European Economic and Social Committee /
PRESS RELEASE No. 120/2005 / 3 November 2005

Welfare Quality Conference

Science and society improving animal welfare

1st Stakeholder conference

Thursday, 17 November 2005, 9.45 a.m.

Press meeting at 13 p.m.

EESC, Room 62, rue Belliard 99, 1040 Brussels, Belgium

The 1st Welfare Quality Conference, reflecting the social and economic importance of animal welfare in the food quality chain in Europe, is organised in collaboration with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on 17 November 2005. Journalists can meet with panel participants over lunch on 17 November at 13h.

This conference will look at the results of the first year of the research project “Integration of Animal Welfare in the Food Quality Chain (WELFARE QUALITY)” which is funded by the EU’s Sixth Research Framework Programme (FP6). The thematic priority “Food quality and safety” of the FP6 particularly recognises the growing concerns of Europe’s citizens about the impact of animal welfare on the farm on the quality of food.

The conference is especially relevant for European and national politicians, retailer, producer and consumer organisations, NGOs and policymakers. Ms. Jaana Husu Kallio, Deputy Director General, DG Health and Consumer Protection, European Commission and Mr. Staffan Nilson, President of Group III of the EESC will attend the event.It will also provide an excellent opportunity for stakeholders to meet project members and to gain insights into cutting edge animal welfare research.

The most important first-year-results of Welfare Quality will be presented by senior research members of the project:

  • European consumers' views about farm animal welfare: results from consumer focus groups carried out across 7 European countries;
  • Animal friendliness and food consumption practices, results from population surveys in 7 countries;
  • The retail of welfare-friendly products: A comparative assessment of the nature of the market for welfare friendly products in six European countries;
  • Farmers' engagement in animal welfare, the case of pig producers;
  • Developing a monitoring system to assess welfare quality in cattle, pigs and chickens;
  • Developing practical species-specific measures to improve farm animal welfare;
  • A review of the tools that are being developed to facilitate the implementation of improvedanimal welfare standards.

Welfare Quality is a consortium of 39 leading European research teams, committed to work with each other and to establish a European Research Area in the field of animal welfare in the food quality chain. The project aims to accommodate societal concerns and market demands, to develop reliable on-farm monitoring systems, product information systems for consumers, and practical species-specific strategies to improve animal welfare.

For a full conference programmesee the web site:

More information on the project “Welfare Quality” and its partners can be found at

For more information concerning the conference please contact:

Jacqueline Vredenbregt
Communication officer Welfare Quality research project

Tel: + 31.6.512 912 96, Fax: +31.318 42 00 84


For more details, please contact:

Karel Govaert ou Christian Weger at the EESC Press Office.

Rue Belliard 99, B-1040; Bruxelles

Tel.: 02 546 9396/9586; Mobile: 0475 753 202

e-mail :


The European Economic and Social Committee represents the various economic and social components of organised civil society. It is an institutional consultative body established by the 1957 Treaty of Rome. Its consultative role enables its members, and hence the organisations they represent, to participate in the Community decision-making process. The Committee has 317 members. Its members are appointed by the Council.