
Study Guide – Early Republic Ch 10, 11, 12

1.  Early Republic

a.  Bill of Rights (known 1st Amendment)- list of rights to protect people from bad government, 1st- Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, press, petition

b.  Cabinet- advisors to the president, controversial b/c there is no mention in the Constitution yet these members have incredible power

i.  Sec, of State- Thomas Jefferson

ii.  Sec. of Treasury- Alexander Hamilton

c.  Hamilton’s Policies-Hamilton wanted America to pay back it’s war debts and prove to Europe that it is a real country

i.  Whiskey Tax (define)- tax on whiskey to pay back war debts

1.  Whiskey Rebellion (identify)- farmers in W. Penn. Rise up in protest of the tax (whiskey to farmers was a form of currency, plus, farmers do not need much from Government but the Government is taking property/$ from them to give to “rich”

2.  Explain why it was significant to the founding of the nation.-Pres. Washington sends in Army and crushes rebellion, shows that the new Government can enforce its laws

ii.  Bank of the US (define) central bank to issue currency and pay back debts, ran by elite Americans

iii.  Assumption (define)- Federal Government assumes war debt for all states, some states upset b/c they have little debt but have to contribute $ to pay back other state’s debts

1.  Explain how Hamilton expected both policies to ensure US success If the US can show that it can pay backs debts, country can borrow more money (from Europe and wealthy Americans- if wealthy Americans invest in the country, they will be forced to help it succeed or lose their money)

d.  1st American Political System (Why did political parties develop?) representatives of farmers did not like Hamilton’s policies and started voting as a bloc/group against Hamilton

i.  Dem/Rep (founder) Jeffereson, farmers, rural areas

ii.  Federalists (founder) Hamilton, businessmen, urban/city areas

1.  Key ideas of both parties in regards to …

a.  French Revolution support vs. Supported English monarchy Dem supported- extension of US revolution, Feds against- anarchy, Fr. Needs a strong central gov.

b.  Strict and Loose Construction (define) Dems Strict (limit Fed. Gov. power to only what Const. says, give states rest of the power), Feds/Loose- allow Gov. to do anything not forbidden in Const, allows Gov. to grow and adapt to change

c.  Strong/Active Gov vs. weak/States right Gov.- Feds- strong central gov- keep order, enforce law, protect property and trade; Dems- states rights- Fed. Gov. can turn tyrannical, farmers do not need help from Gov. so limit it’s power

d.  Manufacturing vs. Agriculture nation- Feds/Manufacturing- factories make more money than farming, create new goods, create jobs; Dems- agriculture/farming- protects liberty by providing everyone with a decent living

2.  Who was the 1st Federalist President? (Hint- 2nd Pres.) John Adams

e.  Washington’s Farwell Address (explain)warning and advice to a young country

i.  Foreign policy isolationism/stay out of alliances with Europe (it will only drag US into war, ocean protects US)

ii.  Political Parties bad, politcal Parties work for themselves, not the country

f.  Alien and Sedition Acts (Define)unconstitutional laws created by Federalists during Adams term

i.  Alien Act immigrants could be deported for any reason

ii.  Sedition Act- crime to criticize the President, Gov, country

1.  Explain why they were passed to prevent Dem/Rep. from having power (most farmers were immigrants)

g.  Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (Define)a state could nullify/ignore any law seen as unconstitutional (like Alien and Sedition Acts) even secede

i.  Analyze how they were a reaction to the Ky/Va Acts VA and Ky were Dem/Rep areas with farmers, Feds. Made an unconstitutional law directly targeting and hurting one group (tyranny)

h.  Marbury vs. Madison (define) state that the Supreme Court had final say on all laws made by Congress, not the states

i.  Explain importance of decisions in furthering Federalist view of Government Federalist believe in strong central Government and this decision takes final say away from the states and gives it to SC.Fed Gov.

2.  Jeffersonian Era (Who was the ideal citizen according to Jefferson) farmer (he envisioned a nation of small farmers)

a.  Revolution of 1800 (explain what was revolutionary) Election of 1800, peaceful transfer of power from one political party/Feds in power to another Dem/Rep

i.  Analyze how it was not revolutionary (think about how Jefferson went against his beliefs once elected. Analyze if he was a true Dem/Rep. President.) normally the group in power and in command of the army does not want to step down and starts killing opposition groups

b.  Louisiana Purchase (Identify) purchased from France for $15mil, doubles size of the country

i.  Explain Jefferson’s Dilemma strict construction- no where in the constitution does it give the Pres. Power to purchase land, Jefferson went against his beliefs of SC and purchased the land because it was good for farmers

c.  Barbary Pirates- off Libya stealing from US ships (1st foreign policy test for US)

d.  Tecumsah (identify who he was and his goal for Native Americans? How did he want them to change their way of living?) Native American genius, wanted to unite Native Americans against US

i.  Tenskwatawa (The Prophet) Tecumsah’s brother and spiritual leader, wanted native Americans to stop using anything made by Americans/whites

ii.  Died at Battle of Thames in War of 1812 fighting alongside English

1.  Explain what died with Tecumsah-a unifies Native American nation

3.  War of 1812 2nd war against England from 1812-1815

a.  Impressments (define) cause of the war, Eng. was kidnapping US sailors to fight against France

b.  Embargo Act (Define. Explain if it was a success or failure.) Pres. Jefferson stopped trading with Eng and Fr. Lost US over $100 mil., biggest failure of Jeff. Pres.

c.  War Hawks (what is a hawk? What were they upset about?) Hawks want war with England, feels US is being disrespected, Eng. never accepted US ind.

i.  Identify where they come from Western states (Kentucky, Tennessee)

ii.  Explain why they were more nationalistic were never sovereign/independent

d.  Positive Result of war (Explain how the war impacted nationalism) Americans were proud to have defeated England again

i.  Battle of Ft. McHenry/Baltimore (identify significance) US won in Baltimore, Star Spangled Banner written by Francis Scott Key

ii.  Battle of New Orleans (identify significance- 2)US best victory vs. England (US 70 casualties, Eng. over 2000), Andrew Jackson emerges as a national hero

e.  Negative of war (poorly organized, army unprepared, only a few supported the war)

1.  Explain why all those factors were evident in the infant US military.

ii.  Washington DC (explain how those factors resulted in what happened to Washington DC) Wash DC captured by England, White House and Capital building burned

iii.  Invasion of Canada (complete failure) analyze why Canadians did not want to be American (many were loyalists that moved to Canada after Rev. War)

4.  Era of Good Feelings Federalists die out, only one political party

a.  Tariff of 1816 (define tariff) 1st US tax on imports

i.  Explain how a tariff is meant to help US business raised money for the Government, encouraged Americans to buy and make American products

b.  Panic of 1819- 1st economic crisis in the US where people lost $ due to speculation (betting) on land in the west (Prices went up too high and crashed), people could not pay back loans w. devalued land

c.  Pinckney’s Treaty w. Spain- gave the US access to the Miss. R. again (overturned Jay-Gardoqui Treaty that prevent US navigation on Miss R)

5.  Missouri Compromise (identify what two new states entered the Union and identify how many free and slave states there were after the compromise) Maine free state, Missouri slave state

a.  Identify 36’30 and explain its importance to slavery no slavery in LA. Territory north of Missouri’s southern border, 36*30

i.  Explain why the south and north agreed to it North gained more land not open to slavery, eventually more free states and Senators to outlaw slavery; South knew slavery would not work in North, plus S. knew US would take over half of Mexico and possibly expand slavery to CA

6.  Monroe Doctrine (define) no new European colonies in Latin America

a.  Analyze why it was a significant change in the growth of the US US is starting to exert influence outside of US/ beginning of world power

b.  Evaluate if it was written to protect Latin American interests or US interests meant to further US interests because US wanted to be strongest country in Americas, plus if US was to go to war to take Mexico, it would be easier to defeat Mexico (not a Mexico controlled by France)