Sierra Nevada Academy Charter School
RegularMeeting of the Board of Governance
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 @ 4:30 pm
13880 Stead Blvd.
Reno, Nevada 89506
ROLL CALL –Board Members: Melinda Whitney, Jayson Culbert, Les Banks, Karen Sheesley& Jon Wilson Administrators: Kimberly Regan & Victor Schoenfeldt.
Recommendations for the Board:
- Minutes: To review and approve, with any changes as noted therein, the board meeting minutes for the September 24, 2014.
Recommendations for the Board:
- Board Bylaws: To review and approve changes in the board bylaws to be consistent with the board governance and compliance as required under NRS 386.549, which specifies new governing body (board) membership requirements as of July 1, 2012.
- Background: The board of governance implemented the changes required by statute in the specified timeline required by NRS 386.549. However, review of the bylaws revealed language changes in the bylaws were not reflected the membership requirements. The board will discuss their positions on the board as they are qualified and serve.
- Administrator Evaluations: The Board of Governance meets annually to evaluate the performance of the school administrators in accordance with NRS 391.312(2). The Board will review and evaluate the administrators based on the 2013-2014 school year.
Background: Per NRS 391.3127(2), the Board of Governance is responsible to conduct a yearly evaluation of each administrator in writing at least once per year.
Victor Schoenfeldt reviews his portfolio and Executive Summary.
Kimberly Regan Schoenfeldt reviews her portfolio and Executive Summary.
The SNACS Board of Governance convenes to discuss and evaluate the administrators in written form per NRS 391.312(2). The board will reconvene to approve the final evaluations for administrators as designated in NRS 391.312(2).
- Current Financials: The board will be provided with a Profit and Loss Budget to Actual July 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014; and a list of transactions from September 1, 2014 to August 30, 2014 to approve for filing.
- Background: The first report provides the board with budget to actual comparisons and the percent of budgeted amounts incurred to date. The second report included a list of all transactions as classified under the NDE chart of accounts system.
- Annual Audit: The board will be provided with the Annual Audit per NAC 386.380, as completed by External Auditor, Amy Day-Spaletta representing Casey, Neilon & Associates, LLC, for the FY 2014 school year.
- Background: An annual financial audit is required under NAC 386.380. SNACS Independent Auditor, Casey, Neilon & Associates, LLC. conducted the annual audit for FY13. Amy Day-Spaletta has been the lead auditor overseeing the independent audit since 2012. Amy received all financials in August and has conducted onsite reviews and interviews.
- Education Director’sReport: The Education Director will discuss issues related to education not already discussed, including an update on facility improvements, first and second grade enrollment and the addition of a new teacher.
- Executive Director’s Report: The Executive Director will discuss issues related to the overall direction and operation of the charter school including an update on a kindergarten policy brief related to full day kindergarten in Nevada and the progress of SNACS kindergarten.
PUBLIC COMMENT – Comments from the public are invited at this time on topics not specifically addressed elsewhere in the agenda. A “Citizen’s Request to Speak” card should be filled out and submitted to the Board President before speaking during the Public Comment section. The Board is precluded from discussing or acting on items raised by Public Comment, which are not already on the agenda.
BOARD REPORTS/REQUESTS (Information Only/No Action)
Brief updates and notices from the Board regarding school activities, conferences, and/or action on requests by Board members for information or agenda items.
The next regularly scheduled meeting date is March 11, 2015.
Members of the public who are disabled and require special accommodations or assistance at the meeting are requested to notify Dr. Kimberly Regan, Executive Director, in writing at 13880 Stead Blvd., Reno, Nevada 89506, or by calling (775) 677-4500 prior to the meeting date.
This agenda has been posted at the following locations on/by October 17, 2014: Washoe County School District Administration Building; SNACS Main Office; Nevada Department of Education Main Office; North Valleys Library; North Valleys Post Office and online at