Thank you for taking the time to review the attached continuing education article. Your expert opinion is much appreciated and ensures a high quality publication.

If other considerations or questions arise, please contact MPA at (517) 484-1466 or .

Reviewer Name:




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Name of Article Reviewed:

1.How much time did it take to read the article and answer the questions?

hour(s) minute(s)

2.If presented in a live format, this article would take approximately

hour(s) minute(s) in a classroom setting.

3. Please identify the audience that may best benefit from this article.

PharmacistsPharmacy Technicians (within scope of technician’s duties)

4.Is the article promotional or appear to be intended for the purpose if endorsing either a specific commercial drug or other commercial product, or a specific commercial service? Brand name products should not be mentioned; the generic equivalent is sufficient.

Yes No

If you answered “yes”, please explain

5.Is the information useful?

Yes No

If you answered “no”, please explain

6.Is the article of sufficient significance to warrant publication; is it a contribution to the readers’ knowledge?

Yes No

If you answered “no”, please explain

7.Are the assumptions valid?

Yes No

If you answered “no”, please explain

8.Is the data sufficient to support the conclusions?

Yes No

If you answered “no”, please explain

  1. Is the article unclear or wordy? Does anything need further elaboration, clarification or condensation?

Yes No

If you answered “yes”, please explain

10.Are the figures and tables relevant to the article?

Yes NoNot applicable

If you answered “no”, please explain

  1. Is the number of literature references appropriate to support the article?

Yes No

If you answered “no”, please explain

12.Is the nomenclature consistent? Should a glossary be included?

Yes No

If you answered “no”, please explain

13.Are the facts accurate?

Yes No

If you answered “no”, please explain

14.What is your recommendation for this article?

Publish as presented.Publish with recommended changes.

Do not publish.

If you answered “do not publish”, please explain

15.In your opinion, how many continuing education credit hours is this article worth (be conservative) in its final format?

1 hour1.5 hours 2 hours

