November 2001doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/604rdoc.: IEEE 802.11-01/604r02

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Normative Text for Japanese 4 ms Rule

Date:October 26, 2001

Author: Srinivas KandalaYoshinhiro Ohtani
Sharp Labs of AmericaSharp Corporation
Camas WA 986832613-1 Ichinomoto-cho Tenri Nara Japan
Ph: (360) 817-7512Phone: +81 (0743) 65-4529
Fax: (360) 834-8696Fax: +81 (0743) 65-1841


This document contains the material proposed to Tge for inclusion in the draft in the form of insertions into and replacements for material in of IEEE std 802.11-1999, as updated by IEEE STd 802.11e/D1.3, October 2001.

Editorial notes appear in bold italic Times New Roman font, informative notes appear in normal Arial font, and normative text appears in normal Times New Roman font. Open issues arehighlighted using red text in normal Arial font, and begin with "OPEN ISSUE:". Changes to existing text in current standard are shown underlined and in red for additions and red with strikethrough for deletions.

Add the following informative note in clause 9.10.2 immediately below the Note below the second paragraph:

Note: In certain regulatory domains, channel sensing should be done at periodic intervals (for example, in

Japan, this period is 4 ms). This means that the duration of a TXOP in these regulatory domains should not be more than this periodic interval. If longer durations are desired then the TXOP holder shall sense the channel at least once in 4msaMediumOccupancyLimit TU by waiting for at least for the duration of one PIFS during which it will sense the channel. If it does not detect any energery, it shall send the next frame. Implementers of HC and ESTAs should be mindful of these regulations and shall ensure that they are compliant with the regulations. This means that the total TXOP size assigned will include an extra time allocated (i.e., n x PIFSaSlotTime, where n is the number of times the ESTA needs to sense the channel and is given by floor(TXOP limit/aMediumOccupancyLimit) for the channel sensing.

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