A)Choose the correct answer:-

1)Ladakh is a

a)Hot desertb) Cold desertc) Dry desertd) None of these

2)The region/state which produces the Pashmina wool?

a)Keralab) Kolkatac) Shimlad) Ladakh

3)The National Anthem of India iscomposed by

a)Pt. Jawaharlal Nehrub) Rabindranath Tagorec) Mahatma Gandhid) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

4)The travelogue in which the writer described the lives of Muslims in Kerala is written by?

a)IbnBattutab) Indira Gandhic)Marco polod) Fan Xian

5)The father of the Indian Constitution is

a) Dr. Rajendra Prasadb) SardarVallabhBhaiPatel

c) Mahatma Gandhi d) Dr. BhimRaoAmbedkar

6)The number of major religion in the world is

a) Sixb) Seven c) Eightd) Nine

7)When we fix people into one image we create a

a) Stereotypeb)Inequalityc) Discriminationd) Prejudice

8)The community which was treated as untouchable in the Bombay Presidency

a) Kolib) Maharc) Nayard) Munda

9)American women got the right to vote in the year in

a) 1919b) 1920c) 1925d) 1928

10)The journal Young Indiain 1931is composed by

a) Bhagat Singh b) Mahatma Gandhic) Sarojini Naidud) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

11)The Government which is chosen by people

a) Democratic govt.b) Dictatorshipc) Monarchy govt. d) None of these

12) Dr. Ambedkar went to study law in the country

a) Australia b) England c) America d) South Africa

B)Correct and Rewrite the following statements:-

1)Kerala is known as Little Tibet.

2)Pashmina shawls are chiefly woven in Himachal Pradesh.

3)Mahatma Gandhi coined the phrase, “Unity in diversity”.

4)Kerala is a state in the northwest corner of India.

5)Dalits are referred to as Schedule Tribes.

6)Government jobs are open to the people who come from upper cast.

7)Religion is the cause for non-attendance of Muslim girls in school.

8)Women in the UK got the right to vote in the year 1927.

9)In India, everyone who is twenty one or above have the right to vote.

10)In the dictatorship people have the power to elect their leaders

11)National level of Government means in your village , town and locality

12)“The discovery of India” is written by Mahatma Gandhi

C)Answer the following questions in short:-

1)What is diversity?

2)Mention the different religion that is practiced in kerala?

3)What do you mean by Inequality?

4)How was the Indian flag used during the freedom struggle?

5)Mention some activities which are considered less valued?

6)Mention one drawback of stereotype?

7)Write a common stereotype about Muslims?

8)Give one example of everyday life when discrimination happens?

9)What do you mean by Universal Adult Franchise?

10)Name some institutions that are part of the govt.?

11)What was the suffrage movement?

12)What happen when someone commits a crime?

D)Answer the following questions in long:-

1)India’s diversity has always been recognized as a source of its strength. Explain?

2)What wasCheena- vala and the Cheenachatti in Kerala?

3)“India is a secular country” what does that mean?

4)What steps have been provided in the constitution of India against Inequality and discrimination?

5)Why did the framer of our constitution ensure that all people of India were considered equal?

6)How are untouchable treated by the society?

7) Why does every country need a govt.?

8)At which three levels does the govt. work?

9)How is democracy different form monarchy?

10)What are the different types of Govt.?

11)Give examples from everyday life when discrimination happens?

12)What are the main features of the democracy?