2013/2014 Membership Agreement – Please retain this page for your records
Welcome to the North Haledon Cooperative Nursery School. Joining a cooperative provides a unique and exciting opportunity for families to be a welcome part of their children’s early education experience. At the North Haledon Cooperative Nursery School, we offer flexible participation options. The commitment for each option is explained in the attached Membership Agreement. Please read this agreement carefully and decide which options are best for your family.
Once you’ve reviewed the information regarding your commitment to the co-op, please complete the attached Membership Agreement and return it to the co-op. You will be notified of your job assignment before the spring membership meeting.
The North Haledon Cooperative Nursery School is an organization whose successful operation depends upon the participation and sharing of responsibilities by all members. The required duties of the adult members include:
I. Financial Obligations
A. Tuition is to be paid in 8 installments of 12.5%, August 15 – March 15. Tuition is an annual fee. No provision is made for student absences, school closings for scheduled vacations, school closings due to inclement weather, or vacation/travel. (10 payments August 1 –May 1 available upon request).
Payments are due on or before the 15thof each month. Members agree to pay a late fee for any payments received after the 15th of the month.
If a member withdraws a child before August 15th of the upcoming school year, the 12.5% tuition pre-payment and security deposit will be refunded only if the school can fill the child’s spot in his/her class within two weeks. If a member withdraws after August 15th, a penalty of 12.5% of total tuition will be assessed. (See below for information regarding the refund of the security deposit). This penalty does not apply if the school recommends that the child be withdrawn.
B. Each family is required meet a $175 fundraising requirement for the year. This amount is prorated for members who join after December 31.st
C. A Membership Obligations Security Deposit of $100.00 is collected at registration for the upcoming school year. This deposit is refunded at the end of the year, after all obligations are met. Members who withdraw before the end of the school year may not receive the security deposit back if all obligations are not met to satisfaction of the board.
II. Providing Snack
Members also agree to provide a healthy snack, beverage and paper products for the class on the day of their scheduled participation (approx 1 x per month).
III. Classroom Participation (Or pay the $36 per month opt out fee)
Members agree to assist in the classroom, based on the scheduled rotation (typically once every 4 – 6 weeks, but may vary depending on the size and needs of the class – not more than 10 x per year).
If a member is unable to assist in the class on the assigned participation day, it is the member’s responsibility to:
Switch the obligation with another parent in the class – OR – pay the specified fee (currently $38.00) * Emergency requests for a substitute must be made by 7:15 am. Late requests are subject to an additional $15 fee.
IV. Membership Meeting Participation
All members agree to attend two membership meetings (fall and spring). Anyone unable to attend must contact the class parent prior to the meeting. Failure to do so will result in a fine as outlined on the NHCOOP by-laws.
V. Co-op Job/Committee Participation (OR pay the $150opt out fee)
Members agree to hold a co-op job, which requires a minimum of 10 - 15 hours of service during the year (OR pay $150 for the Co-op Job ‘buy out’ option). See back for a description of committees and positions
VI. Co-op CLeaning (Or pay the $75 opt out fee)
Members agree to participate in a school clean up date, once per year (approx. 3 hours) (OR pay $75 for the Co-op Cleaning ‘buy out’ option. Failure to sign up for a cleaning date by November 1 will result in a $25 fine).
* PLEASE NOTE:For Co-op job and cleaning, any member who does not ‘opt out,’ but fails to fulfill the commitment will be charged the ‘opt out’ fee and any applicable fines, as per the co-op by laws.
BOARDPresident *(1 or 2) / Presides over board meetings; implements school policy; oversees all school business and operations (aside from issues related to staff, curriculum, and state regulations)
Vice President *
(1 or 2) / Coordinate/overseeco-op operations, budget reports, committee efforts, etc.; act as liaisons between the director, president(s) and committee chairpersons and board members
Secretary * / Records meeting minutes; responsible for all co-op correspondence to members and outside parties (must have basic word processing skills and access to e-mail); assists director with copying and distributing materials to members; keeps school wide calendar up-to-date
Registrar * / Oversees all registration procedures; maintains an official membership list of the co-op; receives all enrollment inquiries; returns phone calls, mails out information packets, and occasionally provides tours to interested families; assists at the open house(s)
Fund raising Coordinator(s) *
(1 or 2) / Plans and facilitates school fund raising efforts; tracks family fund raising participation; work with fund raising committee, class parents, and/or special events committee on fund raisers; should be comfortable reaching out to the community
Public Relations Coordinator * / Sends press releases and photos to newspapers once a month; develops public relations materials; assists director with copying and distributing materials to members; promotes open houses; coordinates efforts with Newsletter Editor, Webmaster and Yearbook Coordinator
Class Parent Captain * / Acts as a liaison between the class parents and the board; meets with the class parents each month; attends board meetings to report on behalf of class parents; coordinates special projects and tasks that the class parents are asked to perform; keeps records of parent participation in the classroom, on committees, and at meetings
Beautification / Improve the appearance of the school (outside & main hallway) with seasonal decorations, bulletin boards, gardening, etc.
Class Parent / Communicate with parents regarding any necessary school business and about school closings; coordinate snacks and supplies for class parties; assists with special class projects; inspect the classroom once a month for necessary repairs, etc.; assist the fund raising chair with fund raising projects and with class collections of fund raising materials; help maintain the classroom as requested (help wash toys, etc.)
Community Visitors Host / Welcome community visitors (police, fire dept, etc) when they make a scheduled visit to the school; escort them to classes and deliver thank you notes from the children afterwards
Family Picnic / Work with president to reserve location; obtain supplies; notify families, etc.
Fund Raising Assistant / Assist the fund raising chair with all fund raising efforts; may involve reaching out to the community, making phone calls, soliciting donations, etc.
Harvest Festival / Coordinate Halloween activities held during the school day (pumpkin patch, parade, bake sale, etc)
Hospitality / Set up and clean up for school events (chairs/tables for meetings, etc); provide refreshments and/or coordinate volunteers to provide refreshments and
Housekeeping / Sweep, mop, dust and/or vacuum common areas of the co-op on a regular basis (halls, stairs, gym)
Labels for Education / Coordinate the Labels for Education collections; submit labels & track results.
Laundry / Wash & re-hang curtains 2 x a year; wash dress up clothes and smocks as needed.
Maintenance / Assist with minor repairs & maintenance projects throughout the year; Handy dads & moms needed.
Newsletter Editor / Produce newsletter 3x a year (with information submitted by teachers & board members)
Playground / Prepare the playground for opening in the fall and for use in the spring. Dads needed!
Public Relations / Assist Public Relations Coordinator (see above)
Purchasing Agent / Monitors and shops for supplies needed at the co-op on a regular basis (snacks, juice, cleaning, janitorial, office and misc. supplies)
Reading Events / Coordinate annual Book Fair, Family Reading Night & Read Across America activities
Recycling / Take recycling out to the curb a few times a month, throughout the year. Quick & easy!
Webmaster / Update and maintain co-op website
Yearbook / Produce co-op yearbook; keep track of sales and distribute to classes
Board members provide guidance and assistance for all committee work. Detailed information is provided on how to carry out each activity.
Child's Name ______
North Haledon Cooperative Nursery School, Inc. Membership Agreement – 2013/2014
Please sign and return with completed registration form.
We understand that the North Haledon Cooperative Nursery School is an organization whose successful operation depends upon the participation and sharing responsibilities by all members. With that in mind, we understand the required duties of the adult members as detailed in the membership agreement, regarding the following:
- Meeting all financial obligations (including fund raising requirement)
- Providing healthy snacks – approx. 1 x per month
- Classroom Participation - approx 1 x per month [OR paying $360 to opt out]
- Meeting Participation (fall & spring)
- Co-op Job – Position/Committee Participation (approx. 10 – 15 hrs per yr)
[OR paying $150 to opt out]
- Co-op Cleaning – 1 x per yr (approx 3 hrs) [OR paying $75 to opt out]
- Adherence to co-op policies - including parking and illness policies
COMMITMENT / FEEOpt out of classroom participation (per child) / $360
Opt out of cleaning (per family) / $75
Opt out of co-op job (per family) / $150
Opt out of fundraising (per family) / $175
I/We have received and read a copy of the 2013/2014 Membership Agreement. I/We understand and agree to abide by the terms of this agreement, and fulfill our obligations completely (or to pay the appropriate opt out fees selected above).
I/We understand that failure to meet these obligations will result in fines and/or penalties as outlined in the NHCOOP by-laws, and that if we are unable to meet any portion of this agreement for any reason, we can contact the President of the Executive Board to discuss any special circumstances. Repeated failure to meet obligations may result in revocation of membership.
Member Signature _Date______
Mark YOUR FIRST 7 CHOICES 1 – 7, 1 being your first choice.
Please indicate which positions you would be willing to fill for the 2013/2014 school year on the list below. We will try to honor your preferences but cannot guarantee your choice. You will be assigned to 1 bigger job or 2 smaller jobs to meet your 10 – 15 hour time commitment for the year.
(See attached sheet for description)
Check the box at the bottom of this page if you are choosing to pay the $150 fee to opt out of the co-op job obligation. You will receive a separate invoice for opting out. This fee is due by November 1st. If you do not opt out, but fail to fulfill your co-op job obligation, you will be billed the $150 opt out fee plus an additional $25.00 fine.
_____Vice President
_____ Secretary
_____Class Parent Captain
_____Public Relations Coordinator
_____Fund Raising Coordinator
_____Building & Grounds Coordinator
_____Special Events Coordinator / _____Beautification _____Maintenance
_____Class Parent _____Newsletter Editor
_____Community Visitors Host _____Playground
_____Family Picnic _____Public Relations
_____Fund Raising Assistant _____Purchasing Agent
_____Harvest Festival _____Reading Events
_____Hospitality _____Recycling
_____Housekeeping _____Webmaster
______Labels for Education ______Yearbook
-- OR --
We also look for members to share their knowledge and experience with the children. Please check below, if you are interested in volunteering to help enhance our education programs.
_____ Profession (Circle below):
Doctor Dentist/Dental Hygienist Nurse Firefighter EMT Police Officer Baker Vet
Other: ______
_____ Enrichment (Circle below):
Music Art Photography Woodworking Culture______
Other: ______