GRADE:12thYEAR: 2012-2013

  1. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a one-year survey course identifying, defining and examining major concepts, structures, institutions, and functions in United States government. Emphasis will be placed on significant historical events in the history of the United States and their consequences. This course will fulfill the one United States Government credit required for graduation.
  1. PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of U.S. History
  1. POSSIBLE CAREERS: This course will emphasize careers in history as they relate to the present American democratic, capitalistic economy. Examples include civil service professions such as police, fire fighters, teachers and politicians.
  1. PRE-POST ASSESSMENTS: Students will complete pre and post assessments to assess prior learning, growth and demonstrate mastery of content.
  1. TEXT: A class set of textbooks will be utilized. Students may check out textbooks as needed for use at home. When a textbook is checked out to a student it becomes his or her responsibility. If it is lost, stolen or damaged the financial cost to repair or replace the textbook will be that of the student.
  2. Testing: Students will be given formal examinations, as well as, weekly quizzes over the material covered.
  3. Students will complete a final exam at the end of each semester, which will be measured as 10% of theirfinal grade each semester.
  4. Assignment/Projects: The assignments for this course will include in-class activities, as well as homework and group work. Each unit will be accompanied by an assignment, project or evaluation.
  5. Homework:Homework assignments will be given as needed in order to facilitate learning and completion of required content. This will be in addition to any studying the student must do in order to perform well on a test or quiz.
  6. Make-up work & late work:
  7. The Clark County School District policy on make-up work will be enforced. Make-up work should be turned in within two class periods per excused absence.
  8. Late work will be accepted for a maximum of ½ credit.
  9. Extra Credit: Extra credit opportunities will be offered throughout the semester and will pertain to the content of the class.
  2. Quarterly Grading Criteria

Tests: 40%Classwork: 50%Homework: 10%

  1. Semester Grading Criteria

First Qtr. Grade: 45%Second Qtr. Grade: 45% Semester test: 10%

  1. Attendance

Per the CCSD attendance regulations, any student who acquires more than 6 unexcused absences will lose credit for the course. Learning takes place within the classroom environment; therefore your presence is expected.

  1. Grade Reports
  1. Unsatisfactory Progress – Student grades will be posted weekly in the classroom and online (parentlink). Once per quarter, if a student is performing below 70%, they will receive a “chance of failure” notice.
  2. Quarter Grade Report – After each 9 week grading period students will receive a quarter grade. This grade will be worth 45% of the total grade earned for the semester.
  3. Semester Grade Report – At the end of 18 weeks, students will receive semester grades. These grades will appear on their final transcripts. Semester grades in this course will be comprised of 45% for each quarter and 10% for the semester exam.
  1. Citizenship
  2. “U” – unsatisfactory behavior. Parents will be notified prior to their child receiving a U for citizenship
  1. “N” – needs improvement. Student is not staying on task and/or disrupting the learning process.
  2. “S” – satisfactory. Student is performing within the parameters for classroom behavior.
  3. “O” – outstanding. Student is courteous to teacher and classmates. Assignments are neat and turned in on time. Classroom behavior is above reproach and student actively participates in classroom discussions and projects. Student has no tardies for the quarter.
  2. Classroom Rules
  1. Follow directions
  2. Be in class when bell rings
  3. No swearing
  4. No electronic devices
  5. Clean up after yourself
  6. Positive Rewards
  1. Homework pass
  2. Drop lowest score
  3. Material Reward
  4. Mystery Prize
  5. Buddy Test
  6. Consequences
  1. First offense—Teacher/Student conference
  2. Second offense—Parent Contact
  3. Third offense—15 minute detention (after school)
  4. Fourth offense—30 minute detention (after school)
  5. Fifth offense—Dean’s referral
  1. MATERIALS NEEDED: Students are required to have a 3-ring binder, pencil, pen, and an agenda.
  2. MOVIES: There will be times during this course were clips of PG movies will be shown to re-enforce concepts being taught.

Please sign below and have your parent/guardian sign stating that you have read and understand the course expectations.


Student printed name Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian printed name Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Please sign below if you give consent for your child to view clips of PG movies


Please fill out the following applicable contact information:


Parent/Guardian daytime (cell or work) telephone number


Parent/Guardian e-mail


Alexander Cortez

Liberty High School

Social Studies Department