FCB 408 Fieldwork Experience

Course Syllabus

Spring 2014

Instructors: Wendy Tappan, Career Development Office and

Eric D. Yordy, Associate Dean

Office Location: The W. A. Franke College of Business (Building #81),

Career Development Office, Room 108


Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Office Number: (928) 523-1291

E-Mail Address: or

Class Meeting Times: No face-to-face meeting time is required for this course

Class Location: Blackboard (Bb) Learn

Expected Student Learning Outcomes

Students receiving credit for internships must have the internship approved by their faculty advisor, the Career Development Office and the Dean. The internship must provide students with practical work experience in business industries, exposure to business functions and responsibilities, and exposure to as many aspects of the company as possible. As a result of this practical work experience, students should return to the classroom better informed, more prepared, and motivated. In addition to the work required as part of the internship, in order to receive credit, students must complete a series of assignments over the course of the internship. Through the internship and the related assignments, students will:

1.  Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively and professionally with supervisors, colleagues, clients, and peers.

2.  Express ideas clearly and persuasively in writing.

3.  Demonstrate an understanding of professionalism.

4.  Demonstrate management and leadership skills.

5.  Apply critical thinking skills in problem identification, and in recognizing the implications of decisions.

Accessing Course Materials via Bb Learn

In order to retrieve all of the required assignments in BbLearn, students should have weekly access to a computer, Internet access, and an NAU e-mail account before the term begins. See system requirements for more information. You are responsible for maintaining your own computer for the duration of the term, but you can get help 24 hours a day through our Student Technology Center at 928-523-9294 or 1-888-520-7215.

Basis for Assigning the Course Grade

Pass-Fail: All NAU fieldwork experience courses are graded on a pass-fail basis.

For students earning 3 units:

Journal Entries (7) 105 (15 points each)

Discussion topics (3) 45 (15 points each)

Industry Presentation (1) 170

Information Interview (1) 50

Job Description (1) 50

Performance evaluation (1) 80

500 points total

Pass = 75% minimum = 375 points AND a 75% minimum on the industry presentation.

For student earning 6 units:

All of the above for 500 points

Additional Interview 50

Reflective Paper 75

Industry Analysis 275

900 points total

Pass = 75% minimum = 675 points AND a 75% minimum on the industry presentation AND a 75% minimum on the Industry Analysis.



If you are unable to complete coursework in a scheduled course within the term in which you are enrolled, you may petition the instructor to receive a grade of “I”.

If the instructor agrees to give you an incomplete, you and the instructor must complete a written agreement, a copy of which is held in your departmental file, indicating the exact work you need to do to finish the course.

This written agreement must indicate the date by which you will complete the work – the date cannot be longer than one calendar year from the end of the term in which you were enrolled in the course. For undergraduates, after one calendar year, any grade of I will automatically be converted to a grade of F.

NAU Withdrawal Policy

You may drop a course through the eighth week of the term. If you drop a course through the fourth week, we delete the course from your permanent record; between the fourth and eighth weeks, we record a grade of W (withdrawal).

Be aware that if you are receiving financial aid or have a graduate assistantship, dropping a course may jeopardize your eligibility for continued funding. See the section titled Continuing Eligibility for Financial Aid in the Financial Information portion of this catalog.

If you have not participated in a course but also have not officially dropped that course and your name appears on the final grade report, you will receive a failing grade for that course. Your instructor cannot record a W on the final grade report. (If you wish to withdraw from all courses, see Withdrawing from NAU.)


Since there is no face-to-face meeting time, regular attendance is not required. However all students are expected to login to Learn at least once a week at a minimum to check email communications and assignment due dates.

Disability Resources

Accommodations include, but are not limited to, priority course enrollment, interpreting, taped books, test-taking accommodations, tutoring, volunteer note-taking, and bus service.

If you have a learning disability that may affect your ability to learn, please contact us to determine whether you are eligible for either academic adjustments or course substitutions. (Academic adjustments may include extra time on tests, use of a calculator, and tutoring.) We can tell you what documentation to provide so we can determine your eligibility.

For more information, contact Disability Resources, NAU, PO Box 5633, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5633 (928-523-8773, TTY 928-523-6906, fax 928-523-8747), or email , or visit our web site at www.nau.edu/dr. Our office is open from 8AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday.

Academic Dishonesty

NAU regards acts of academic dishonesty—including, but not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, forging an instructor’s signature, stealing tests, copying themes or tests from other students, or using “crib notes”—as very serious offenses. Committing academic dishonesty is a violation of the University’s Student Code of Conduct and may result in a failing grade on an assignment or in the class. Students are to work independently and without consultation with other students. For specific questions about what constitutes plagiarism or cheating, please e-mail one of the instructors.

If you are charged with academic dishonesty, you are subject to the Arizona Board of Regents’ Student Code of Conduct and procedures established by NAU, specifically the Academic Dishonesty policy, that are outlined in the on-line Student Handbook.

Schedule of Assignments

All interns must work a minimum of 135 clock hours per each 3 units of academic credit by the end of the semester in which they are enrolled.

The following table is a list of assignments to be completed depending on the number of academic units in which you are enrolled:

For three credits:

·  Journal Entries

·  Discussion Topics

·  Industry Presentation

·  Informational Interview

·  Job Description

·  Performance Evaluation

For six credits:

·  All above assignments

·  One additional Informational Interview

·  Reflective Paper

·  Industry Analysis Report

Northern Arizona University

Policy Statements

Please review the university policy statements online at http://www4.nau.edu/avpaa/UCCPolicy/plcystmt.html

Classroom Management Statement

Membership in the academic community places a special obligation on all members to preserve an atmosphere conducive to a safe and positive learning environment. Part of that obligation implies the responsibility of each member of the NAU community to maintain an environment in which the behavior of any individual is not disruptive.

It is the responsibility of each student to behave in a manner which does not interrupt or disrupt the delivery of education by faculty members or receipt of education by students, within or outside the classroom. The determination of whether such interruption or disruption has occurred has to be made by the faculty member at the time the behavior occurs. It becomes the responsibility of the individual faculty member to maintain and enforce the standards of behavior acceptable to preserving an atmosphere for teaching and learning in accordance with University regulations and the course syllabus.

At a minimum, students will be warned if their behavior is evaluated by the faculty member as disruptive. Serious disruptions, as determined by the faculty member, may result in immediate removal of the student from the instructional environment. Significant and/or continued violations may result in an administrative withdrawal from the class. Additional responses by the faculty member to disruptive behavior may include a range of actions from discussing the disruptive behavior with the student to referral to the appropriate academic unit and/or the Office of Student Life for administrative review, with a view to implement corrective action up to and including suspension or expulsion.

Week Number Date Assignment

Week 1 Monday, January 13 First day of instruction

Week 2 Monday, January 20 MLK Day-University closed

Tuesday, January 21 Discussion topic 1 open

Week 3 Wednesday, January 29 Journal entry 1 due

Week 4 Monday, February 3 Journal entry 2 due

Wednesday, February 5 Discussion topic 1 closed

Week 5 Monday, February 10 Industry Presentation due

Week 6 Monday, February 17 Journal entry 3 due

Week 7 Wednesday, February 26 Discussion topic 2 open

Week 8 Monday, March 3 Journal entry 4 due

Wednesday, March 5 Discussion topic 2 closed

Week 9 Monday, March 10 Informational Interview due

Week 10 Monday, March 17- Spring Break

Friday, March 21

Week 11 Monday, March 24 Journal entry 5 due

Week 12 Wednesday, April 2 Discussion topic 3 open

Week 13 Wednesday, April 9 Journal entry 6 due

Discussion topic 3 closed

Friday, April 11 Second Informational Interview due (six credits only)

Week 14 Monday, April 14 Job Description due

Tuesday, April 15 Reflective Paper due (six credits only)

Week 15 Monday, April 21 Journal entry 7 due

Wednesday, April 23 Industry Analysis Report due (six credits only)

Thursday, April 24 Performance Evaluation due

Week 16 Monday, April 28 - Reading Week

Friday, May 2

Week 17 Monday, May 5 - Finals week

Friday, May 8