Nepean Girls Hockey Association

2008-2009 Board Meeting Minutes

DATE: Wednesday, March 25, 2009

TIME: 7:05 p.m.

PLACE: Walter Baker Sports Centre – Room 202

PRESENT: Cathy Devenny, Gordon Powers, Lynda Rozon, Phil Clarke, Paul Brennan, Vicki Marcille, Alan Marcille, Ann Scharf, Trish Calof, Pat Coady and Trina Lepine.

ABSENT: Heather McEwen, Judy Ramm, Mary Lou Zywicki, Joanne Erbach, Alex Kincaid, and Pat Walsh.

1.0 Call to Order

- Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. – chaired by Cathy Devenny

2.0 Previous Minutes

- Motion was made by Vicki Marcille to approve the minutes of the February 18, 2009 meeting.

2nd – Pat Coady



a) Registration – Mary-Lou Zywicki and Joanne Erbach

- Started this week (March 23rd – March 27th)

- No administration problems so far

- Pee Wee team added due to high numbers on waiting list

- Looks like there might be enough players to form an Intermediate AA team this year

- Looking at possibility of having an Intermediate House League team

b) Finance – Lynda Rozon

- $8200.00 outstanding for February Ice

- $1320.00 revenue from Giant Tiger from the NGHA tournament

- Trillium Grant has been removed and will be reported next year

- Waiting for bingo revenue to come in

-  Team equalization surcharges have been paid by all teams

-  Added Ottawa 67’s revenue

-  Charges for Extra Staff – 6 teams have not paid, Joanne is following up with them

-  All teams have been invoiced for Provincial Bonds

-  Action: Ann Scharf to change mailing address with WBC and Sportsplex to her home address for the mailing of the room rental statements

c) Ice – Pat Coady

-  Reviewed proposal from Jon Zywicki for the updates to the Ice Management System

-  Recommend accepting $3000.00 proposal with and extra $500.00 available for other minor changes if required

Motion was made by Pat Coady to accept

2nd – Gord Powers

All in favor

- There is no ice availability at this time and until the end of the season

- Application for next years ice is being mailed the 1st week of April, and is due back the 1st week of May

d) Program – Gord Powers

i)  Development – Phil Clarke

-  Three goalie development sessions were held during the March Break

-  A new goalie company (CGD – Complete Goalie Development) was used for the competitive goalie sessions

-  CGD was used for goalie selection at the AA try outs

-  Still waiting for CSM contract. We are trying to get ice time during the week instead of on Sundays.

-  Held a competitive information session for parents/players of NH1 and NH3 last weekend. Planning to do another session.

-  Looking at different options for once/week dryland training for both competitive and house league teams for next season

ii)  Other

-  Coach Selection – process has started, deadline is the end of March

§  To date we have received applications for 29 head coaches and 12 assistant coaches

§  Interviews will be held the 1st and 3rd week of April

§  Results are presented to the Board of Directors, and announced at the Annual General Meeting.

-  On-line Coach Survey system is available on the NGHA website

§  Link has been sent out

§  Any comments have been sent to the coaches

§  No major problems/issues reported to date

-  Player Evaluation Forms – have been sent to coaches, work in progress

e)  Publicity – Trish Calof

i)  Article and photos in March issue of Centre Ice

ii)  Article and photos from Centre Ice will be in Nepean this Week -week of March 30th

iii)  Write up on Shelby Calof in the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin

iv)  Nepean Minor Hockey Wall of Fame

-  2008-2009 Inductees: Mary Lou Zywicki and Jim York

-  Cathy Devenny is making the presentation this year

-  Pat Coady to take pictures

-  Trish will contact Nepean this Week and Centre Ice to attend the event

v) Action: Trish to update the WBC showcase prior to the Wall of Fame ceremony

4.0 Adjournment

- Motion was made by Vicki Marcille to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 pm.

2nd – Trish Calof


5.0 Next Meeting

- April 29, 2009 – Walter Baker Sports Centre, Variety West Room