
1. What room does Dalgard give the Army permission to enter and euthanize the monkeys?

a) Room A.

b) Room F.

c) Room H.

d) Room Z.

2. When would the reconnaissance mission begin?

a) 0500 hours.

b) Noon.

c) Midnight.

d) 1030 hours.

3. What did Bill Volt offer to Gene Johnson and Sergeant Klages when they visited on their reconnaissance mission that bothered the two men?

a) Candy.

b) Space suits.

c) Respirators.

d) Vaccines.

4. Who does Dalgard not invite into the monkey house to survey the scene?

a) Joe McCormick.

b) C.J. Peters.

c) All answers are correct.

d) Nancy Jaax.

5. Where do monkeys tend to aim when they spit at you?

a) Your feet.

b) Your face.

c) Your back.

d) Your hands.

6. Why does Nancy's brother call?

a) To tell her not to wear a space suit any more.

b) To tell her that he is moving to Reston.

c) To ask for money.

d) To tell her that her father is dying.


1. What paper is the newspaper article about the mission printed in?

a) The Reston Connection.

b) The New York Times.

c) USA Today.

d) The Washington Post.

2. How are the trunks of Gene Johnson's gear transported to Reston?

a) In an Army trunk.

b) In Gene's car.

c) In a yellow school bus.

d) In an unmarked white van.

3. How many monkeys are still inside the monkey house?

a) Twenty.

b) A thousand.

c) Five hundred.

d) One hundred.

4. What is another name for the biocontainment pod?

a) Ambulance.

b) Portable slammer.

c) A bubble stretcher.

d) A refrigerator truck.

5. What is located behind the monkey house?

a) A day care center.

b) A television news station.

c) A hospital.

d) A high school.

6. What do Jerry Jaax and Mark Haines wear for their work in the monkey house?

a) Blue Chemturion suits.

b) Medical scrubs only.

c) Army fatigues.

d) Orange Racal suits.

A Man Down

1. Why does Milton Frantig apologize to Dalgard?

a) For exposing others to the virus.

b) For getting sick.

c) For going outside wearing a jumpsuit.

d) For quitting his job.

2. What does Frantig's condition make Dalgard decide to do?

a) Hand over the mission to the CDC.

b) Call off the biocontainment mission.

c) Evacuate the building of the monkey workers.

d) Quit his job.

3. How many workers are employed in the building during the mission?

a) Fifty.

b) Twenty.

c) Four.

d) Two.

4. Where does the CDC recommend that Frantig go to be treated?

a) A local hospital.

b) The Slammer.

c) In the monkey house.

d) CDC headquarters.

5. Where does C.J. Peters believe that Frantig should be taken for treatment?

a) A local hospital.

b) In the monkey house.

c) CDC headquarters.

d) The Slammer.

6. Who follows the ambulance that leaves the monkey house?

a) Jerry and Nancy Jaax.

b) The news media.

c) Officials from USAMRIID.

d) Officials from the CDC.


1. What are 91-Tangos?

a) Biohazard specialists.

b) All answers are correct.

c) Army animal-care technicians.

d) Part-time Hazleton employees.

2. Why does Jerry not allow Swiderski to go on the mission?

a) She doesn't want to go.

b) She is only eighteen.

c) She is pregnant.

d) She has never worn a biohazard suit.

3. How much do the 91-Tangos get paid?

a) They work for free.

b) Ten dollars an hour.

c) Fifty dollars an hour.

d) Seven dollars an hour.

4. What illness do the symptoms of the monkeys remind Jerry of?

a) HIV.

b) Simian hemorrhagic fever.

c) Rabies.

d) The flu.

5. What bothers Charlotte Godwin most about the monkey house?

a) The heat.

b) The quiet.

c) The noise.

d) The smell.

6. What is in the syringes that the 91-Tangos are using?

a) Antibiotics.

b) An experimental vaccine.

c) All answers are correct.

d) Ketamine.


1. What happens to Rhonda Williams in Part 2, Chapter 4?

a) She got stuck with a needle.

b) She lost her gloves.

c) The battery for the blower on her suit cut off.

d) She passes out.

2. Who decons out with Rhonda?

a) Gene Johnson.

b) Jerry Jaax.

c) Mark Haines.

d) Charlotte Godwin.

3. What is found in the woods behind the monkey house?

a) A dead monkey.

b) Used hypodermic needles.

c) Vials of blood.

d) A bag of biohazard materials.

4. What has happened to Jerry after his first day in the monkey house?

a) He is nauseous.

b) He has lost between 5-10 pounds.

c) He has red eyes.

d) He has a headache and backache.

5. Where does the team of 91-Tangos get dinner?

a) The CDC caters a meal for them.


c) Dan Dalgard prepares the meal.

d) At Taco Bell.

6. What does Jerry tell Nancy about his day?

a) It was lonely.

b) It had gone well.

c) All answers are correct.

d) No one had stuck themselves with a needle.