May 13, 2015

The Braxton County Board of Education met in a regular session Braxton County High School

at 5:00 p.m. The following members were present:

Kathy Parker, President

Dave Hoover, Vice President

Van Carr

Jimmy Huffman

Elizabeth Stewart

Kathy Parker called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Kathy Parker asked for a moment of prayer for Rick Frame and his family.

Tony Minney, Principal of BCHS presented the LSIC program.

A delegation discussed the BCMS Soccer program. Dave Hoover moved and Jimmy Huffman

seconded to table the discussion until everything is in place. Vote: Unanimous

Jimmy Huffman moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the consent agenda items (Approval of April 21 and 28 Minutes, payment of bills, budget transfers and supplements, transportation requests and reports). Vote: Unanimous

Elizabeth Stewart moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the following

Employment/reassignment - Professional:

1. Anita Lambert – Media Technology Specialist/Technology Integration Specialist (TIS)

effective beginning 2015-16 school term

Vote: Unanimous

Dave Hoover moved to convene into executive session under 6-9A-4 (2)(A) for legal,

personnel and student issues. Van Carr seconded. Vote: Unanimous

The board convened into executive session 6:45 p.m.

Jimmy Huffman moved to reconvene into regular session. Van Carr seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous

The board reconvened into regular session at 7:08 p.m.

Dave Hoover moved and Jimmy Huffman seconded to approve the following termination of

substitute bus operators’ contracts who have worked less than 50% of 2014-15 school term

effective May 14, 2015:

1. Brenda Cox

2. Christina Dean

3. Chad Hoover

4. Aaron Jenkins

Vote: Unanimous

Van Carr moved and Jimmy Huffman seconded to the following resignation – Professional:

Joe Hoskins – Principal Burnsville Elementary effective June 30, 2015.

Vote: Unanimous

Jimmy Huffman moved and Elizabeth Stewart seconded seconded to approve the following

resignation – Extra-Curricular:

James Oates – BCMS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach – Effective May 14, 2015.

Vote: Unanimous

Dave Hoover moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the following determination of

employment dates – Service:

1. Scott Estep – Substitute Bus Operator effective retroactive May 1, 2015

2. Michael Singleton – Substitute Bus Operator effective retroactive May 1, 2015

Vote: Unanimous

Elizabeth Stewart moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the following leave of

absence requests – Professional:

1. Dawn Butler – Grade 2 Teacher Flatwoods Elementary – unpaid medical leave effective

retroactive May 11, 2015 through the end of the 2014-15 school year.

2. Patricia Gillespie – Grade 4 Teacher Little Birch Elementary – with possible effective dates

from May 14, 2015 through the end of the 2014-15 school year.

Vote: Unanimous

Van Carr moved and Jimmy Huffman seconded to approve the following leave of absence –


Gloria Belknap – Custodian Flatwoods Elementary paid medical leave effective May 14, 2015

until released by physician

Vote: Unanimous

Tony Minney presented the Board with protocols for graduation.

Dave Hoover moved and Jimmy Huffman seconded to approve fundraisers from Flatwoods

Elementary, Little Birch Elementary and Sutton Elementary.

Vote: Unanimous

Elizabeth Stewart moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the Program Design and

Management Plan for 2015-16.

Vote: Unanimous

Jimmy Huffman moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the Braxton County Head

Start Mental Health Plan.

Vote: Unanimous

Van Carr moved and Elizabeth Stewart seconded to approve the Braxton County Head Start

Disabilities Plan.

Vote: Unanimous

Elizabeth Stewart moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the FBLA trip to the

National FBLA Leadership Conference in Chicago, IL from June 28 through July 3 on a

chartered bus.

Vote: Unanimous

Dave Hoover moved and Jimmy Huffman seconded the AEP trip to the Central Regional

Jail on May 21, 2015.

Vote: Unanimous

Jimmy Huffman moved and Elizabeth Stewart seconded the low bid for 2015 copy

paper from Xpedx for $24.39 per case.

Vote: Unanimous

Dave Hoover moved and Van Carr approved the personalized education plans for

Internet Communications, Pre-Healthcare and Fine Arts at BCHS.

Vote: Unanimous

A student expulsion hearing was held for student #1415-16. Jimmy Huffman moved

and Dave Hoover seconded to expel the student for 365 days and place the student in the

Alternative Education Program at the Braxton County Board of Education Office.

Vote: Unanimous

Elizabeth Stewart moved and Van Carr seconded to approve a four-year contract with Mr.

David Dilly as Superintendent of Braxton County Schools. The details are as follows:

·  First year – $104,000

·  Second year $106,000

·  Third year $108,000

·  4th $110,000

·  Added option to buy vacation days over 10 and added 2 sick days and 2 vacation days per year of contract.

Vote: Unanimous

Mr. Dilly appreciates the confidence the Board has in him and hopes that together they can

accomplish much in the next four years.

The Head Start Policy Council Report was reviewed.

Dave Hoover moved and Van Carr seconded to adjourn.

Vote: Unanimous

The meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County

Board of Education will be held at the Board of Education Office at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday,

May 27, 2015.

Others in Attendance:

Anita Lambert Aaron Sligar

Kim West Eva Riffle

Jennifer Miller Tony Minney

Pamela Brown Tabitha Mays

Norma Bright Jennifer Grindo

Jamie Bosely Denver Drake

Jim King Brenda Wells

Alyssa Hughes Morna Greene

Mandy Rollyson Sheba Kendig

Lisa Vaughan Janis Collins

Sharon Desper Jeremy Butcher

Holly Denison Shawn Crow


President - Braxton County Board of Education


Secretary - Braxton County Board of Education