Trauma 2: Working with traumatized people Post Test




Highlight the one best answer. There is only one answer for each question.

  1. Child trauma
  2. Is something that people usually get over
  3. Is not important in considering what to do today
  4. Changes people’s view of the world and how they relate to people
  5. Does not affect people’s relationships with caregivers
  1. For a trauma survivor, the brain is forever altered
  2. True
  3. False
  4. There is no way of knowing
  1. Exposure to trauma tends to
  1. Impair the brain’s learning and memory center
  2. Slow the development of the brain’s rational thinking center
  3. Make the fear center overactive
  4. All of the above
  1. In a trauma informed programming setting, behaviors like cutting and or violence are seen as
  1. Ways of dealing with the trauma
  2. Behaviors that need to stop
  3. Symptoms of something deeper
  4. Both a. and c.
  1. Children’s acting out behaviors are viewed as
  1. Symptoms of illness that needs medicating
  2. Adaptations that are personally costly
  3. Evidence of a lack of motivation to change
  4. Something that needs to be punished so they stop
  1. When a person talks about their trauma experiences, the most important thing is to
  2. Do something positive for them
  3. Help them find a therapist
  4. Listen nonjudgmentally
  5. Protect yourself by not listening fully
  1. Which of the following shows that an organization is trauma informed?
  2. Different bathrooms for clients and staff
  3. The water cooler is for “staff only”
  4. Expression of feelings and emotions is seen as dangerous behavior
  5. People can progress at their own pace
  1. Grounding refers to
  2. Getting someone to listen
  3. Strategies for orienting a person in the here and now
  4. De-escalating a crisis
  5. Group therapy
  1. Examples of grounding techniques include
  2. Counting or reciting the alphabet out loud
  3. Mindful breathing
  4. Using a positive coping statement
  5. All of the above

People Incorporated Training: Last updated 5/5/16