I need a total of 50-page paper. 10 pages on each of the following areas;

10 pages on Assessment, 10 pages on Social Cultural Foundations, 10 pages on Research & Program Evaluation Question, 10 pages on Group Counseling and Group Work,10 pages on Career Essay.

Please know, they all should be on APA style. The papers are all for psychology.

Please note the following, each area has different requirements.


  1. Discuss the purpose of assessment in counseling and how you would specifically use it in you counseling practice.
  2. What are the ethical considerations for the utilization of tests in clinical practice?
  3. What are the key factors to consider in selecting assessments for diverse populations and how does one integrate a multicultural perspective into the practice of assessment?

Must integrate and cite a minimum of 8 literature references. Make sure you go in depth with your analysis of this question, and give specific and concrete examples from counseling practice to illustrate your answers.

2-Social Cultural Foundations

Please share your reactions and knowledge gained from watching Mirrors of Privilege (there are five videos, each 10min, long)

The first half of the essay please discuss your learning and reflect on the following questions;

  1. What is your won journey with feelings regarding your own race and that of other races and your own evolving racial identity?
  2. Refer to appropriate racial identity models.
  3. How does your own racial identity development impact your counseling practice?
  4. How you may respond to clients of similar or different racial background, please uses supporting models and articles.
  5. Who or what in this film was easiest for you to identify why?
  6. What feelings accompanied this – envy, shame, sadness, guilt, anger, recognition, satisfaction, hope, recognition, or other feelings and why?
  7. How might an awareness of this feelings impact your counseling practice in working with clients?
  8. Who or what in this segment was the hardest?
  9. What feelings accompanied this?
  10. How might an awareness of these feelings impact your counseling practice?
  11. Where are you in your journey to understand and challenge privilege?
  12. What steps can you take to deepen your understanding and actively address the issue of privilege and oppression in the community you live in?

Second half of this essay please discuss your understanding of privilege and oppression in the context of specific clinical work you are doing with one of your client. We want depth of thinking and the integration of these complex ideas within your clinical practice.

Please, if you use any references for this part make sure to cite them.

3-Research and Program Evaluation Question

You are concerned about appropriate counseling services for low SES clients so you are reviewing research studies to best serve clients. Review five studies that addresses social class and counseling/therapy that use different research methods (minimum of two quantitative and one qualitative). Describe the benefits and challenges of using various research designs. Ask questions of the research studies that demonstrate your awareness of potential concerns regarding research design as well as multicultural issues. Please incorporate a table to summarize your comparisons of the five sturdies.

Please, must address the following concepts in relation to SES issues in counseling;

  1. Bias in research methods in terms of sampling, measures and design
  2. Empirically Supported Treatments
  3. How we infuse multicultural issues in research

Please attach the articles as an appendix to your response.

Please make sure to cite all the references you use.

4-Group Counseling and Group Work

Conduct an in-depth analysis of group dynamics and processes in that would be involved in carrying out a group that addresses the needs of a clearly define marginalized community or population, for example domestic violence victims, refugees and immigrant populations.

  1. Address group leadership challenges as well as specific issues related to group participants
  2. What might be other specific challenges and unique group processes that may arise and need to be addressed?
  3. Must address the types of groups, and develop a series of group plans that would address the issues faced by the population you have chosen
  4. Please you must incorporate at least 8 recent empirical articles in your analysis.

5-Career Essay Question

  1. You have been assigned the opportunity to create a newly-funded career development center at a local charter school serving a low-income community that will incorporate education and training towards green collar jobs. You are tasked with supporting the students and community in moving towards careers in the renewable energy sector. Using both career theoretical perspectives, your knowledge of the marginalize groups in the community, the developmental levels of high school students, career and personality assessments, and so on, describe the types of services and the rationale for such services you would want the center to provide.

