Lafayette High School
Parent Shared Leadership Council
Minutes: Monday, February 4, 2008
Present were: Anita Swinton, Christine Bell, Elaine Whiteaker, Marina Shawcross, Martha Rex, Jane Henley, Bev Coleman.
1. Last month’s minutes were accepted.
2. SSLC:
a. Since the SLC meeting will occur on Tuesday, February 5th, during which there will be an update on SSLC, there were no specific updates to mention.
b. There was a discussion on the shed initiative which is being dealt with by SLC and SSLC. Once SSLC mentions this on Tuesday, there will be an addendum on the PSLC website.
3. SLC:
a. There was an update on the proposed attendance policy. This is still being looked at through C.I.A.C.
b. There was an update on the Ramstar Breakfast for all students who were nominated by their first semester teachers. The breakfast is scheduled for February 14th during 1st period.
c. There was an update on a proposal for an end –of-year student activity. It was mentioned that PTA will be putting together a terrific activity for the end of the year.
4. PSLC:
a. There was an update on the draft letter inviting parents (especially from Jamestown) to attend PSLC. Mrs. Swinton stated that the letter will go out with report cards on the 8th.
b. There was an update on LHS Spirit clothes and merchandise. There was a suggestion that Mrs. Dixon be asked to put together a flyer to prepare to put into the first day’s packet for next year. There was a discussion about the possibility of selling items during games at the new stadium. Mrs. Swinton said that she will need to ask Parks and Rec. if they will allow these items to be sold there .
c. There was an update on the “Beautification” initiative. This project is getting organized. It was stated that Mrs. Kimminau will get with Mrs. Swinton about this.
d. There was an update on the location of the Band Banner. It was decided that an “All Points Bulletin” e-mail would be sent out to the entire faculty asking teachers whether they know where the banner is. If no information is forthcoming, it was suggested that the Band Boosters might consider splitting the cost of a new banner.
e. There was an update on the Swim Team schedule. There was a suggestion that all of the discussion and work done on this subject so far may help avoid the same problems for next year.
f. There was an update on the Time Cohort Study. There will be a survey for students that will occur soon about this subject.
g. There was an update on schedule planning for the future. It was mentioned that students here may be at a disadvantage because of semester instead of yearlong A.P. classes. Mrs. Swinton said that curriculum leaders will be investigating what can be done about this. Mrs. Swinton gave the example of Granby High School in Norfolk. They have a combination of 4X4, A/B, and every day schedule. This seems to help all students. They also seem to have about 4 assistant principals and 4 or 5 guidance counselors.
h. Mrs. Swinton mentioned that Sustained Silent Reading began schoolwide today. Pictures of students reading are on the LHS website. She said this went very well. There were many positive comments.
5. Matters from members:
a. There was a discussion about traffic coming in and out of the school. Last week with the heavy rain, there was no crossing guard. Can we be on call with bad weather for a police officer? Mrs. Swinton stated that the police department won’t let the police do that. She stated that it becomes unsafe for crossing guards to be in the street with heavy rain. There was a suggestion that the school look into helping to change the speed on Longhill Road from 45 mph to 35 mph. Mrs. Swinton stated that this was an issue for the county. It was mentioned that traffic is a long-term issue and has been investigated for years. Some members stated that the situation seems to have worsened recently. There was a mention about the possibility of writing to the Board of Supervisors to see about the speed change.
b. There was a discussion about how much parents appreciate the importance and rigor of the School Registrar. Question: Could parents help Mrs. Easter with her incredibly difficult job? Mrs. Swinton stated that there are privacy and confidentiality issues at stake. This would prohibit the involvement of parents. She said that there may be some interns that might be able to help. Mrs. Swinton said that she would speak with Mrs. Easter to see how others may be of help.
c. Mrs. Swinton stated that her coffee for parents would be in March.
6. Adjournment: 7:45p.m.
Our next meeting will be March 3rd.
Thank you all for all that you do Lafayette High School!