduates to be a core group for prayer and support, asking God to grow a vision and be working in the hearts of people before we even meet them. As I meet with the community and other church leaders, I will be listening for both the strengths of this area and what needs or people are underserved…where might God’s love intersect with their lives? Creating a Facebook, blog, or web presence, inviting prayer requests from the community, visiting neighborhoods, and beginning small group study/fellowship and occasional worship opportunities as a Synodically Authorized Worshiping Community will also be goals of this ministry exploration. Only the Lord knows how Intersections will develop and who we will serve, but graced by your prayers, support from the NIS Mission Fund, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we know our lives will be enriched and souls touched by Jesus. I am grateful for your prayers and support as I step out in faith to explore this call of the church.”
Gifts for Mission is a synod-wide initiative to grow our Synod Mission Fund so it can remain strong in the ability to provide grant support to new and renewing ministries in our Northern Illinois Synod. Please prayerfully consider how you might share a generous gift to Gifts for Mission on Generosity Sunday, Pentecost, May 20, 2018. All gifts are needed, to help our Synod Mission Fund remain strong that together we can be a vibrant witness to Christ’s love.