6pm – 7.30pm Tuesday 19th May 2015 at Tyacks Camborne
Draft Minutes
Present: , Fran Lander, George Le Hunte (Chairman), Lawrence Pavey, Max Doble, Mel Martin (Manager), Maria Long, Michelle Macklin, Mike Loncar, Wayne Richens (Vice Chairman), Josyanne Thatcher (BIDs Assist)
Apologies: Alan Butterfield, Alan Honeybone, Glynis Charlesworth
Observer: Sharon Lipscombe-Manley (new owner of Delight 2 Bite).
Cost Savings Project Work review
Josyanne presented the Executive Summary of the Cost Saving work she has
undertaken for BC.
Reference the recommendations, the following was agreed
- Publish information on the BC website about the waste collection companies in Camborne
- Carry out a trial cardboard waste collection project with SITA
- Commission BCR (Business Cost Reduction) to work with BC
- Direct businesses to FSB business insurance, via the BC website, as they offer the best insurance package for small businesses
- Provide link on BC website to Business Pulse and CDC for business information
- Provide link to government website on new mandatory pension scheme
Information on Promotional items to be referred to the Marketing Working Group. Mel
It was agreed not to pursue a Click & Collect system in Camborne at present.
Minutes of the board meeting on March 17th 2015
The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting
Max to contact Camborne Library to see if they, working with Camborne Redruth Photographic Club, would be interested in displaying a picture history of Camborne
Trevithick Day 2015 and 2016
George summarised a meeting that he, Mel, and Glynis had with Reg Bennett
and Jeff Collins of the Trevithick Day Committee, to give feedback from the
business community on problems experienced on Trevithick Day and give
suggestions on how Trevithick Day could be improved.
It was agreed that:
Mel to arrange meeting between Claire Eason-Bassett, owner of Mackeral Sky
Events, George, and Trevithick Day chairman Reg Bennett, to talk about how to
'regenerate' Trevithick Day
BC to budget £1,000 to make applications for funding for Trevithick Day 2016
5. Financial Working Group - Project Budget Approvals
Notes of the 11th May 2015 meeting were accepted as a true record of the
Budget approvals to carry forward to 2015/16, as recommended by the
Financial WG, were approved
New project budgets for 2015/16 were approved except for pressure jetting of
streets that was considered unnecessary this year.
6. Budget approvals (not discussed at Financial Working Group) - Budget
The recommendations were approved, except for the Cost Savings Budget (additional) for £1,000, which was not approved.
7. Marketing Working Group
Notes of 17th March 2015 meeting were accepted as a true record of the
Mel advised on the following:
- There have been delays in printing the Camborne Guide that will now be available by June 1st and be distributed throughout West and Mid Cornwall
- A hard copy BC Newsletter is being prepared for distribution in June
- Development of the CamborneTown website is progressing well, will be tested in June to go live in July, together with the new Camborne Town branding
- Work has started with Sue Bradbury PR to achieve a higher media profile for BID Camborne and Camborne businesses.
Any significant feedback from levy payers to be a future agenda item - Mel
8. Christmas 2015
George summarised actions completed from the January 12, 2015 WG meeting.
The next WG meeting will be in June to finalise/order the Christmas lights - Mel
to arrange date.
Camborne Town Council has kindly provided £3,000 towards refurbishment of
the Christmas lights power supply system
9. Other business
Camborne Town Council advised that they will not be taking up their BC board
position which is disappointing when they claim to fully support BC. All other
Cornwall BIDs have significant help from their respective Councils &
representation on their boards.
Mel to write to Camborne Town Council and Cornwall Council asking them
to ensure that BC is kept fully up to date with their discussions on the Town
Council taking over responsibility for the Rosewarne Car Par toilets
Next BC board meeting is on Tuesday 21st July 2015, 6.30pm at Tyacks
Mel Martin