All Geography

Cardinal directions, intermediate directions, longitude, latitude, equator, prime meridian

How do location, climate, and natural resources affect where people live and how they trade?

(All History

Timelines, 1492 is 15th century

England~Great Britain~United Kingdom)

All Governments

Unitary, confederation, federal

Autocracy, oligarchy, democracy

Branches: legislative, executive, judicial

Parliamentary democracy:

Prime minister chosen by parliament

Presidential Democracy:

President elected by people

Legislature: upper house speaks for states, lower house speaks for people

Prime minister, president

Constitutional monarchy

Head of state, head of government

All Economics

Traditional, Command, Market economies

What to produce? How to produce?

Who to produce for?

Production, distribution, consumption

Continuum: from command to market; most countries mixed.

Trade Barriers: tariff, quota, embargo

Currency exchange

All economics, continued

Investment in human capital and physical capital connected to per capita Gross Domestic Product

Natural resources in economy


Europe: Geography

Danube River, Rhine River, English Channel, Mediterranean Sea, European Plain, Alps (mountains), Pyrenees (mountains), Ural Mountains, Iberian Peninsula,

Scandinavian Peninsula

Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom

Europe: Culture

Compare languages: German, English, Russian, French, Italian

Religion: Judaism, Christianity, Islam

Literacy rate affects standard of living

Europe: Economics

Compare economies of United Kingdom, Germany, Russia

UK and Germany mixed, towards free market

Russia mixed, toward command

Europe: Environment

Acid Rain in Germany

Air pollution in United Kingdom

Nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine

6th Social Studies Standards, 1

Europe: History

Exploration, colonization reasons: religion, natural resources, market for goods, Prince Henry the Navigator

Empires of Portugal, Spain, England, France in Asia, Africa, and N and S America

United Kingdom colonized Australia

European Empire-building in Africa leads to World War I.

Events after WWI: Russian Revolution, Treaty of Versailles, worldwide depression, rise of Nazism.

WWII: Holocaust, Cold War, Superpowers

Collapse of Soviet Union, end of cold war, reunification of Germany

Europe: Government

United Kingdom = parliamentary democracy,

constitutional monarchy

2 Houses: Upper house is House of Lords

Lower house is House of Commons

Germany = federal, democratic, republic

2 Houses: Bundesrat is upper house

Bundestag is lower house

Russia = federation

2 Houses: Upper House is Federation Council

Lower House is State Duma

European Union: purpose, relationships among member nations

6th Social Studies Standards, 2

Canada: Geography

St. Lawrence River, Hudson Bay, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Great Lakes, Canadian Shield, Rocky Mountains

Canada: Environment

Acid rain, pollution in Great Lakes

Natural resources of Canadian Shield

Deforestation, timber resources

Canada: History

Influence of French and English

How Canada became independent

Quebec’s Independence movement

Canada: Government

Constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy, federation (federal)

Voting, personal freedoms

Latin America: Geography

Amazon River, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Ocean, Panama Canal, Andes Mountains, Sierra Madre (mountains), Atacama Desert

Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela

Compare location, climate, natural resources of Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Cuba

Latin America: History

Spanish, Pizarro, Incas, Atahualpa

Spanish, Cortez, Aztecs, Montezuma

Columbian Exchange: goods, animals, esp. horse, diseases

African slavery in the Americas

Spanish and Portuguese religion, language, culture in Latin America

Independence Movements: Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simon Bolivar, Miguel Hidalgo

Cuban Revolution

Zapatista Movement

Latin America: Government

Brazil: Federative Republic

Mexico: United Mexican States

Cuba: Communist Dictatorship

Leadership, voting, personal freedoms

Latin America: Economics

North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA

Compare economies of Canada, Cuba, Brazil

Latin America: Environment

Air pollution in Mexico City

Destruction of rain forest in Brazil

Oil-related pollution in Venezuela

Australia: Geography

Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, Ayers Rock, Great Victoria Desert

Australia: History

Aboriginal culture

British colonization of Australia, convicts

British diseases, weapons, culture conquer Aboriginal people

Australia: Government

Federal, parliamentary democracy

Constitutional monarchy

Voting, personal freedoms

Australia: Economics

Describe Australian economy

Personal Finance

Personal money management choices

Income, spending, credit, saving, investing