Chairman Kleincalled the meeting to order at 7:00 PMfollowed the Pledge of Allegiance and the invocation.


Harold Harman, SupervisorAdam Klein, Chairman

Kyle Miller, Supervisor Donald Steinmeier, Secretary-Treasurer

Gloria Zimmerman,Vice Chairperson


RegularMeeting –August 7, 2017- Mrs. Zimmerman moved, seconded by Mr. Harman to approve the regular meeting minutes of August 7, 2017. Motion passedunanimously.

Workshop Meeting –August 14, 2017- Mrs. Zimmerman moved, seconded by Mr. Harman to approve the workshop meeting minutes of August 14, 2017. Motion passed unanimously.


FROM: Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board RE: Transfer Application- Mr. Rosario explained that American Pie has filed paperwork to transfer their liquor license to Turkey Hill.




TREASURER’S REPORT: Mr.Steinmeier reported the following fund balances:

A. Fund Balances (Fund balances are presented for reference only.)

General Fund Balance as of August 18, 2017 $3,303,460.75

Liquid Fuels Balance as of August 18, 2017 $732,624.06

Capital Reserve Fund Balance as of August 18, 2017 $647,423.20

B. Deposit Activity since August 8, 2017 $35,257.55

Mr. Steinmeier reported the gross payroll of August 18, 2017 totaled $40,293.33.Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mrs. Zimmerman to approve the payroll of August 18, 2017 in the amount of $40,293.33. Motion passed 4-0, with Mr. Harman abstaining.

Mr. Steinmeier reported the vouchers prepaid to meet due dates were $253.24.Mrs. Zimmerman moved, seconded by Mr. Harman to approve the vouchers prepaid to meet due dates in the amount of $253.24. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Steinmeier reported the total for the vouchers to be approved is $117,901.51.Mr. Harman moved, seconded by Mr.Miller to approve the vouchers in the amount of $117,901.51. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Steinmeier reported the total for the vouchers to be approved and paid from Fire Tax is $4,334.93. Mr. Harman moved, seconded by Mrs. Zimmerman to approve the vouchers to be paid from Fire Tax in the amount of $4,334.93. Motion passed unanimously.



Discussion- Townes at Hershey Road, Stormwater and Road Issues- Solicitor Yost will be sending a letter to Developer’s Surety and Indemnity Company. Mr. Chiles, representative for the HOA, asked about the dedication of Tiverton Lane to the township. Solicitor Yost stated there has been no response from the attorney. If necessary, the township can accept the road based upon the Second Class Township Code which allows the road to be dedicated because it was stated on the recorded plan.


Motion – Consent Items: Section 607. (4): Improvement Guarantee Reduction #3, Reserve at Manada Hill, Phase 1; Improvement Guarantee Reduction #3, Ted’s Bar & Grill

Mr. Steinmeier moved, seconded by Mr. Harman to approve Improvement Guarantee Reduction #3 for the Reserve at Manada Hill, Phase 1 by $20,635.00 from the current amount of $98,526.25leaving a balance of $77,891.25. Motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Zimmerman moved, seconded by Mr. Miller to approve Improvement Guarantee Reduction #3 for Ted’s Bar & Grill by $13,181.01 from the current amount of $13,181.01 leaving a balance of $0.00, contingent upon posting a maintenance guarantee in the amount of $14,243.27. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion – 2017-2018 Medical Insurance- Mr. Rosario reviewed the current health insurance plan and the five other plans offered by Blue Cross. There was general discussion regarding the deductibles, co-pays, and employee cost of the proposed plans. Mr. Rosario stated he discussed the proposed plans and Mr. Alfonso recommends the Blue Cross Silver PPO 3000/0/45 Rx 0. Chairman Klein asked why Mr. Alfonso was not at the meeting to explain the various plans to the board and share his recommendations. Chairman Klein asked that a meeting be set up for Mr. Alfonso to review the plans with the staff and the board.

Mrs. Zimmerman moved, seconded by Chairman Klein to table the 2017-2018 Medical Insurance Plan. Motion passed 4-0, with Mr. Harman abstaining.

Motion-VoIP Phone System- Mr. Rosario reviewed the current provider cost and number of phone lines at the township building, parks & recreation building, and public works shop. He reviewed the

bids from four companies. Mr. Rosario stated that a fax line will remain at each location and service will be continue to be provided by Earthlink. The fax line is a land line and would allow calls to be dialed out in case of an emergency. Mr. Harman commented that public works doesn’t need additional phone lines at the shop. There was general discussion regarding how VoIP works, equipment that will need to be installed, and the number of phone lines needed at each location. Chairman Klein suggested that revised quotes be obtained based on the information discussed this evening.

Mrs. Zimmerman moved, seconded by Chairman Klein to table the VoIP Phone System. Motion passed unanimously.

Mark Chiles, 228 Brookridge Court- Mr. Chiles commented that VoIP works great until there is a power outage; there is no phone service when there is a power outage. He suggested that Mr. Rosario reach out to local municipalities to find what type of phone service is being used in other townships.

Harry Warren from Higher Information Group (HIG) addressed the board regarding their proposal. He explained that the product offered by HIG is a hosted solution. There is a phone line for each phone and you can transfer call from one location to another location in the case of a power outage. There is the capability of redirecting a call from a phone line to a cell phone because the phone lines reside in the cloud. He said that the phone system would not be out of service when there is a power outage. Chairman Klein asked why HIG has a startup fee of $736.91 and no other firms had that fee. Mr. Warren stated that one firm had a $3,000.00 data equipment fee that HIG does not require. He said he would work to waive the startup fee. Chairman Klein thanked him for the information.

Motion-Waste Management Contract Renewal- Mr. Rosario stated the contract with Waste Management expires on July 1, 2018. There was discussion regarding the services provided by Waste Management. Mrs. Zimmerman commented that they no longer participate in the “Recycle America Program” which allowed the township to earn money for the amount of recyclables collected. She also stated that last year during the summer several residents didn’t have trash pickup for two weeks. Residents were give different reasons as to why the trash was not picked up. It was the consensus of the board to have the waste removal contract put out to bid.


Mrs. Zimmerman asked if there is any update on the joint bridge project with Lower Paxton Township. Mr. Rosario stated he has not received any information on the project; he will follow up on the status and report back to the board.

Mrs. Zimmerman asked if a date has been set for the demolition of the home located at 252 Piketown Road. Mr. Rosario stated the contractor stopped in to apply for a demolition permit, but he has not heard of a specific date. Mr. Rosario will follow up with Marty Sowers and provide an update to the board.



Mrs. Zimmerman acknowledged Sue Boyne for organizing and directing the Patriot Camp that was held the week of August 7th. Mrs. Zimmerman commented it was a marvelous, well organized program that had the children excited to learn and participate.

Mr. Harman commented the community festival was very nice.

Mr. Steinmeier had the following comments:

  • The Water & Sewer Authority will hold a public meeting on August 22ndat 6:30pm to review the Houck Manor project for township residents.
  • President Trump will speak this evening at 9:00pm to address the Afghanistan situation.
  • The Parks & Recreation Department is sponsoring a bus trip on August 23rd to Atlantic City. The trip will feature a performance from the United State Air Force Demonstration Squadron “The Thunderbirds”.
  • Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make the community festival a success.

Mrs. Zimmerman asked if the board received and reviewed the email regarding the updates to the dress code. It was the consensus of the board to approve the updates to the dress code.

Chairman Klein had the following comments:

  • Thanks to the staff and counselors who organized and directed the summer day camp. His son attended a few weeks and had a great time.
  • Thanks to all the staff and volunteers who helped with the community festival.