Crescent View Board Minutes

July 21

11 a.m.

Present: Jeanne Rickey, Chris Jostol, Dave Kelliher, Jim Willoughby, Doug Wright

Here’s a special thank you to Mary Nunamaker and Janet Jones for a spectacular party on July 21. The DJ (who was the highlight!) referred to it as “The party of the Year” and it just may have been. There were over 100 RSVP’s and few extra guests. Peek on the website for pictures! Also pictures of the Crescent View 4th of July award-winning parade entries.

Guests and Discussions:

·  Jac-e & Steve Albertson from The Cliffs. Albertson’s gave the Board background information on their court case against Schroeder who asked that The Cliff’s not be allowed to install a gate across their driveway.

·  Adam Leland from “The Little House.” Leland/Oberg are in the process of settling a court case with Schroeder giving them title to the gravel area in front of their house in return for relinquishing an old access through the orchard. The board confirmed that Leland/Oberg are a party to the existing recorded easement on the road having purchased the house from Stewart who signed the original agreement. With that settled they are ready to hookup to the Crescent View Water System, as agreed by the CVHA Board on April 11, 2006. The Board will confirm that the state has been informed about adding a hookup and will provide Leland/Oberg a letter of approval outlining cost of hookup and requirements to return road to “as good or better” condition after the installation.

·  Pete Anderson from CV Building C. Request that the board inquire about trimming the brush at the water’s edge near the Marina; the growth is beginning to block owner’s view. The board will approach the PUD (owner of the property.) He also asked about rules governing overnight parking on the road in front of the condos. The board will contact the Campground Manager about current rules about overflow parking and how they are enforced.

Treasurer Report

·  Half year budgets are on target for operating, reserve and water

·  All owners are current on their dues

Water System

·  Mark will send a monthly report of testing and sampling to Ken Thomas of RH2 for use in our annual Water Quality report.

·  The state-required Cross Connections are completed for Crescent View and The Cliffs. Tower Greens will be completed in the next few weeks. The Orchards have not responded as to their timeline for completion. The Board will confirm with state about the deadline for installation and send a letter to the Orchards detailing the deadline, requirements and consequences for the water system if there is non-compliance.


·  All concrete stairs from upper decks to the grass have been inspected. Six are cracked and in need of repair. Replacements will be purchased and Mark will contact a local arc welder for installation.

·  Pool phones as required by the County Health Department have been installed and all three will soon be in operation. The location of the pool will show up for the fire/emergency responders. Signs will be posted indicating a fine for misuse or abuse of the phones.

·  The Board approved purchase of Lorex camera system to be installed with a view of the front entrance.

·  Due to a blocked irrigation line, Mark has been manually watering near the sport pool. Doug will locate a high pressure compressor for Mark to use to unblock the line.

·  Follow up on the approval of the homeowners to investigate the feasibility of adding a bathroom at Waterfall Pool is complete and it can be constructed. Doug will contact a contractor for a firm bid that will then be forwarded to the owners for their vote to determine if we continue with the project.

·  The board chose the location to install the mail box system at the end of the road (where there are currently three stanchions of boxes.) Mark will contact the Postmaster to inspect the site. Units with 80 boxes will be ordered.

·  Mark will contact Inland Fire for a bid on replacement of the sprinklers in Buildings F & G that have been recalled.

·  The Grant County Health Department informed Dave Kelliher that fencing height in certain areas around the pools must be increased for safety. The Board will get more information from State seeking answers about the new regulations considering that they approved the pools as built.

·  Work on the shuffleboard court is underway and will be ready for use by Labor Day.

·  In the past,a tractor has been available for Mark to use at Crescent View. First it was Paul Hagman's. Then it was a tractor near the condos and the last couple of years, it belonged to Don Wetsch and Ross Clemenshaw. Don and Ross have removed their tractor from Crescent View, so Mark is requesting that the Association purchase a tractor for use at Crescent View with justification for the expense. The board recommends the purchase of a tractor in the $15,000 range. In order to avoid a special assessment for the purchase, they recommend buying it on contract terms. Homeowners are asked to vote on permission for the board to make such a purchase. Please see attached ballot.


·  Board approved sending a letter to Patrick Schroeder and Helen Patricia Schroeder requesting detailed information on how they are protecting Crescent View and the Crescent View Water Tower from any adverse impact from the unstable soil they created by disturbing the hill east of the Orchard which is in line with the condos and the water tank.

·  Entrance gate flower bed. GAME ON! The board is putting out a call to all homeowners for creative ideas for a new design at the gate entrance. Sun Serra’s waterfall and stone entrance has ramped up the competition. Considerations for a new design include cost of installation, materials and ease of maintenance. Please submit your ideas to a board member by September 6th. (The potential for a prize is in the offing!)

·  Thank you to everyone who is using the new boat parking across from the Little House. Parking is always a stretch, especially on major weekends, but it has improved measurably. A reminder that non-condo owners may not leave their boats on Crescent View property. (Renters and guests may leave their boats on the property only during their stay.)

·  A reminder that each condo has an assigned carport or garage. Please do not park in other’s assigned parking area without that owners express permission. This has become such an issue that the board may add a scale of fines for non-compliance.

·  The board disallowed using our website to advertise rentals at Sun Serra

·  Cell service – Jeanne contacted Verizon about installing a cell tower or micro cell to provide better cell service and received NO RESPONSE. The person who collected signatures for a petition to Verizon for better cell service did not respond to calls.

·  The board voted to fund another homeowner’s party for next summer. Suggestions have been made to include a golf tournament and a children’s talent show. Anyone interested in coordinating some or all of the activities, please contact a board member.

·  Good News: Chris read a request in the Journal of Commerce for bids to replace the Crescent Bar Bridge. Looks like we may really get a new bridge!

·  Next Meeting Thursday, September 6, at Chris Jostol’s

·  Board Members

Chris Jostol -

Jeanne Rickey –

Jim Willoughby -

Dave Kelliher –

Doug Wright -


In the past,a tractor has been available for Mark to use at Crescent View. First it was Paul Hagman's. Then it was a tractor owned by a resident near the condos and the last couple of years, it belonged to Don Wetsch and Ross Clemenshaw. Don and Ross have removed their tractor from Crescent View, so Mark is requesting that the Association purchase a tractor for use at Crescent View. He has provided justification for the expense.

Uses for Tractor - Front-end Loader and Back Hoe with Back Blade

·  Lift garbage into dumpsters from one site to another

·  Move dumpsters around if needed.

·  Deposit lawn cutting overflow and move excess debris into other dumpsters as needed.

·  Pick up heavy loads, i.e. red rock for flowerbeds, big rocks from rockeries, big bags of fertilizer.

·  Pick up 50-pound water softener bags and move from storage to water softener sites.

·  Plow and clear snow from driveways in the winter as needed.

·  Clean up mud etc after heavy rain

·  Irrigation repairs

·  Water system emergencies & repairs.

·  Remove and load trees, stumps, shrubs, and landscape trimmings.

The board recommends the purchase of a tractor in the $15,000 range. In order to avoid a special assessment for the purchase, they recommend buying it on contract terms. Homeowners are asked to vote on permission for the board to make such a purchase.

I ______(name and condo #) vote:

c YES – Purchase a tractor for Crescent View with monthly payments

c NO – Do not purchase a tractor for Crescent View

Please return to or

mail to Jeanne Rickey, 1331 142nd Pl. S.E. Mill Creek, WA 98012