Respiratory System functions

·  obtains Oxygen and removes Carbon Dioxide

·  traps air particles

·  controls air temp and water content

·  produces vocal sounds

Respiration involves

·  ventilation-air into and out of lungs

·  gas transport and exchange between blood cells and air in lungs

Upper respiratory

Nose- hairs filter particles

Nasal cavity-hollow space behind nose, septum divides, mucous membrane, blood vessels warm and moisten air, traps dust and particles

Paranasal sinuses-air filled spaces, lined with mucous membranes, reduce weight of skull, affect quality of voice

Pharynx/throat-passageway for food and air

Lower respiratory

Larynx-top of trachea, below pharynx, muscles and cartilages (Adam’s apple)

Vocal cords-air forced between layers of muscle and elastic fibers causes cord vibration/ sound waves

Glottis-opening between vocal cords closes to prevent food and liquid from entering trachea

Epiglottis-flaplike, closes when swallowing

Trachea/Windpipe-lined with ciliated mucous membrane, splits into bronchi—walls consist of C shaped cartilage, prevent collapse and airway blockage

Bronchial tree-left and right bronchus, bronchioles (no cartilage), alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, alveoli—microscopic sacs within capillary nets through which gases can be exchanged—300 million in adult lungs

Lungs-soft, spongy, cone shaped

Visceral pleura-membrane attached to lung, Parietal pleura-lines inner wall of thoracic cavity

Space between is pleural cavity

Right lung larger, 3 lobes

Left lung, 2 lobes

Breathing-depends on CO2 in blood

Inspiration (inhale)

Impulses carried on phrenic nerves stimulate diaphragm to contract (goes down), alveoli pressure falls. Pressure pushes air in

Expiration (exhale)

Diaphragm relaxes (goes up), elastic tissues recoil, alveolar pressure increases, air out

Lungs hold up to 6L of air

Breathing exchanges .5L air

1 L air remains in lungs

Alveolar gas exchange:

O2 diffuses across cell membranes of alveoli to blood

CO2 diffuses from capillaries to alveoli, then is exhaled

Gas transport: 98 % of blood O2 transported by hemoglobin

Lab work

P. 328

P. 331 part A

P. 301 part B

P. 303