Veterans and Patriots United
Coraopolis, PA
Minutes, General Meeting #12
Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010
(Minutes taken and prepared by Kathie Marino)
1. Meeting convened at 7:12 pm with 213 members/visitors in attendance at the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott Hotel in Coraopolis, PA.
2. Welcome and Introduction: Mick Morrow, President VPU
a. Pledge of Allegiance and Brief prayer led by Matt Ball
b. Introduction/History of VPU and discussion of "politics as usual" and "fixing the
broken system"
3. U.S. Congressional Candidate Speakers:
a. Melissa Haluczak (R) introduced by Tom Kawczynski--Degree from University of Pittsburgh with a focus on Russian Studies. Melissa states: "The Constitution will be my compass", "I support limited government", I support separation of powers, "I support term limits and will limit myself to 3 Congressional House terms". Five standard questions by Mick Morrow and 5 individual questions from the crowd.
b. Patrick Kennedy (D) introduced by Mick Morrow--Patrick states: "I am a fiscal conservative", "I am an average blue collar guy who wants change", "I am for Medicare for everyone". Five standard question by Mick Morrow and 5 individual questions from the crowd.
c. Mary Beth Buchanan (R) introduced by Tom Kawczynski--Mary Beth states: "I am the daughter of a steel worker, I was a homemaker, an attorney for 21 years, a Federal Prosecutor and U.S. Attorney". "I agree with many of the things that Melissa has stated", "I do not support an activist Judiciary". "I believe I am the best candidate for this job." Five standard question by Mick Morrow and 5 individual questions from the crowd.
d. John Vinsick (R) introduced by Mick Morrow--John states: "Government is too big, we must reign it in". "I support the Enumerated Powers Act, I support our military". "Stop monetizing the debt, the Federal Reserve has got to go". "I would cut the income tax to 0 for six months and stop the progressive tax and implement a 10% flat tax as well as a 1% national sales tax" with a 12 month limit on temporary increases". "One of my long term goals would be to end the IRS, eliminate Capital Gains Tax and the Inheritance Tax". Five standard question by Mick Morrow and 5 individual questions from the crowd.
e. Keith Rothfus (R) introduced by Mick Morrow---Keith states: "I support decreased taxes, limited spending and limited government". "I am running to fight for PA and limited government". "Stop the government assault on the job creators". "I will support and uphold the Constitution". "I agree with Constitutional Article 1, Section 8 which provides authority for a sovereign America--do not look to any foreign laws--I would support a ban on using foreign law as a template for American law". "I will support energy independence and term limits".
Five standard question by Mick Morrow and 5 individual questions from the crowd.
4. Meeting Closure by Mick Morrow. Next meeting here at the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott Hotel on Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 from 7-9pm.