Frankston MorningtonPeninsula PCP
Present: / Virginia Richardson (PHCH), Michelle Wright (FMPPCP), Campbell Rule (CIYC/PH), Troy Macris (FMPPCP), Kelly O’Brien (Toorak College), Steve Rose (Family Life), Emma Harris (PHCH), Brigid Behrendt (Impact Support Services), Kathryn Renwick (City of Frankston), Heather Ryan (Peninsula Headspace), Armando Miotti (PHMH), Dee Petch (Mind Seaford), Tracy Bishop (Mind Seaford), Helena Bishop (WHISE), Katrina Bould (YSAS Frankston) / Apologies: / Nikki Hale (CIYC/PH), Karl Kasbach (CTC/MP Shire), Michael Hillier (BSL), Kate Somerville (City of Frankston), Samantha Cochrane (CTC/MP Shire), Rose Dowling (Headspace), Priscilla Yardley (PHMH)Item / Meeting Outcomes / Action(s) / By Whom
1.1Welcome and Apologies
1.2Appointment of Chair / Campbell Rule welcomed everyone to the Working Group meeting and passed onapologies.
Agreement: The group reviewed nominations for chair and agreed on Campbell Rule as the official chair of the working group.
2.1Summary of Community Consultations
2.2 A-B-C partner consultations / Troy Macris stated that the aim of the meeting was to provide information to service providers and agencies to assist them deciding about whether to go ahead with Act-Belong-Commit.
Over the past month a small group had undertaken a number of community consultations to gather feedback from different groups on what they thought about the campaign logo, messages and communication strategies.
The groups included: Hasting’s Men’s Shed group, IMPACT adult mental health consumer group, Peninsula Headspace Youth Representative Group and the Communities that Care Local Advisory Group in Rye.
Troy distributed a report that summarised the main findings and recommendations from these discussions. These included:
- Some design tweaks are required to enhance logo’s appeal, such as lightening the balloons, using the QLD A-B-C logo graphic, and including a bi-line which explains the campaign aim more clearly
- The logo needs to be accompanied by adequate explanation (e.g. via presentations, discussion, fact sheets, etc.), so there is a take home message and less room for misinterpretation
- The campaign messages need to be appropriately tailored to the needs/circumstances of different groups (e.g. youth friendly, socially isolated, mental health consumers, etc.)
In terms of the bi-line, the group felt that it was import to include the words “mental health” in some capacity to meet the campaign objective of reducing stigma through correcting misperceptions about what mental health means. Emma Harris highlighted that it was important to also pair mental health with wellbeing (as in mental health and wellbeing), so that the terminology would be consistent with the language that schools are now using for mental health related issues.
Agreement: The group agreed on the logo bi-line for the FMPPCP Act Belong Commit logo to be:“… for mental health and wellbeing”.
Troy will submit this proposal to Mentally Healthy WA, and if it’s not endorsed then request guidance around what is acceptable or not.“Mentally healthy Frankston Mornington Peninsula” may be a backup as a last resort, though the group generally did not support this option.
Troyhad also metwith representatives from organisations in Victoria who have been Act Belong Commit partners for several or more years. These organisations included WHISE, Toorak College, KBPCP, Bayside City Council and North West Area Mental Health Service.
Common learnings/indicators of success identified by these representatives were:
- Need for executive buy in and staff support prior to commencement of campaign
- Importance of a key contact/champion within each organisation with the commitment and capacity to plan and drive campaign’s implementation
3. Review Draft FMPPCP Act Belong Commit Information Pack / Troy presented a document that outlined a proposed vision for the campaign, which included it’s aims and background, the different ways it can be used to benefit the community, the requirements of partners and partnering agreement template, and planning and reporting templates.
Some terms and wording in the partnering agreement template were discussed. Emma made the suggestion to omit the role of Mentally Healthy WA to reduce confusion around who local agencies were partnering with (given that their operational relationship would be exclusively with FMPPCP).
Kathryn raised the question of what was meant need by ‘training and support’ in the pack? Troy explained that there is a training presentation available that can be adapted for our area, which can be used to educate agency staff and community groups about the campaign.
Troy asked for additional feedback from members on the information pack. / Omit Mentally Healthy WA from partnering agreement
Include additional details in the information pack around the training presentation
Members to read through information pack and forward comments and feedback to Troy by next meeting. / Troy
4. Case study presentations / Helena from WHISE:
WHISE had implemented the campaign for three years. They signed up initially though WA and then later through theKingston Bayside PCP. Helena emphasised that it is a campaign and not a program, and that it is not as simple as sticking on a logo. Branding is always an issue in large organisations, but it’s still important to have a visual hook. Making sure that all staff are trained and committed is essential for success. It has been a challenge for it not to be just another brand, just another campaign.
WHISE is aiming to use the campaign to:
- Develop partnerships, educate the community and advocate for positive mental health action.
- Not only use logos- but try to run Act-Belong-Commit events to promote the message and encourage behaviour change.
- Doing as much as they can with few resources.
- Evaluate what they have done- positive (?)
- Enhance work with people from the CALD community
Toorak College signed their MOU with Curtin University in 2009. Since then, Kelly had run a wide variety of activities for students at Toorak College to promote the Act Belong Commit campaign across the whole of school, such as:
- Governance
- Policy
- Curriculum
- Cross-curricular
- School Documentation
6. Review TOR / The group reviewed the draft TOR and agreed on the following changes:
1Remove the line” Act as ambassadors in promoting the concepts associated with Act Belong Commit”
2Change membership to: “Delegated representatives/key contacts from agencies who are committed to the FMPPCP Act Belong Commit campaign”
3Change meeting frequency to: ”The Act Belong Commit working group will meet monthly for the first 6 months and will then be reviewed”
4Quorum changed to: “A quorum shall be a representative of three or more member agencies.
5Change decision making dot point four to: “Update on the work of the Act Belong Commit working group will be included as a standing agenda item and tabled at the FMPPCP Health Promotion Collaborative meetings via the FMPPCP Integrated Health Promotion Coordinator, or delegated representative. / Update the draft TOR and agenda for next meeting for agreement / Troy
7. Next steps / ACTION: Members agreed to review the campaign proposal documents and consider if, in principle, it would be a suitable project to take on within their organisation / Review campaign proposal documents and consult with relevant internal staff to determine ‘in principle’ viability of the campaign for agencies. / All
7. Next meeting / Time:10.30 - 12.00
Date:Wednesday 14th December
Where:Meeting Room 3, Mount Eliza Centre, Jacksons Road, Mount Eliza
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