Practical List - XII CS and XII IP
Session – 2017-18
1. Write a program to sum first N terms of the following Series
1 + X/2! + X2/4! + X3/6! +X4/8! + ………………………
2. To display the list of students who have failed in more than one subject. (using structure)
3. To find largest and smallest element in an array.
/ April
4. Calculation of area of triangle, rectangle and circle using function overloading concept.
5. In a class Flight, calculate the quantity of fuel using class and object concept.
/ May-June
6. Menu based program to display information of student according to roll no and also the
information of student obtaining the highest marks.
7. Calculation of price of a material in a class Clothing with constructor.
8. Implementation of hierarchical inheritance using a single base class and two derived class.
/ July
9. To count the no. of alphabets, digits, spaces, other characters and no. of lines in a text file.
10. Modifying a record in a binary file “COLONY.DAT” using structure concept.
11.Add, delete, modify, search and display records in a binary file “STUDENT.DAT” using class and object concept.
/ August
12. Calculate and display the row-sum and column-sum of a 2-D dynamic array using pointer.
13. A menu based program to insert and delete elements in a 1-D array of integers.
14. Searching of an element in an integer array using binary search.
15. Menu based program for sorting of elements in a 1-D array using selection sort or bubble sort or insertion sort.
16. Array implementation of stack.
/ September
17. Linked list implementation of stack.
18. Array implementation of queue.
19. Linked list implementation of queue.
20. Array implementation of circular queue.
21. Designing of simple calculator (+, *, /, ^, √) using class and object function.
22. SQL commands to create TABLE-EMP. / October
Projects in C++ / November
Practical List - XII CS and XII IP
Session – 2017-18
1.To display a message using GUI Dialog.
To display a message for eligibility to vote or not.
2. To concatenate two sub strings.
3. To find IP Address of a system.
4. To perform simple arithmetic operations.
5. To display grades in a GUI application
/ April
6. Use of radiobutton in a real life application.
7 Use of radiobutton and checkbox in a GUI application.
8. Use of string library methods.
/ May-June
9. Use of Java’s math methods and user defined methods.
10. Change of foreground and background color of label.
11. Multiplication table of a number in using jList.
12. Displaying all records of a database table in a GUI application based on certain criteria.
/ July
13. To perform INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE operations on a database using a GUI application.
14. Creation of webpage using basic HTML elements.
15. Creating form HTML Tags
/ August
16. Mysql Commands (Teacher - Table) – DML
17. Mysql Commands – DDL
18. Creating an application using XML
/ September
19. IT Application (Cross N Knot Game)
20. IT Application (Salary Calculator) / October
Projects in JAVA / November
Practical List - XI CS and XI IP
Name of Programs / MonthsQ1. Write program to print following pattern
1 1 A
12 2 2 AB
123 3 3 3 ABC
1234 4 4 4 4 ABCD
12345 5 5 5 5 5 ABCDE
# # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # #
# # # # # #
& # # # #
# #
Q2.Given three no.s A,B,C,D and make a program to write their values in ascending order , for example if A=12,B=10,C=15 your program should print out-
Next higher number-12
Highest Number-15
Q3. A bank accepts fixed deposits for one year or more and pulley it adopts on interest is as follows-
(i) If a deposits is Rs.2000 and for 2 or more year or more, the interest is 5% compound annually.
(ii) If a deposit is more than Rs 6000 and is for 1 year or more, the interest is 8% compounded annually.
(iii) If deposit is Rs 2000 or more but less than 6000 and for 2 or more years, the interest is 8% compounded annually.
(iv) On all deposits for 5 years or more, interest is 10 percents compounded annually. Given the amount deposited and the number of years, write a program to calculate the money in the customer’s account at the end of specified time. / April
Q4. Given a list of integers, write a program, to find these which are palindromes. For example, the number 4321234 is a palindrome as it reads the same from left to right and from right to left.
Q 5. Write a program to find the sum of following series:
x - x2/21 + x3/31 - x4/41+ x5 /51 – x6/61 - ……….. xn/n!
Q 6. Following is the menu to be displayed to the user. On selecting a choice displayappropriate result. Number should be accepted from the user.
1. Prime Factors
2. Leap Year
3. Sum of all digits
4. Number in reverse order / May-June
Q 7. Make a menu driven combo program which performs following?
(i) Matrix addition, subtraction and multination.
(ii) Find the rom sum and column sum of a matrix.
(iii) Sum the element above and below the main diagonal of a matrix.
(iv) To transpose a matrix.
(v) To Shift the element from 2D array to 1D array.
(vi) Performing merge sort.
Q 8 make a mean driven combo program which performs following (without using string inbuilt functions)-
(i) To concatenate two string.
(ii) To reverse a string.
(iii) To copy string.
(iv) To check whether the string is palindrome or not.
(v) To find the position of a pattern string in main string.
(vi) To find substring of a given string.
(vii) To delete from a string. / July
Q 9 Make a program to array the element of an array in ascending order.
Q10 Make a program to determine statisdes of some text in teams of line-count, word count, character count, i.e. a function text stat() to do the same. This function receives four parameters, text, le, we, cc, where last three parameters i.e. .We and cc are of integer type and are passed by reference.
Q11. Make a program to reverse a vector without using a temporary variable. / August
Q12 Write a complete C++ program that invokes a function satid() to find whether four integers a, b, c, d send to satid() satisfy the equation a3+b3+c3=d or hot. The function satis() returns0 if the above equation is satisfied with the given for number otherwise it retuns-1.
Q13 Write a C++ program that uses a function small() (that is passed two int argument by reference) to receive reference of the smaller value. Then using this reference the smaller valued is set to 0. Write a main function also to exercise this function. / September
Q14 Write a complete C++ program that uses following function-
(i) Splurge() that is passed two int argument by reference and then sets the larger of the two numbers to its square.
(ii) Sum() that is passed and int argument by value and returns the sum of the individual digits of the passed number.
(iii) Main() the exercise above two functions by getting two integers from the user and by printing the sum of the individual digits of the square of the larger number. / October
Q 15 Write a program that uses a function power () to raise a number m to power n. the function takes int values for m and n return the result correctly. Use a default value of 2 for n to make the function calculate square when this argument is one . Write a main () to get the value of m and n and to display the result. / November
Q16: The roll numbers marks in English, computer, and maths out of 100 students.
Write a function using structures, to calculate the following:--
(i) No. of students passed with distinction (ii) Details of top scorer
(iii) Number of students failed
For distinction, a student needs to score at least 75% and minimum passing score is 33%
Q17: Declare a structure to represent a complex no. (a no. having real and an imaginary part). Write C++ function to add, subtract, multiply and divide two complex numbers. / December
Projects in C++ / January
Practical List - XI IP
Name of Programs / MonthsQ1. Create a Java desktop application to find the largest number among the three floating point numbers.
Q2. Create a Java desktop application to enter your friends rollno, name, address, section and grade.Using a JButton‟s click event handler, display the details of inputs into a JTextArea control. Note that the JTextArea background would be in yellow color.
Q3. Create a java desktop application to do mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and modules of two numbers and display the result with appropriate text box after clicking a JButton control. / April
Q4. Design a login form that obtains user id and password from the user. If correct password is entered, it display a dialog saying “< user – id >, you have logged in successfully.” If, however, password is incorrect, it displays a dialog saying, “< user – id >, you entered an invalid password. Either try again or leave.”
Q5. Create a GUI application that obtained details (rollno, name, class and marks ) of a student through text fields and adds them in a table as a row. The application should also offer options to display total count of records in the table: count of records class – wise and to exit from the application. / May-June
Q6. Create a Java GUI application to find salary of the employee on the
basis of “Designation“ selected using JComboBox. The JComboBox contains the following designations with respective salaries:
Designation / Salary
Project Manager / 200000
Manager / 150000
Architect / 100000
Team Leader / 100000
Sr. Programmer / 75000
Programmer / 50000
Operator / 25000
Q7. Create a java GUI application that display multiplication table of a number given by user. / July
Q8. Create a java GUI application to store the data (Admission No., Name, Date of Birth, Class and Section) of 10 students in a table (Table) and find total number of students in each class and section. / August
Q 9. To create a simple GUI application to perform a calculation based on a value retrieved from database table and a value entered by the user in a GUI application. / September
Q. 10 Write SQL commands on the basis of table MOV:
(a) Find the total value of the movie cassettes available in the library.
(b) Display a list of all movies with Price over 20 and sorted by price.
(c) Display all the movies sorted by QTY in decreasing order.
(d) Display a report listing a movie number, current value and replacement value for each movie in the above table. Calculate the replacement value for all movies as QTY * Price * 1.15. / October
Q. 11 Give the output of the following SQL commands on the basis of table MOV.
(a) SELECT AVG(Price) from MOV where Price < 30;
(b) SELECT MAX(Price) FROM MOV WHERE Price > 30;
Q12. Write the output of the following:-
(a) SELECT ROUND (1023.432, 1 ) ;
(c) SELECT UPPER ( „ master „ ) ;
(d) SELECT MOD ( ROUND ( 120.60, 1),5) ;
(e) SELELCT POWER(5,5) ;
(f) SELECT FLOOR (65467.8890) ;
(g) SELECT MOD (36, 3) ;
(h) SELECT (14*9, 90 / 9 ) ;
(i) SELECT ROUND (3244.1962, 1) ;
(j) SELECT SQRT (144);
(k) SELECT SQRT(15.6 * 24.3 ) ;
(l) SELECT 1000 + SQRT (100) ;
(n) SELECT LOWER ( „ ARMY School „ ) ;
SELECT FLOOR ( 100.34 ) + ABS ( 200.43 ) ; / December
Projects in Java / January