North Wauchula Elementary
Parent/Student Handbook
1120 North Florida Avenue
Wauchula, Florida 33873
Mr. David DurastantiMrs. Tracey NixMrs. Mary Sue Maddox
Superintendent Principal Assistant Principal
“Champions By Choice!”
School Board Members
District 1Mr. Paul Samuels
District 2 Ms. Mildred Smith
District 3Mrs. Teresa Crawford
District 4Mrs. Jan Platt
District 5Mr. Thomas Trevino
This document is posted on line. Hard copies are available by request through the main office.
It is the vision of the Hardee County School District to build learning partnerships with the home, school, and community to ensure personal and academic excellence.
Dear Parents,
At North Wauchula Elementary, we believe that you are our partners in education. Together, we can create a rigorous educational program that will provide countless opportunities for children to grow physically, socially, and intellectually. Building upon a foundation of trust and collaboration, we can create an environment of high expectations that will lead to high levels of success.
The following handbook is an outline of the policies and procedures at North Wauchula. If you have any questions after reviewing this information, please call the school office at 773-2183 or email me at and we will help you in any way we can. We believe that open communication between home and school is the key to success.
We look forward to celebrating with you as your children achieve academic success by working hard and focusing on their personal goals.
Tracey Nix,
General School Information
Colors:Blue and Orange
Mascot:The Wildcat
Moto:“Champions By Choice”
Office Hours: 7:00 – 3:30
Warning Bell:7:30
Instruction Begins:7:30
Tardy Bell: 7:35
Dismissal: 1:55 K, 1, 2 bus riders
2:00 3-5 bus riders
2:05 K-5 parent pick up and walkers
The Acronym “CHAMPS” Means:
Courageous,Hardworking,Awesome, Motivated,Positive, Successful
Each student will receive a personal data notebook. With the help of their teachers, students will be setting personal academic and performance goals each quarter. During each quarter, they will collect the data needed to track their progress toward their goals. Data will be collected from daily class grades, homework, attendance, behavior, standardized tests and other areas. The students will record their own data and chart their progress. Teachers will conference with each student regularly, so students will know exactly where they are in their journey toward excellence. Eventually, through practice, students will be leading their own parent/teacher conferences to review their goals and achievements.
“My Grade Portal” – Keeping Up With Your Child’s Grades
Your child’s individual grades will be accessible to you through an on line parental tool. This tool will provide the opportunity for parents to keep up to date on their child’s class grades. The portal is a secured website and the information it contains is private. Parents will be provided their child’s username, password and directions for access to the portal website. After the student account is set up, parents can check their child’s latest grades, receive emails and class information, see what homework is not turned in, verify attendance, and much more!
Parents who transport their children are to drop them off and pick them up in the parent pick-up/drop-off area located in front of the school. The area is clearly marked with the shapes of a triangle, circle, square, and X. To drop off or pick up, pull up to the next available shape. PLEASE go slowly and drive carefully as this area gets congested with both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. If you have to park, please find a parking spot in the main parking lot and walk to the crosswalk located on the north side (to the left as you face the school building) of the driveway in order to cross safely. Do not park in undesignated parking spaces.
Once a child enters the campus, they must go to one of three places – their class pick up area (teachers will direct students at each grade level to where that spot for them is), the cafeteria for breakfast or the main office. Students found in any other area will be directed to report to their class pick up spot. Students may not go to their class pick up spot then leave that area to get breakfast.
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:00 a.m. until 7:20 a.m. Students arriving after 7:20 may still get a breakfast as they “Grab and Go” on to class. Students arriving before 7:20 and wanting breakfast must go to the cafeteria to be served. Once students report to their class pick up spot, they may not leave to go back to the “Grab-And-Go” serving line.
Adult supervision begins at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m.
Bicycle riders under the age of 16 must wear a helmet according to state statute. A bicycle rack is located on campus for students to park bicycles. Students should provide locks for securing their individual bicycles.
We welcome visitors to our school. We recognize the importance of parental involvement in a child’s education and encourage parents to foster positive home, school, and community relationships. We also consider the safety of our students and staff and the preservation of instructional time to be our highest priorities. Since we are responsible for providing a safe, secure learning environment please note the following procedures regarding anyone entering our North Wauchula Elementary Campus:
- All visitors must use the main entrance of the building.
- At the office, visitors must sign in and receive a visitor’s pass. The pass must be worn at all times while in the school building.
- Visitors must sign out in the visitors' log and return the visitor's badge when leaving.
- We encourage communication with your child’s teacher. However, we would ask that prior arrangements be made before arriving to meet with the teacher. The best time to meet with a teacher is typically during their planning time or after student hours. Arrangements can often be made to hold conferences before 7:30 a.m.
- Conference or class observation times and dates may be established by contacting your child’s teacher via email or by leaving a message with the front office secretary. The teacher will return your call at their earliest convenience. Visitors are allowed in classrooms while classes are in session only if prearranged with the teacher.
- School staff may ask for photo identification. Visitors are assured that these safeguards are for the protection of all students.
- Bring items that have to be delivered to your child or to your child’s classroom to the front office. The office staff will make arrangements to get the item(s) to the student.
It is critical to your child’s overall education that they remain at school for the full academic day. We discourage early check outs for frivolous reasons. Getting ahead of the traffic is much less important than the last 15 minutes of instruction for a child. If traffic is the main reason for early check outs, consider coming to the school later. Traffic after 2:10 and before 2:20 has greatly diminished. Still, we understand that it is occasionally necessary for a student to be checked out of school early. If that is the case, please know that anyone checking your child out of school MUST adhere to the following:
- The person’s name who is picking the student up must be on the student’s Emergency Care Card or the parent or legal guardian must call the school (773-2183) in advance to give verbal permission for that person to pick the child up.
- A driver’s license or valid form of identification will be required for any person unknown to the school personnel. Please know that this policy is strictly for the safety of our students.
Parents are encouraged to set a goal of regular attendance as a top priority. Students must be present in order to learn. Excessive absences will have a negative impact on learning. Timeliness is equally important. Students arriving late not only disrupt the regular routine of the class, but miss valuable instruction. School begins at 7:30 a.m. each day. A student will be marked tardy at 7:35 a.m. For special awards and recognitions of outstanding attendance, perfect attendance is defined as being present on time all day, every day. Tardies and early sign outs will disqualify students from perfect attendance recognition.
- Any student who has been absent from school must bring a note from a parent or guardian stating the cause of the absence. This note must be brought to the classroom teacher within five days after an absence or it will be recorded as unexcused (please see #4 below).
- A doctor’s note will be required for all absences over a total of 15.
- Students with a minimum of 5 unexcused absences within a calendar month
or 10 unexcused absences within a 90 day period will be contacted by the
Truancy Intervention Program to establish a parent conference to discuss the
- In the event of an extended absence of 15 days or more due to illness, parents should contact the office to make arrangements for instruction from a teacher in the child’s home.
●Excused absences are days missed for personal illness, death of a member of the immediate family, special appointments or emergencies approved by the school. Absence for head lice will be excused the day the student is sent home and the following day only. Students will be responsible for making arrangements with teachers to make up work missed for excused absences.
●Unexcused absences are days missed for activities that can be arranged on days other than school days. These include avoidable absences such as shopping or pleasure trips, vacations, and truancy. Absence for head lice will be unexcused after the second day of notification of lice. If a student accumulates more than 10 unexcusedabsences, make-up work will no longer be made available and zeros for that work shall be recorded.
●Planned/non-emergency absences are days planned in advance and missed for personal reasons. The parent or guardian must submit a written request to the principal or assistant principal at least two days in advance of the absence. These will be excused if approved. The student will need to make arrangements with the teacher to complete the assignments that would be missed. These assignments will be given full credit if returned in the allotted time.
“Hard Grades” “Soft Grades”
(Reading, Math, (Social Studies, Science,
Written Expression) Handwriting, Behavior)
E 90% - 100% E Satisfactory +
S 80% - 89% S Satisfactory
C 70% - 79% N Inconsistent
N 60% - 69% U Unacceptable
U 59% and below
Grades 1 Through 5: (Reading, English, Math, Spelling, Written Expression*,
Science*, Social Studies*)
A 90 - 100%Outstanding
B80 - 89%Above Average
C70 - 79%Average
D60 - 69%Below Average
FBelow 60%Failure
*Excludes first grade. In these subject areas first grade students receive E, S, N, U
(All other reported areas)
ESatisfactory +
●NOTE – Report Card change: In lieu of individual grades in Language Arts, Spelling, Handwriting, Writing and Reading, the report cards will only give ONE grade for “Reading”
●The Reading grade will be broken down in the following way:
oReading – 50%
oWriting – 25%
oGrammar – 10%
oSpelling – 10%
oHandwriting – 5%
●All other reporting categories will remain the same
Cool Cats: The award is based upon a student’s demonstration of a positive attitude, good behavior, the pillars of character, excellence in academic performance, and a positive rapport with peers. These children are considered all around good students and serve as examples for others to emulate.
PAW (Positively Awesome Workers): This award is given in recognition of the improvement a child has shown during a nine week period. Improvement in one of the core academic areas (reading, math, science, writing, etc.) or in behavior and citizenship is considered.
AR (Accelerated Reader): Students who meet or exceed their goals by reading AR books and passing the tests written for those books are awarded this honor.
Quarterly Honor Roll Recognition Quarterly Attendance Recognition
End-of-the-Year Grade Level Awards
Student Council (Grades 3, 4, and 5)
Safety Patrol (Grade 5)
CHAMPS Chorus (Grades K-5 – one semester each)
Honor Society (Grades 3, 4 and 5)
CHAMPS ART Club (Grades 2, 3, 4, 5)
Chess Club (Grades 4 and 5)
Battle of the Books (Grades 3, 4, and 5)
Academic Brain Bowls (Grades 1-5)
Science Fair (Grades K-5)
*Additional activities may be added as the school year progresses.
We participate in the federal government’s free and reduced lunch price program. Parents may apply for free and reduced price meals by filling out an application available in the school office or on line. To apply on line, go to http// click on “Departments” then “Food Services” then “Apply Online for Meal Benefits.” Breakfasts cost .30 for those qualifying for reduced prices, $1.25 for full price, and $2.00 for adults. Lunches cost .40 for those qualifying for reduced prices, $2.00 for full price, and $3.25 for adults. We encourage parents to stay current with their child’s lunch account. In accordance with School Board policy, unpaid accounts will result in the child being served an alternate lunch of peanut butter and jelly, fruit, and drink.
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:00 a.m. until 7:20 a.m. Students arriving after 7:20 may still get a breakfast as they “Grab and Go” to class. Students arriving before 7:20 and wanting breakfast must go to the cafeteria to be served. Once students report to their class pick up spot, they may not leave to go back to the cafeteria or to the “Grab-And-Go” serving line.
School insurance is not required; however, it is recommended. Two types of insurance are available. One covers the student during school hours. The other covers the student twenty-four hours a day. Both coverages are for a one year period. Information is sent home with each student on the first day of school.
●Each student shall adhere to the school-wide behavioral expectations of the “5 P’s”:
be Prompt; be Prepared; be Polite; be Positive; be Productive
●Each student will show respect and courtesy to themselves and their peers, to faculty and staff, as well as to visitors and volunteers.
●All students will respect their school building and its contents. Defacing or destroying school property is not acceptable.
●No weapons of any kind are allowed on school grounds. In the case of firearms, consequences can range from 10 days of out-of-school suspension to arrest and expulsion. In the case of other weapons consequences can range from in-school-suspension to arrest and expulsion.
●Look-alike weapons are also not allowed on school grounds. Look-alike weapons include toy knives, guns, swords, etc. Look-alike weapons also include items fashioned into the shapes of weapons made from other materials. For look-alike firearms, consequences may include out of school suspension. For other look-alike weapons, consequences may range from confiscation to out-of-school suspension.
●All students are expected to observe the safety rules while on the playground or school property. Fighting or physical contact will not be tolerated.
●Use of any offensive language or gestures is not allowed.
●All students are expected to observe and practice high ethical standards. Cheating, stealing, or bullying are not tolerated.
●Students are expected to dress in a manner appropriate for school for our community. Articles of clothing which distract from the learning process are not allowed. T-shirts with offensive or distracting graphics or words, or depicting alcohol and drugs are not permitted. Excessive makeup or jewelry that causes a distraction will not be allowed. Loose fitting or low cut shirts/blouses that cause a distraction are not acceptable. Loose fitting pants that are not secure at the hips are not acceptable. Although sandals are not prohibited, we encourage substantial foot ware that protects the foot and is conducive to the active lifestyle of a child. This is not an exhaustive list of what can and cannot be worn at school. Articles of clothing that cause a safety hazard to the child or cause a distraction to the learning process will be brought to the attention of the administration and parents will be contacted to discuss appropriate attire.
Note: Copies of the Hardee County School Board Code of Student Conduct (approved July 25, 1995) are available at the N.W.E.S. office. This document includes:
●guidelines for suspension
●guidelines for expulsion
●guidelines for discipline for disabled students
The clinic is located in the administrative section of the building. If a student becomes ill at school, he/she will get permission from his/her teacher to come to the office. The student will then be signed into the clinic. Parents will be notified if further care is needed or if it is necessary for the child to leave school. Please keep the office notified of current phone numbers and addresses.
Students may not bring medication to school in any form. If medication is required, the parent must bring the medicine to school in the original prescription bottle. DO NOT send the medicine with the student. A medical authorization form for all medications, prescription and over the counter drugs must be signed by the medical doctor and the parent before medication can be administered. Medication is not permitted on the bus
Parents are encouraged to actively participate in their child’s education. The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) promotes home/school communications, parent involvement, and parent education. Look for flyers and notices of upcoming meetings and chances for membership.
The School Advisory Council (SAC) provides input to the principal regarding policies and procedures of the school. Voting membership on the council is gained through an election process, but all parents are welcome to participate in the meetings. An organizational meeting is held at the beginning of the year and dates and times for regular meetings are established.