The aim of our PE curriculum is to develop confident, healthy, active individuals who have a lifelong love of physical activity. This will be achieved through inspiring and challenging active experiences, where children value themselves and strive for individual excellence.

At Tidcombe in 2014-15 we have used our PE Premium Grant funding in a range of different ways, and the purpose of this report is to evaluateandassess the impact of the money spent so far.

We have three main aims:

Support staff in delivery of good and outstanding PE lessons, through partnership with specialist teachers and ongoing training. / INTERVENTION
Ensure all children within the school have their needs identified and supported. / PARTICIPATION
Continue to ensure that all children have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular sporting activities every single year.
Allocation of PE and Sport Premium Grant 2014-15
Grant / £9024
Summary of PE and Sport Grant 2014-15
Record of PE and Sport Grant Funding 2014-15
Item/Project / Cost / Objectives / Outcomes
Participation in Local Learning Community sports programme through Tiverton High School / £600 / To build positive attitudes to sporting events and competitions and foster relationships with children from other schools / 95.7% of children in Years 4-6 have attended at least one cross-school sporting event. Recent joiners to KS2 have not had the opportunity yet. Due to 2 event cancellations, 50% Year 3 have not attended a cross-school sporting event.
Transport costs to sporting events / £200 / To enable a wider range of sporting events to be attended. / Buses available, driver available 18 events attended.
Sports admin/minibus, including setting up a whole-school excel spreadsheet to track and ensure all children are participating in extra-curricular sporting activities. / £2000 / To ensure that all children in the school are able to access cross-curricular sporting events, / Logistics managed for 18 events, Good communication with Tiverton High School, identification of less active children via excel spreadsheet.
Subscription to Babcock LDP’s PEPASS (Physical Education, Daily Physical Activity and School Sports) Excellence in primary Physical Education scheme. / £850 / Training and support from Devon LDP PE leads / 7 staff attended external training sessions.
Ensure PE subject leader knowledge up to date and informed / £1500 / PE management training and PE coordinator meetings at Tiverton Learning Community and County level. / PE coordinator attended x9 training sessions and completed post-course tasks including monitoring medium term planning and assessment and updating on good practice.
Release time for teaching and support staff to attend PE training. *NB most training sessions are twilight sessions, / £100 / To develop teaching expertise in Leap into Life and in teachinghand eye coordination (Foundation Stage) / 1 teacher and 1 TA in Early Years. Enhanced skill and confidence.
Resourcing of PE equipment to support teaching of PE across the school. / £1200 / To improve teaching and learning of PE. To improve children’s attitudes to PE and a range of games. / New equipment has facilitated better quality provision. Resources purchased and available for staff.
Provide resources to engage more pupils in active lunchtimes. / £324 / Improve attitudes to a range of games, improve behaviour, develop
fine and gross
motor skills, / Equipment available lunchtimes. Children are aware of where it is stored.
Training and support from PEDPASS team for MTAs to develop Sports Leaders (identified upper KS2 children who would benefit from developing confidence and leadership) / £600 / Improve quality of daily physical activity amongst younger children. Improve behaviour. Support children to develop leadership skills, younger children develop fine and gross motor skills. / 29 Children, 1 teacher, 1 TA and 1 MTA attended training.
Additional training for Lunchtime staff on skipping/behaviour management through physical activity in the playground. / £60 / Improve quality of daily physical activity and improve behaviour. / 3 MTAs attended training.
Gymnastics training for teaching staff. / £800 / Improve quality of gymnastics teaching and learning. / All teachers/TAs attended training. Evaluation indicates further development in 2015-2016.
Swimming for all children in Years 4-6 who are currently unable to swim. / £1000 / Improve water confidence and skills of the children who can’t swim. / 44 Children in Years 4-6 attended additional swimming. We began with 20 non-swimmers and 24 children who could only swim 0-25m. We ended with 8 non-swimmers and 4 children who could only swim 0-25m .
Identified as area for future development.
1 TA attended Devon Swim 100 swimming training.
OAA / Free / All children in Years 4-6 attended Heathcoat climbing wall for a climbing session.
All children in Years 5-6 will attend Blundells swimming pool in July for additional swimming lessons. All children in Years 3-6 received additional cricket coaching. / 100% children in Years 4-6 participated.
Extra curricular sports clubs during lunchtimes and after school – football, girls football, cricket, running club, dance, country dancing. / Free- staff /volunteers / All children will be encouraged to attend clubs which will be run at a range of times to promote high attendance. / 67% children in KS2 have attended at least one sports club this year. This is identified as an area for development.
Whole-school “Rio 2016 Challenge” / Free-staff and volunteer times. / On newsletter to raise awareness amongst children, parents and wider school community of importance of physical activity. / On newsletter weekly. Children told latest total in assembly (weekly.)

For 2015-16we have identified the following key areas for development:

  • CPD Gymnastics: We have agreed that we would all benefit from further training this year with a focus on developing sequences using apparatus.
  • Swimming: Continue to do “top up swimming” – we will participate in the Devon Swim 100 Challenge. The whole of Year 4 will attend 10 swimming sessions in the Spring term.
  • Play Leaders - PE coordinator will work with play leaders 3 x a week to ensure their activities are appropriate, fun and all those involved are gaining something from it. Play leaders are a range of children who already show leadership skills, or those who would benefit from the additional responsibility. We will evaluate and have some additional training in January to maintain the momentum begun already.
  • Representing Tidcombe at sporting events – continue to use the excel spreadsheet to monitor attendance and ensure 90% children at Tidcombe in KS1/KS2 represent the school every year.
  • Active Lunchtime club for those children who have been identified on the excel spreadsheet as being less active. We trialled this with 9 children in June/July.
  • PE kit: to ensure children wear the correct PE kit and agree a consistent procedure across all classes for those who have forgotten their kit.