Call for Journalists and Video-editors

Personal details and contact information

Full Name
Date of birth
E-mail address
Phone number
Order of preference (example: 1. Journalist 2. Video-editor)

EYP session history* and experience

Year and Place / Type of event / Your role / Name of your superior official

*You can also provide a link to your profile on the Alumni Platform, if your session history is up-to-date.

Other relevant EYP experience

Motivation (both Journalist and Video-editor applicants)

What is your motivation to be part of the Gothenburg 2014 Media Team? (Max. 300 words)


Send to - Deadline: Tuesday the 3rd of Dec, 23:59 CET

Journalist and video-editor applicants

Write a letter of recommendation for your participation in the Gothenburg 2014 Media Team. Please include relevant experience you would bring to the session. If applicable, include any EYP recommendations you hold and attach it with your application. (Max. 450 words)
State your ideas and vision for the session’s media team and its work, plans for a high quality material and journalist involvement in the session. Also elaborate on what kinds of media you intend to use and why. If applying to edit with someone else, please state that person’s name. (Max 1200 words)

Journalists only

What would you like implement into the Media Team? Why? (Max. 300 words)
State your ideas and vision for the session’s media team and its work, plans for a high quality material and journalist involvement in the session. Also elaborate on what kinds of media you intend to use and why. If applying to edit with someone else, please state that person’s name. (Max 1200 words)
Do you have specific skills that you can bring to the Media Team? (Max. 100 words)


How would your visual concept for the session look like? (Max. 600 words)
What are your specific competences when it comes to filming and editing? (Max. 200 words)
If you have any previous material to showcase, please provide link(s) to any previous experience you have with media within or outside EYP (newspaper, blogs, websites, photography, video etc.).
Please provide us with references to your previous work (link(s) to any previous experience you have with media within or outside EYP newspapers, blogs, websites, photography, videos you have created etc.).
If you have any previous material to showcase, please provide link(s) to any previous experience you have with media within or outside EYP (newspaper, blogs, websites, photography, video etc.).


Send to - Deadline: Tuesday the 3rd of Dec, 23:59 CET

Please remember that the deadline for applications is the 3rd of December, Tuesday, 23:59 (CET).

Please send your application in .doc and .pdf format in an email to . Name the subject Name + Last Name (positions you are applying for).

Every candidate will be informed individually of the result of the selection as soon as possible after the deadline.


Send to - Deadline: Tuesday the 3rd of Dec, 23:59 CET