Criteria for Promotion to Senior Lecturer:
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Approved by the faculty on 4/28/2015
The Department may, at the request of the candidate, forward a lecturer’s dossier to the collegefor appointment to Senior Lecturer. The procedure will follow the general process of review for reappointment used in the Department, which include recommendations by theDepartment Review Committee and the Chair. The general description and baseline criteria for promotion to senior lecturers are contained in the CLAS by-laws and policies. This document specifies the guidelines concerning senior lecturer promotion within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
A candidate will have a minimum of six years of full-time teaching experience (usually at UNCCharlotte) and have demonstrated consistently excellent performance in instruction and other assigned responsibilities, as well as significant achievement and demonstrated leadership in an area of teaching, service and scholarly activities. Typical criteriainclude, but may notbe limited to:
- Consistently excellent performance in teaching: this includes classroom teaching, mentoring, supervision of undergraduate or graduate students, supervision of student workers, or supervision of teaching assistants. Teaching performance is typically determined by a combination of student evaluations, peer evaluations, informal feedback from students, and annual merit reviews. Nomination or selection for a teaching or mentoring award as well as development of innovative techniques or technologies will also be considered as an evidence for high quality teaching.
- Evidence of a leadership role in reviewing, assessing, and/or implementing improvement plans for the delivery of the department undergraduate programming. This can include playing a leadership role as a coordinator of a degree program or providing leadership in the development of course resources and supervision of instruction in multi-sectioned courses.
- A record of extraordinary advising duties and supervision of official student initiatives and activities.
- Significant contributions in terms of service to the Department and University, Examplesof service may include service on committees or task forces inside or outside thedepartment and college, service on search committees inside or outside the departmentand college, as well as participation in departmental or college initiatives, etc.
- Evidence of significant achievement and demonstrated leadership in professional development in teaching and service, which mayinclude organized activities in professional societies, attendance and/or presentation atconferences, summer institutes and workshops on or off campus, moving up to new and/or higher level courses to fill the department’s need, etc.
- Evidence of significant achievement and demonstrated leadership in scholarly activities may include peer-reviewed publications, successin external funding.
A candidate may contribute to the goals of the Department by excelling at several or all of these criteria and the Department Review Committee and Chair should recognize this, especially with respect to the individual lecturer’s assigned responsibilities as directed by the Chair of the Department.