OR AHEAD meetings minutes - October 2, 2015
Began 9:09 a.m.
● Brief agenda for Fall Conference
○ Too brief, help, suggestions, any changes needed?
■ Looks good, just some formatting changes needed.
■ Preconference description is okay - Jules and others, working pieces out and should get abstract and learning objects to Malissa by noon today. Those doing pretravel, this will help attendees get their travel paid for by their Business Office.
■ Michelle post today? Here’s the brief agenda, book your rooms today, etc. If sending out, we should make the registration form live today. A link to the form can be added to the email that is going out.
● Main agenda for Fall Conference
○ Missing learning outcomes from a lot of people - that component needed for the CEU’s.
■ Need promotional, outline of agenda/summary, and an evaluation form.
● Will abstracts work? Should be okay.
● Needed to be done by 1st, will get to Gabe today
■ Can we recycle from last year - Tim’s information? Should work.
● Same for Disability 101 for those that do not know what it is. Will recycle information.
■ No learning outcomes from PSU, will get those from the speakers ASAP. Get them in by next Friday and should be okay.
■ Learning outcomes for the panels - don’t have them for either panel. Thoughts?
● Internship/Service Learning Exp - someone want to write an abstract/learning outcome for that? Can reach out to Shelby and see if she has any ideas.
○ Will use verbiage from last year’s captioning panel for both panels and that should work.
○ Outside the Classroom/Off-Campus accommodations as title in place of the Internship/Service Learning title instead? Maybe non-classroom learning environment?
■ Kaela - has not found anyone for the panel. 3 should work for the panel, may open it up to others.
○ Added hosts for the breakfast - Strata for Thursday and Cengage on Friday
■ Hosted in part by or sponsored in part by for both for the wording on the agenda.
○ Anything else on the agenda? Agenda looks
■ Lunch Thursday - lunch will be provided so no question mark needed
● Making sure business lunch meeting, if add more time to lunch then time will be off. Any ideas where we can take time from? Front or back?
● Will it take 45 minutes? We can wing it on that day - if most people are in the room, we can start. If not, give a 5-10 minute buffer.
● Note on voting for board members - send out request for board members. Theresa Lowery - Continuing Ed and Shelby Atchison for President Elect. Will send out on Friday again.
● Should there be a break be noted for Tim’s portion? Have to let catering know when to bring food in. Tim can work around it, think it would be helpful to have listed in the agenda? Official or unofficial?
○ If listed in agenda they subtract from CEU’s.
○ If break, people could plan to check out of their rooms at that point.
○ Could place it on the big agendas on the wall. Could use the brief agendas for the walls - yes.
● Andy - anyone responded to the disability exhibit? Not yet. OHSU to show during Night of Networking - will get from OSU to OHSU. Prime opportunity for a lot of people.
■ Gabe - how are the boxes? Rough, duct taped. A lot of wear and tear. Will do a thorough duct tape job to protect them.
■ Cost for a custom built cases? Sent for a cost, but could I get a picture to send? No, they are in cardboard boxes. $650 for the cases in Alaska, other business was $750. Cost to protect it should build in over time.
● Do they have wheels? Yes, they look like a large chest. They showed sectioned off sections in the chest to protect them. They are extremely large.
● Consider the weight because they may be shipped outside of Oregon. Boxes for shipping, cases for Oregon only. Thin layers to put in between them just to protect them?
● Kaela - can the adhesive velcro be taken off? It would help to pack if they can? Just a question of how we could remove it cleanly.
○ Are people on board with that - if I can remove them in a clean, safe way should I do that? Yes, that would work. Could always add them back on.
○ If need to bring to coast and look at it as a board, we can do that. Or others could come up to help.
○ We have the money to get the cases made, though.
● Will send out agendas today. Everything was covered?
○ Catering info.
○ Chairs?
■ Andy - when would be a good time to contact regarding the form going live? Get it out this morning.
Ended 9:53 a.m.