Diane Brady is running the 2013 Boston Marathon on behalf of House Of Possibilities. In her post, Diane talks about how HOPe helps to provide support to families who have a child or adult with developmental, cognitive, or physical disabilities living with them, and her own firsthand experiences with her 11 year old son Brendan, who has Cerebral Palsy.
Why a marathon and why HOPe?
I'm baaaaack! I am excited to announce that on April 15, 2013 I will be running my 2nd Boston Marathon, and again have the opportunity to raise $5000.00 for House OfPossibilities. I am doing this again because the experience I had last year completing 26.2 miles for Brendan and raising over $5000 for HOPe was honestly oneof the best experiences of my life. The House Of Possibilities is an organization that is dear to my heart and I would not have been able toraise the money that I did last year without the help of my family and friends. HOPe is an organization that provides support to families who have a child or adult living with them who havedevelopmental, cognitive or physical disabilities. At the same time it provides these individuals with a love, success, security, happiness, friendship and respect.They can relax, enjoy life and live the fullest lives imaginable. I know first hand it is very difficult to find a place like this with people who understand and can care forour loved ones the way we understand and would care for them. This is why I am asking for your support in helping me raise money for HOPe.
Why a marathon and why HOPe?
11 years ago Brendan was born 3 months premature and weighed only 1.5lbs. Because of his prematurity he suffered a bilateral brain hemorrhage. Due to Brendan'scomplications at birth, he has Cerebral Palsy and will have life long disabilities. From the moment Brendan was born I have watched him fight for his life and nevergive into something being too difficult. Day in and day out, I watch Brendan work so hard to accomplish things we all take for granted, always doing them with asmile and he continues to make gains. He is currently working harder than ever because he can he is working on skills 11 hours a day 5 days a week – but he loves it :).
I choose to run the Boston Marathon because I like to run on occasion but I am not an avid runner so running a marathon is a big challenge for me – just as Brendanfaces difficult challenges everyday. This is my way of dealing with some of the heartache I experience in seeing him face these daily challenges. I am doing this formyself, for Brendan, and for everyone at HOPe.
Every step of the way I will keep in mind all he has been through, all he CAN do and all he will continue to do and what the impact my $5000 fundraising goal can have forHOPe. This is what will get me through 26.2 miles. I will be looking forward to seeing Brendan and my wonderful family and friends waiting for me at the finish line.
I encourage you to visit I am sure you will understand why I am so proud to be raising money for this organization.I will not be able to do this without the support of Tim and Shane, who help me with Brendan so I can complete my training. I also need your support! Please keep in mind, if you work for a major corporation, there is a great chance that your employer will match your donation.
HOPe is an organization that discovers and celebrates the special in special needs.
I ask that you all keep me in your prayers during my training!
To help contribute to Diane’s fundraising efforts, visit her Crowdrise page here