MichiganMental HealthCounselorsAssociation
Dr. Sara Sue Schaeffer, LPC, LMFT, ACS
Dr. Donald A. Amidon, LPC, LMFT, ACS
Dr. Schaeffer and Dr. Amadon wish to explain the reasons why you should attend this DSM-5 Training Workshop in Lansing Michigan on May 3, 2013.
As most of you probably know, the DSM 5 is scheduled for publication in May of this year. This DSM revision includes new and sweeping changes in the way we diagnose. The attached information explains it this way: " This is the most revolutionary DSM Publication since 1987 (DSM III-R)...In many ways this book will change the way we describe and interact with our patients."
The Counselor Licensure law stipulates that counselors may do only those things in their scope of practice which they are trained to do. Thus if a counselor is diagnosing and has not received training in the DSM 5 by the time it is in use, we believe that counselor would be on very shaky legal ground if he or she continued to diagnose. For your information, we are requiring that all of our supervisees attend a DSM 5 workshop this year.
MMHCA has really stepped up to the plate to meet the needs of members and mental health professionals throughout the State on this one. A MMHCA-sponsored workshop will be held in Lansing on May 3, 2013 from 9 to 4. Attendees will receive 6 NBCC Credits and a free lunch. (In this case there is such a thing as a free lunch :-) The cost will be $69 for members, $89 for non-members and $49 for students. This is the most cost-effective DSM 5 workshop that we have found!
The presenter is Jack Klott, a nationally renowned mental health therapist, author, and DSM historian. We had the privilege of working with Jack at the Battle Creek VA years ago and know him personally. We have no doubt that he will do an outstanding job with this workshop!
Workshop details and registration materials are included in the attachments to this email. We encourage you to share this information with your colleagues, supervisees and students.
From your MMHCA President,
James Blundo
MMHCA P.O. Box 80036 Rochester MI 48308