Research and Teaching at the Graduate Level: Theory and Practice

Center for Social Sciences, TbilisiStateUniversity

Bazaleti, Georgia. 27-28 November 2010

Workshopfor the faculty and doctoral studentsof the

Faculty of Social and Political Studies,TbilisiStateUniversity

Saturday, 27 November

10.00-10.10 – Professor Marine Chitashvili:

Opening remarks

10.10-11.20–Dr Tim Blauvelt and Dr Andrew Hargreaves:

Interdisciplinary approach: Social science and historical research

11.20-11.40– Coffee break

11.40-13.00– Dr Gordana Velichkovska and Dr Lika Tsuladze:

Methodological debates: Strengths and weaknesses of qualitative and quantitative studies

13.00-14.30 – Lunch

14.30-16.00– Professor Neil MacFarlane:

Managing a research project

16.00-16.30 –Coffee break

16.30-18.00 –Group discussions

19.00 – Dinner

Sunday, 28 November

10.00-11.20 – George Khelashvili:

GraduateSchool in Social Sciences at TbilisiStateUniversity: Anadministrative perspective

11.20-11.40 – Coffee break

11.40-13.00 – Professor Marine Chitashvili

Advancing reforms in Social Sciences at TbilisiStateUniversity

13.00 – Lunch

15.00 – Departure forTbilisi

Research and Teaching at the Graduate Level: Theory and Practice

Center for Social Sciences, TbilisiStateUniversity

Bazaleti, Georgia. 27-28 November 2010

Workshopfor the faculty and doctoral studentsof the

Faculty of Social and Political Studies,TbilisiStateUniversity

Workshop Participants:

# / Name / Program/ Department/ Organization
1 / Marine Chitashvili / CSS Director, Full Professor at FSPS, TSU
2 / Neil MacFarlane / Lester B. Pearson Professor of International Relations; St. Anne's College, Oxford;
Head of International PhD program in IR, TSU, CSS
3 / George Khelashvili / MPhil (Oxon), Head of Research development office at the Centre for Social Sciences, TSU
4 / Timothy Blauvelt / ACTR/ACCELS Director, TSC MSocSc program faculty member, CSS
5 / Gordana Velickovska / TSC and Gender Studies MSocSc programs faculty member, CSS
6 / Andrew Hargreaves / TSC and Gender Studies MSocSc programs faculty member, CSS
7 / Nana Macharashvili / TSC and Gender Studies MSocSc programs faculty member, CSS; AFP returning fellow; Associate professor at Department of Political Science, FSPS, TSU
8 / David Matsaberidze / TSC MSocSc program faculty member, CSS; AFP returning fellow; Assistant professor FSPS, TSU
9 / George Hudson / Fulbright, Guest Professor at IR department, FSPS, TSU
10 / Zurab Davitashvili / Head of IR department, Full Professor at FSPS, TSU
11 / Alexander Rondeli / Full Professor IR Department,FSPS, TSU; President of GFSIS
12 / Lia Tsuladze / TSC and Gender Studies MSocSc programs faculty member, CSS;Associate professor at Department of Sociology, FSPS, TSU
13 / Lili Khechuashvili / CSS Faculty member (Research Methods Training Module);Assistant professor at Department of Psychology, FSPS, TSU
14 / George Mchedlishvili / TSC MSocSc program faculty member, CSS; AFP returning fellow
15 / Nargiza Arjevanidze / Gender Studies MSocSc program faculty member, CSS; AFP returning fellow
16 / Tamar Tsopurashvili / Gender Studies MSocSc program faculty member, CSS;
17 / Eka Akobia / Student of international PhD program in International Relations, CSS / FSPS, TSU;
18 / Khatuna Salukvadze / Student of international PhD program in International Relations, CSS / FSPS, TSU
19 / Tamar Khuntsaria / Student of international PhD program in International Relations, CSS / FSPS, TSU
20 / Gizo Chelidze / Student of international PhD program in International Relations, CSS / FSPS, TSU
21 / Sophia Petriashvili / Student of international PhD program in International Relations, CSS / FSPS, TSU;
22 / Natia Ejoshvili / Student of international PhD program in International Relations, CSS / FSPS, TSU
23 / Maia Barkaia / Student of international PhD program in Gender Studies, CSS / FSPS, TSU
24 / Nikoloz Jashi / Student of international PhD program in Gender Studies, CSS / FSPS, TSU
25 / Tornike Nozadze / Student of PhD program in Political Science, FSPS, TSU
26 / Tamar Karaia / Student of PhD program in Political Science, FSPS, TSU
27 / Miranda Giorgashvili / Student of PhD program in Social Psychology, FSPS, TSU
28 / Diana Lezhava / Students’ Dean, CSS
29 / Vasiko Barbakadze / Technical Manager, CSS