Unit #6 Study Guide

Chapters 14 and 15

The Great Depression and New Deal

Chapter 14

Section 1

Terms: Define or explain the significance of each of the following.

price-supports, Alfred E. Smith, Dow Jones Industrial Average, speculation, buying on margin, Black Tuesday, Hawley-Smoot Tariff


1.  What were signs that the U.S. economy was in trouble by the late 1920s?

2.  How had WWI hurt farmers?

3.  Why did Herbert Hoover win the 1928 presidential election?

4.  Why did the stock market crash in October of 1929?

5.  Aside from the stock market crash, what other factors contributed to the Great Depression?

Section 2

Terms: Define or explain the significance of each of the following.

Shantytowns, okies, hoboes, direct relief, Hoover tourists


1.  What combination of factors caused the Dust Bowl?

2.  In what ways was the depression more difficult for African Americans, Hispanics and women?

3.  Identify some of the health effects of the Great Depression.

4.  What things did most Americans have to sacrifice during the Great Depression?

Section 3

Terms: Define or explain the significance of each of the following.

Boulder Dam, “Hoovervilles,” “Hoover blankets,” rugged individualism, Reconstruction Finance Corporation


1.  What was President Hoover’s philosophy on ending the Great Depression?

2.  What steps did Hoover take to create jobs?

3.  What steps did Hoover take to fix the banking system?

4.  Why did farmers burn their crops when people were starving to death in the U.S.?

5.  What did the Bonus Army want?

6.  How did his handling of the Bonus Army hurt Hoover?

Chapter 15

Section 1

Terms: Define or explain the significance of each of the following.

20th Amendment, The Hundred Days, Fireside Chats, FDIC, 21st Amendment, NRA, FERA, deficit spending


1.  Why did FDR win the 1932 presidential election?

2.  How did FDR fix the banking system?

3.  How did the New Deal fix the stock market?

4.  Identify the primary goal of each of the following New Deal programs: AAA, TVA, CCC, PWA, CWA.

5.  Explain the main arguments of both liberals and conservatives against the New Deal.

6.  Why did the Supreme Court declare the AAA and NIRA unconstitutional?

7.  What was FDR attempting to do with his “court packing bill”?

8.  What common criticism did Father Couglin, Dr. Francis Townsend and Huey Long have of the New Deal?

Section 2

Terms: Define or explain the significance of each of the following.



1.  Explain the significance of the 1936 presidential election.

2.  How were farmers helped by the Second New Deal?

3.  How were workers helped by the Wagner Act and Fair Labor Standards Act?

4.  What were the three major parts of the Social Security Act?

Section 3

Terms: Define or explain the significance of each of the following.

Mary McLeod Bethune, Congress of Industrial Organizations


1.  In what ways did the New Deal help women, African Americans and Mexican Americans?

2.  Why did FDR fail to fully support Civil Rights?

3.  How were Native Americans helped by the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934?

4.  Who made up the New Deal coalition?

Section 4

Terms: Define or explain the significance of each of the following.

Orson Wells, American Gothic, The Federal Art Project, Woody Guthrie, The Grapes of Wrath


1.  Why did so many Americans go to the movies during the Great Depression?

2.  What were some of the popular movie themes of the 1930s?

3.  How did soap operas get their names?

4.  How did the WPA help many writers and artists during the depression?

Section 5

Terms: Define or explain the significance of each of the following.


1.  Identify three programs of the New Deal that are still around today.

2.  Provide two arguments that the New Deal succeeded in alleviating people’s struggles.

3.  Identify two problems of the New Deal.

4.  How did the New Deal work to improve the environment?