Unit 4 Key Terms

1.  Era of Good Feelings

2.  Hudson River School

3.  John Marshall

4.  Andrew Jackson

5.  Adams-Onis Treaty

6.  Monroe Doctrine

7.  Henry Clay

8.  American System

9.  Protective Tariff

10.  Samuel Slater

11.  John Deere

12.  Cyrus McCormick

13.  Interchangeable Parts

14.  Cotton Gin

15.  Industrial Revolution

16.  Samuel Morse

17.  National Road

18.  Robert Fulton

19.  Erie Canal

20.  Transportation Revolution

21.  Antebellum Period

22.  Urbanization

23.  Lowell Mill System

24.  “Cotton Kingdom”

25.  Slave Codes

26.  Sectionalism

27.  Missouri Compromise

28.  Election of 1824/”Corrupt Bargain”

29.  Democratic Party

30.  Whig Party

31.  Election of 1828

1.  Invented the steel plow, which made large-scale farming possible

2.  Political group formed that opposed Andrew Jackson

3.  Tightly controlled organization in which workers, mainly single women, worked in factories and lived in housing near the factories

4.  A tax on imported goods that guards American businesses from foreign competition

5.  Known as the “Father of the Factory System,” he smuggled designs for textile mills from Britain to the United States

6.  Invention of Eli Whitney that helped cause the North to become more industrialized

7.  Known as the “Great Compromiser,” he proposed the American System and the Missouri Compromise

8.  This deal said that all states admitted above the southern border of Missouri would be free and all states below this line would be slave, temporarily easing tension over the expansion of slavery

9.  First major east-west highway that helped people settle further west and helped trade grow between the East and West

10.  War hero and “common man” who became president in 1828 after losing in 1824

11.  Deal in which Spain gave Florida to the United States

12.  Foreign policy that declared that European countries could not interfere with North and South America

13.  Political group that formed to support Andrew Jackson, splitting from the Democratic-Republicans

14.  Invented the steamboat, which increased the speed of trade and transportation on rivers

15.  Major canal that connected eastern and western New York, increasing settlement and trade between the two areas

16.  Term given to the South because of its economic dependence on cotton and slavery

17.  Southern laws meant to suppress slaves and make them easier to control

18.  This term describes the growing separation between the political beliefs, economies, and lifestyles of the North and South

19.  Incident in which Henry Clay made a deal that “stole” the presidency from Andrew Jackson and gave it to John Quincy Adams

20.  Term for the growth in cities, which happened mainly in the North

21.  Time period after the War of 1812 characterized by strong nationalism/national pride during James Monroe’s presidency

22.  Group of American landscape painters whose work represented nationalism

23.  Supreme Court Chief Justice whose rulings represented nationalism and strengthened the power of the federal government over states

24.  Proposed economic plan that included a second National Bank, protective tariffs, and internal improvements

25.  Increase in roads, canals, and railroads that caused the country to expand westward and increased trade between the North, West, and South

26.  Term for the time in the United States before the Civil War

27.  Invention of Eli Whitney that led the South to be depend on cotton and expanded slavery

28.  Time period characterized by the mechanization of labor and the growth of factory-based manufacturing

29.  Event in which Andrew Jackson won the presidency, largely because of the rise of Universal White Male Suffrage, which allowed more “common” people to vote

30.  Inventor of the telegraph, which revolutionized communication

31.  Invented the mechanical reaper, which made large-scale farming possible