Croft Parish CouncilPage 1

Minutes of the Council Meeting
held in the Pavilion on11 August2016 at 7.00 pm
Councillors C Mawby (Chair), C Holmes, C King, M Ratcliffe (later), and A Spence.
In attendance:
Mr S C Blackburn (Clerk), County Cllr E White and3members of the public.
16-084 / Apologies for absence: Cllrs A Davies, R Howardand P Smith.
16-085 / Declarations of Interest and requests for dispensations: None.
16-086 / To sign as an accurate record the minutes of the previous meeting
RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 14 July2016 be signed as a correct record.
16-087 / Public Participation
Parking in Brookes Avenue: Cllr White had spoken to the resident who had raised the issue and explained the lack of resources for creating additional parking. Cllr Mawby explained that the parish council wanted a meeting to discuss the possible use of the verge for parking but it was acknowledged that using the verge would not of itself increase spaces, but merely keep the road clear. The herringbone parking option was considered too dangerous.
Croft Silver Band: a representative reported that the band had been given notice to quit its current storage and practice facility by the end of the year and asked about progress with the village hall. They are currently working in Huncote to encourage younger players. The Clerk reported that the council had planning permission for another container which had been obtained when Croft Players had been asked to leave the school and it was suggested that the Band should approach Croft Players to see if an arrangement could be reached.
War Memorial: Mr Thomas reported that a small cornerhad been broken off and asked for it to be repaired. He also asked if a removable chain could be obtained to close the access gap. It was agreed that these requests would be progressed.
Mr Daniel reported that Croft Cricket Club was to fold at the end of the season due to the loss of players. UT XI wishes to use the ground for a second team and he was likely to continue as their groundsman for about a year, if they paid the £1,500 cost of preparing the square for winter. The Clerk reported that the captain of UT XI had asked about high netting and practice nets and had been asked to put his proposals in writing The agendas included an item on financial support for the club but it was agreed not to proceed with this and not to pursue the outstanding invoice for rent.
Mr Daniel asked if the council would continue with the previously agreed seat for the commemoration of Mark Scrimshire and the cost of upto £400 to be paid from Cricket Club funds. It was agreed that the seat would be placed to the right of the single gate in the hedge.
Cllr Ratcliffe arrived at the meeting.
It was agreed that the UT XI proposals needed to be the subject of a separate meeting and that a representative of UT XI should be asked to attend a future council meeting. The council recorded its great disappointment at the news of the demise of the club.
16-088 / To receive a report from the Clerk
In addition to the printed summary, the Clerk reported that a letter of complaint had been received about a person urinating in public; in accordance with a previous decision, Cllr Spence and the Clerk had attended today and Cllr Spence had cut down most of the bush in order to remove cover. Two other letters of complaint were handed in at the meeting; all three would be advised that this is a police matter and, given that the offender is a known individual, should be reported to them if there was any further occurrence.
A complaint about lack of visibility for cars leaving Marston Road due to an overgrown hedge at the cemetery had been reviewed by the Chairman and afterwards by the Clerk but was unfounded.
The Clerk also reported that an accident suffered at the MUGA earlier in the year, which was believed to have been closed, had been the subject of a further request for information from the council’s insurers.
RESOLVED: that the report be noted.
16-089 / Reports from the County and District Councillors
(a) County Councillor (Cllr White):
Cllr White reported his involvement in the fight to retain the children’s heart unit at Glenfield Hospital. He had been involved with meetings with central government about the unfairness of the current funding formula but these had stalled due to recent central government changes. Cllr Spence asked if there had been an increase in fly tipping following the introduction of charges for disposal of some types of waste. In reply, Cllr White felt that fly tipping had been a problem for some time but little impact had been notice since the charges had come in.
(b) District Councillor (Cllr Freer): No report.
16-090 / Planning Applications and Decisions for Consideration
(a) 2016/CM/0087/LCC – Croft Quarry
Cllr Mawby had drafted comments concerning the additional hours of operation, noise, traffic and potential Saturday working and these are held on file.
RESOLVED: to object using these criteria, to be copied to County Cllr White.
(b) 16/0914/ful – Parking area and temporary office, Dovecote Court, Stanton Lane
RESOLVED: not to object but to ask for a time limit to be imposed on the temporary structure.
(c) 16/0942/lbc – Marston, Barn, Hillfoot Farm, Stanton Lane16/0917extended hours
RESOLVED: to make no comment on the proposal.
16-091 / Proposed Conservation Area – to agree arrangements for further consultation
The Clerk reported that Blaby DC planned to discuss the creation of a conservation area at its September meeting and that, if further consultation was planned, the most likely date would be 25 August to meet the Blaby DC committee deadline of 26 August. It was felt that the need for further meeting was a matter of good will rather than an obligation.
RESOLVED: that no further meeting should be held but that a letter be prepared for house to house delivery to all residents of the proposed conservation area inviting them to submit comments direct Blaby DC.
Adjacent to the proposed conservation area is Riverside Court and discussion took place on the way in which planning conditions relating to the site fencing should be enforced. It wasagreed to defer this to a future meeting.
16-092 / Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Plan: No further report.
16-093 / Allotments
(a) To consider recommendations following a review of the tenancy agreement
The meeting of the working party had not yet taken place and it was agreed to defer this to the September meeting.
(b) To consider proposed action in respect of unworked plots
It was agreed to ask the working party to consider the recommendations.
16-094 / Repairs and Maintenance
(a) Improvements to the area adjacent to the telephone box
(b) Proposed replacement bus shelter
In the absence of Cllr Davies, these items were deferred.
(c) Repair of gate post at the allotment site
The Clerk is still trying to obtain a quote for this work and for a post at the sports ground.
(d) To consider proposed routine works to trees
(e) To consider proposed routine trimming of hedgerows
(f) To consider proposed treatment of invasive plants
RESOLVED: to accept the quotations from Mr Thurlow in his letter dated 14 July. Mr Thurlow is to be asked to produce a plan of the work proposed showing the location of trees etc and to be asked to submit a location plan with any future quotes.
(g) To note receipt of a donated fridge/freezer (subject to PAT testing)
(h) Review of Keyholding arrangements
A list had been circulated with a request for updates.
The Clerk reported that warning signs for the outdoor gym had been received and fitted, that the damaged cutter had been repaired and that a new tennis net had been received. A winding mechanism was needed as the current winder was found to be broken.
16-095 / Village Hall - Progress report
(a) To receive an update on the meeting with the Football Foundation
The minutes of this meeting had been circulated to councillors.
(b) To note revisions to architect’s drawings
No drawings had been received. Disappointment was expressed with the lack of response. It was felt that there was n architect living in the village and a notice would be put up in the post office. The clerk suggested that Pro-help may be able to assist, given that most of the work was merely adapting the Football Foundation template. It was acknowledges that the fee paid may have to be regarded as a write-off.
(c) To consider proposals for the size and siting of the proposed hall
The new plans should provide for a hall which can fit on the tennis court or on the site of the existing pavilion. The latter suggestion was made at the Football Foundation representative. Whilst it would have a less attractive ‘approach’ and be further out of sight, it would give better view of the field and save the expense of re-siting the MUGA and tennis court at a later date.
RESOLVED: to proceed on this basis.
(d) To authorise flood investigation work
Two quotations have been received for this work, both suppliers have been ‘named’ by Blaby DC as ‘regulars’ but come without recommendation:
(i) RAB Consultants, Lichfield£1,150 plus Environment Agency charge £60£1,210
(ii) M-EC, Ibstock£1,850 plus unknown expenses£1,850
The quotation from RAB has in the past been discussed with Mrs Hartley at Blaby DC and is felt to be adequate for the purposes of applying for planning consent.
RESOLVED: The Clerk to enquire if a replacement building on the same site, albeit bigger, still needed this work and, if so, to proceed with the study, using RAB Consultants Ltd
(e) To authorise the cost of applying for planning consent
A revised planning application will be prepared and, prior to submission, will be informally discussed with planning officers. The fee will be based on the square meterage and is estimated at £1,395 (50% of the standard rate). A pre-meeting will be held with Blaby DC to ensure that the application meets their requirements.
RESOLVED: to authorise this payment.
16-096 / Fun Day: Deferred to the next meeting.
16-097 / Sports Clubs and related matters:
(a) Support for Croft Cricket Club - See above.
(b) To note outstanding invoices - UT XI had now paid.
The charges would be compared to other grounds in time for a review for the next season.
16-098 / Resilience Plan
The clerk reported that a review was under way and that a draft would be circulate for comment. Any such plan would require the co-operation of the school in providing a co-ordination point.
16-099 / Finance and Accounts:
(a) To note the financial situation as at 31 July 2016
RESOLVED: that the situation be noted.
(b) To approve accounts for payment
RESOLVED: that the schedule of accounts appended to these minutes be authorised.
(c) Investment of surplus funds
RESOLVED: (a) to invest a further £15,000 in the Public Sector Deposit Fund at 7 days notice. And (b) to invest £10,000 in a further 1 year fixed bond with Co-operative Bank on 1 October, subject to there being no material change in market conditions at the time.
(c) To note receipt of the External Audit and completed Annual Return for 2015/16
The External auditors had signed off the Annual return without comments.
(d) Purchase of equipment for use with planning discussions
A grant of £400 had been agreed by Blaby DC to purchase a projector and screen to facilitate discussion of planning applications at meetings. Our request for an A3 size printer had not been successful, presumably on the grounds that this did not represent progress. The grant would be paid on submission of paid invoices to Blaby DC by January next.
(e) Renewal of electricity contract
The one year contract with-on ends during September and a further year was offered but with an increase of about 11%. A comparison of other providers using a commercial comparison site had offered EDF but at a saving of only £9 compare to the E-on increase.
RESOLVED: to enter a contract with E-on for a further year.
(f) Pensions
The ‘staging date’ for Croft Parish Council was 1 August. As the Clerk does not meet the criteria for automatic enrolment, the Council as employer has to write to the Clerk as employee stating this but inviting voluntary enrolment. The Clerk as employee is then required to write and acknowledge this offer, preferably expressing his preference. The Clerk has already indicated that he is not intending to avail himself of this opportunity due to his age. The required exchange of letters has taken place.
16-100 / Other reports and items for discussion at the next meeting
  • Noted that rogue builders were operating in Croft; a poster would be obtained and put on the notice boards.
  • Cllr Mawby reported that Blaby DC had visited the property in Bala Road which has been the subject of complaints with a view to taking appropriate action.
Next meeting:
  • Future of the Santa Run
  • Support for Croft Scouts
  • Resilience Plan
  • Allotment tenancy agreement and treatment of unworked plots

16-101 / Date of next meeting: Thursday 8th September2016 at 7.00 pm.
The meeting closed at 9.20 pm.

Appendix – Payments Authorised

Date / Chq
No / To / For / Net / VAT / Gross
15-07-16 / ib / C Mawby / Wreath - Bill Law / 29.12 / 5.83 / 34.95
11-08-16 / ib / Nuneaton Signs Ltd / CJFC sign (to be re-charged) / 100.00 / 20.00 / 120.00
11-08-16 / ib / Nuneaton Signs Ltd / Outdoor Gym safety signs / 16.20 / 3.24 / 19.44
11-08-16 / ib / P Smith/ A B Wallace / Allotment Trophies / 79.97 / 16.00 / 95.97
11-08-16 / ib / Grant Thornton UK LLP / External Audit / 300.00 / 60.00 / 360.00
11-08-16 / ib / S C Blackburn / Expenses - July / 197.39 / 13.82 / 211.21
11-08-16 / ib / S C Blackburn / Salary - August / 630.42 / 630.42
11-08-16 / dd / E-On / Electricity Pavilion (M) / 35.75 / 1.79 / 37.54
11-08-16 / ib / D M Liggins & Son / Notice board concrete/Allot gate latch / 59.91 / 11.99 / 71.90



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