To: All Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the annual meeting of the Parish Council to be held at the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay, on Tuesday 4th May, 2010 at 7.30 p.m. for the transaction of the business stated below.
Mrs. L.A. Martin Orchard House,
Clerk of the Council 90 Howard Cornish Road,
Marcham, Abingdon,
Tel: (01865) 391833 Oxon. OX13 6PU
1. Election of Chairman
2. Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman
3. Election of Vice Chairman
4. Appointment of Planning Working Group (4)
5. Appointment of Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils representative (1)
6. Appointment of Village Hall Management Committee representative (1)
7. Appointment of Public Transport representative (1)
8. Appointment of RWEnPower Liaison Committee representatives (2)
9. Appointment of Waste Recycling Group Liaison Committee representatives (2)
10. Appointment of Millennium Common Committee representative (1)
12. Appointment of Harwell Stakeholder Group representative (1)
13. Appointment of Culham Liaison Committee representative (1)
14. Appointment of Western Villages Alliance Group representative (1)
15. Appointment of Police Neighbourhood Action Group representative (1)
16. Appointment of Damascus Advisory Committee representatives (2)
17. Appointment of Oxfordshire County Council Minerals and Waste Stakeholder Forum Group representative (1)
18. Appointment of Parish Plan Steering Group representatives (2)
19. Appointment of representative to Reservoir Affected Parishes Group 20. Appointment of representatives to a Recreation Ground Working Party to meet with Football Club and Cricket Club.
21. To appoint representatives to a Landfill site Working Party to consider and evaluate information as it is released concerning the future of the site and any planning or other applications.
22. To appoint representatives to the local technical working group considering the technical and environmental aspects of any activities on the landfill site.
23. Appointment of representatives to Review of Effectiveness of Audit working party
24. To appoint substitutes for members who cannot attend the committee/group meetings.
25. Apologies for Absence
26. Declarations of Interest
To receive any declaration of Personal or Prejudicial interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. (Please refer to notes at the end of agenda). Members are reminded that should they have a personal interest in an item they must disclose the existence and nature of that interest to the meeting prior to the matter being debated. Where that personal interest is also a prejudicial interest then the Member must withdraw from the room in which the meeting is being held and not seek improperly to influence any decision about the matter. Council has adopted clause 12(2) of the Model Code of Conduct for Parish Councils 2007 and anyone with a prejudicial interest will be permitted to address Council during the section set aside for public participation.
27. Minutes of the meeting held on 6th April, 2010
To approve the minutes as a correct record of the proceedings.
28. Matters arising from the Minutes
Manor House / Norman Hall – Trees
The arboricultural officer from the Vale of White Horse District Council confirms that the trees scheduled to remain are still there, however laurel and other understorey shrubs that has opened up the site from a visual point of view have been removed. He has no concerns about the works.
Land adjacent to Pumping Station – Drayton Road – works to trees
The arboricultural officer confirms that the planning enforcement officer has contacted the owner to point out that a formal application should have been lodged. However some of the work done would not have come within a conservation area notification. He confirms that in any event, he probably would not have objected to the works which did need formal notification.
29. Public Participation
An opportunity for the public to bring parish matters to the attention of the Council.
30. County Councillor’s Report
To receive a report on County Council matters from Cllr. S. Lilly
31. District Councillor’s Report
To receive a report on District Council matters from Cllr. G. Duffield
32. WRG/Landfill Site
To note that Cllr. Lilly has arranged a meeting of the core group on Wednesday 19th May at 2.00 p.m. Council has previously agreed that Cllrs. Mrs. Atkinson and Hanks attend as observers, with Cllr. Woodward substituting. As only Cllr. Hanks is free to attend that day Council is required to consider whether it wishes to send a second representative.
33. Matters raised by Councillors for information
34. Police Matters
35. Planning Applications
a) Decisions on previous applications
b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting
Cllr. Hanks declared an interest in the following application and did not participate in the formation of Council’s comments on the application. Cllr. J. Warwick acted as substitute. Cllrs. Mrs. Atkinson and Jenkins declared personal interests in that they were trustees of the charity that owned the almshouses.
Fell Lime Tree
The Almshouses, Church Street
For: S. Ringrose on behalf of Mrs. R. Allan
Comments: Council always had concerns regarding the felling of trees in the conservation area, and believed it should only be felled if found to be diseased and dangerous. (This was stated to be the case on the application). The tree formed part of the street scene and locality and the council requested that a replacement tree be be planted.
Cllr. Hignell had previously declared a personal and prejudicial interest in an application for this property, and although part of the planning working group took no part in the formation of Council’s comments on this application. Both Cllrs. J. Warwick and Mrs. R. Atkinson acted as substitutes, as another member Cllr. Campbell was away.
SUT/13243/4 Raise roof over single storey extension to form bedroom
26 High Street
For: Mr. and Mrs. P. Cook
Comments: Council had no objections
c) Applications for consideration at the meeting
None received
36. RWEnPower – Liaison Meeting 12th April
To receive a report from Cllr. Hanks who attended this meeting.
37. Culham Local Liaison Committee – 22nd April
To receive a report from Cllr. Hanks who attended this meeting.
38. Recreation Ground
a) To receive the report on the condition of the play equipment/recreation ground – weekly inspection by Council.
b) To appoint the play equipment inspection/litter bin emptying person for the next month.
39. Standing Orders
To review Standing Orders in accordance with NALC recommendations and to adopt
the revised version of Standing Orders as supplied to members.
40. Oxfordshire Rural Community Council – Celebration of 90th Birthday
Invitation for 2 representatives to attend the launch of the 90th birthday publication
10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. Saturday 3rd July at Abingdon Four Pillars Hotel.
To consider who will represent the Council.
41. Village Green – Use of Green for Vicar’s Fun Day 23rd May
To consider a request from the Parochial Church Council to use the village green for Vicar’s Fun Day on Sunday 23rd May.
42. Correspondence
a) Thames Valley Police – Newsletter April 2010
b) Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association – The playing field magazine
43. Accounts
a) To approve summary receipts and payments accounts for 2009/10 b) To approve accounts for payment
44. Date of Next Meeting. The next meeting of the Council will take place on Tuesday 1st June, 2010.
Notes on Declaration of Interest
(i) any Member arriving after the start of the meeting is asked to declare personal interests as
necessary as soon as practicable after his/her arrival even if the item in question has been
(ii) it is not practical to offer detailed advice during the meeting on whether or not a personal interest should be declared, or whether a personal interest should also be regarded as prejudicial.
Other Literature
Oxfordshire County Council – Home 2 School magazine